I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1094: President Jiang issued a red envelope~

The next morning, when I opened my eyes, it was already the early morning of the new year.

Jiang Siming scratched his fluffy hair that resembled a chicken coop, walked downstairs, and found a lot of red paper-cut window grilles hung in his home.

This look is made by the ingenious Xinyi.

"Wife, why do you wake up so early? I remember I tossed you late last night."

Jiang Siming stepped on plush slippers, wearing big pants and a nightgown and stepped down.

The girlfriends blushed and cast their eyes at Jiang Siming.

"Of course there must be a new atmosphere in the New Year, which looks like you, lazy pig."

Jiang Siming squeezed his eyes vigorously, squeezed out the feces in his eye sockets, and smiled: "Yes, I am a lazy pig. You are all cabbages, and they are all arched by me."

The girls joked back. You say something to me, and the family has become a bickering meeting.

"Mr. Pig from the cabbage, please wash up quickly, okay? We are about to make dumplings. Can you eat them?" Zhao Xuan asked with a smile.

"Eat, of course."

When Jiang Siming heard that there were dumplings to eat, he gave up the fight on the spot, ran to wash his face and brush his teeth, and took a shower by the way.

Coming out comfortably, the dumplings were on the table.

Jiang Siming took a bite after sitting down, and when he ate the third one, Jiang Siming's expression was immediately brilliant.


Then Jiang Siming ran to the trash can in the kitchen and spit out the dumplings.

"Ah! What kind of dumpling is this? It smells so bad!"

Jiang Siming felt like eating in his mouth...the same, smelly.

The girls laughed from ear to ear.

"Are you trying to poison your husband?" Jiang Siming said with air.

Chi Zheng sipped his mouth and said in a bad mood: "What poisons my husband? This is pickled cabbage dumplings. Don't talk nonsense if you haven't eaten them."

"Huh? Sauerkraut dumplings? When did our family have sauerkraut dumplings?" Jiang Siming looked unbelievable.

Chi Zheng covered her mouth and smiled: "Sister Tang Ru taught me. She is from the north. She said they have sauerkraut dumplings. I asked her to teach me to cook a little at home."

Yingzi nodded, pointing to a dozen dumplings on a single plate and said: "Yes, we just made a dozen dumplings, or put them alone, don't ask if you want to pick them up."

Jiang Siming's expression is bitter, mmp, how could there be such ugly dumplings.

He's so stinking, no, I have to brush my teeth again.

When Jiang Siming came out again, he pushed the plate of sauerkraut dumplings far away, resolutely not touching.

The main reason is that I have never eaten it before, and it is tasted. It is like the first time people who eat canned herring, stinky eggs and snail powder will react this way.

The taste is different, and everyone is different. It can only be said that Lao Jiang is not suitable for eating sauerkraut dumplings.

The girls laughed so happily.

"Sauerkraut dumplings are delicious, why are you so annoying." Zhao Xuan said.

Jiang Siming looked surprised and said, "Do you all think so?"

Fortunately, not exactly.

"I think Chi Zheng and Shengxue are okay."


Jiang Siming was immediately ‘besieged’ by three women, and his nose and face were swollen.

After an unforgettable breakfast, the women in the family sat on the sofa in the living room.

Today, New Year's Day, the national holiday, Zhao Xuan and Chi Zheng do not have to go to work.

Everyone is watching the New Year's Eve replay last night.

Some are playing mobile phones.

"My dear, it's the New Year. Should I send a red envelope or something at the company?" Chi Zheng asked Jiang Siming with his cell phone.

Jiang Siming didn't object, and said, "Okay, you can send me a message instead."

Chi Zheng smiled and said: "I only sent it from the vice president. Mr. Tang has already sent no less than 20,000 red envelopes just now. Our LILI group is very lively. If I bring you in, you show it~"

Jiang Siming was playing a mobile game Eating Chicken, and he had to quit the game when he heard it, and said, "What my wife said is, pull people."

Chi Zheng smiled and immediately pulled Jiang Siming into the WeChat group of LILI.

"Everyone's flattery, hurry up and shoot, the chairman is here~ I made him happy and gave everyone a red envelope." [Vice President Chi]

As soon as Chi Zheng finished speaking, the employees in the group sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and all of them flattered Jiang Siming.

It seemed to Jiang Siming that it was almost floating.

"Respect, Mr. Di, Chairman Di, if you don't come, I may have to smash my salary (injustice)." 【Mr Tang

"Mr Tang is nonsense, the daily limit of WeChat can only be 20,000~" [Vice President Chi]

"@池副总, Chi Zheng, you little traitor, let's see how my old lady spanks you when I come back from vacation!" [Mr Tang]

Chi Zheng blushed, glanced at Jiang Siming, and complained: "Look, I was threatened by Tang Ru when I was speaking for you. You have to support me~"

Jiang Siming smiled and said nothing, isn't it just a routine to give out red envelopes.

Jiang Siming clicked on WeChat red envelopes, and 200 red envelopes were sent out one by one.

A total of one hundred, the employees in the group grabbed one warm!

I can hardly see the voice of everyone chatting behind, all are grabbing red envelopes.

Some employees had a lucky day and grabbed thousands of dollars.

But after 20,000 yuan, it can't be sent because the quota is now.

Jiang Siming felt that this amount was too small.

"Wait, I'll call Penguin to see if I can open more quota."

After Jiang Siming had finished speaking, he called Penguin Horse. First a wave of Happy New Year, and then asked about it.

Penguin told Jiang Siming that it could be done, as long as Jiang Siming's WeChat account was mentioned as a privilege.

Moreover, the Penguin horse gave Jiang Siming a lot of face, so he let the technical department start after speaking, and it was done quickly.

"Thanks to Mr. Ma."

"You are polite, President Jiang, I have time to eat together."

"Some problem, I'm hanging up."

After Jiang Siming hung up the phone, he said, "Okay, let's continue."

After that, Jiang Siming issued another 80 red envelopes of 1,000 yuan this time, with 100 people set to grab each red envelope.

Although there are more than 300 people in the LILI group, it's just hand speed and luck to grab red envelopes. It's boring to set 300.

"Master, someone in this group opened up and grabbed red envelopes~" Xiaoxian secretly prompted.

When Jiang Siming heard this, it was worth it.

"There are people in our group who opened up and grabbed red envelopes." Jiang Siming said to Chi Zheng.

"Who? I hate him, he must be punished!" Chi Zheng was not pleased either.

After all, people grab red envelopes by hand speed. If you open it, isn't that disgusting.

Jiang Siming immediately asked Chi Zheng to rectify the few people who opened the hook, and five of them opened the hook.

Jiang Siming @ them all out.

"Five of you, hurry up and shut down yours. As a punishment, each will send another five thousand yuan, otherwise you will not use it for work after New Year's Day."

The chairman said that the five employees were frightened immediately. They thought they were just trying to make some extra money by robbing red envelopes, but they didn't expect to be caught on the spot.

The five people not only had to spit out the red envelopes they had robbed, but they were also fined five thousand dollars.

No one opened up after that.

Jiang Siming sent out one hundred thousand red envelopes and temporarily left the WeChat group.

Immediately afterwards, Yingzi and Zhao Xuan both took Jiang Siming to their company's WeChat group.

Jiang Siming sent more than 200,000 red envelopes to each WeChat group, which made the employees happy and stayed in the group all day, for fear that Jiang Siming would give them another one.

If you miss it, you really miss a billion~

[Author's digression]: Fourth update~ Come on with sake, book friends are looking forward to~

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