I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1095: Bring the fleet

After that, the company's group Li Jiang Siming all issued red envelopes.

Construction company group, pharmaceutical company group, hospital company group, live broadcast platform group, mining company group, Bixin company group, novel company group, Fuding hotel company group, etc.

After a meal, more than three million red envelopes were issued.

No way, there are too many industries and too many employees.

Regardless of the fact that Jiang Siming has a small number of people in each company, they add up to tens of thousands.

After giving out the red envelopes, Jiang Siming's hands were sore. When the red envelopes were sent to a monk at the Yuan Ying stage, his hands were sore.

"Husband~ We want red envelopes~ Let's build a group too~"

Just about to stop, the girlfriends started.

Jiang Siming couldn't laugh or cry, and said, "Then you can build a group."


All the girls laughed, and immediately established a WeChat group named [Your Majesty's Concubine Group].

The name Jiang Siming is also drunk...

Not only brought in the women in the family, but also Song Zhixiao and Irene.

Irene was still planning to sleep in the Harvard dormitory at this time, and she was a little embarrassed to see the sisters pulling her into the group, she became interested when she knew it.

Give your wife a red envelope, it must be generous.

Everyone in Jiang Siming can get one hundred thousand red envelopes.

After sending more than fifty in a row, Jiang Siming was stopped after his wives started to feel sorry for Jiang Siming's money.

"Really, let you send red envelopes for fun, why are you sending so many so big?"

Zhirou buried Tai Road.

Jiang Siming squeezed her pretty face and said, "Four are not and four are stupid. No matter how much I send, I will always give it to you. My money is not yours. I don’t lose any money.”

Hearing this, all the girls smiled, happier than snatching millions of red envelopes.

The red envelope energy is finally enough.

Jiang Siming's mobile phone received a lot of blessing messages, all of which were sent by friends in business and professional fields.

There are also Lu Yao and Xia Ran who are studying in Fudan.

Both girls went home for the holidays and sent blessings to Jiang Siming at home.

Jiang Siming responded one by one, wishing them a happy new year.

On the first day of the new year, in the afternoon Jiang Siming went to the study to open the computer live broadcast.

The platform LOGOs of Mouyu and Mouya have become festive red.

"Ladies of iron, happy new year, you are all at home on holiday, so you should watch my live broadcast."

Jiang Siming teased, and fans spoke enthusiastically.

"It's okay to watch your live broadcast, can you sing "The Wind Is Up" again?"

"Yes, we all want to hear it again~"

"Last night, I watched the replay and played it back more than thirty times."

"Hey, there is no recording version yet, Lan Shou~"

"Myojin please, make the recorded version as soon as possible!"

Jiang Siming nodded and replied, "Don't worry, it's done this morning, and it will probably be released on major platforms in the evening."

After saying this, the fans are relieved that they don’t have to keep playing the replays anymore, alas!

While chatting with everyone, Jiang Siming also opened the Twitch live broadcast and said a few words of Happy New Year to foreign fans in English.

The New Year is also celebrated everywhere abroad, and they have not yet finished Christmas.

Christmas in the West is the same as our Spring Festival, with a half-month holiday.

While Jiang Siming wished them a Merry Christmas, many foreign fans were very happy and said they were looking forward to the Chinese New Year.

In fact, Chinese New Year is also very popular in many countries, just like Christmas is also popular in China.

This is a good phenomenon, which shows that China is becoming more and more important and stronger in the world.

Otherwise, how could others care about your country’s holidays.

Just as the emperor never remembers the birthdays of his subordinates, conversely, his subordinates must always remember the birthday of the emperor.

"Well, in the new year, let's start a new Jedi journey!"

After Jiang Siming exchanged good wishes with everyone, the game time began.

Before playing the game, take a lucky pill first~ Gu~ Ok~ Let's start!

I wanted to continue the same four-row single.

But some friends gave different suggestions.

"Myojin, do you give our fans some benefits in the New Year? How about bringing the team?"

"Yes, my ultimate wish is to be able to play games with Myojin."

"I hope the remake will lead the way."

"New Year's resolution: I can play a game with Myojin!"

"You are all dreaming, even if Myojin is willing, you think you can be drawn?"

"There are tens of thousands of people in this live broadcast room who want to get on the bus. What is the difference between the difficulty of buying the first prize in the lottery?"


Seeing so many barrage from fans, Jiang Siming was embarrassed.

It seems that there are really no benefits for them during the New Year.

Since everyone wants to get in the car, let's get one.

"Well, if you want to get in the car, you can send your ID directly on the screen. I take a screenshot and pick someone. If I don't get it, I will continue."

Jiang Siming was rarely willing to bring water friends. For a time, the barrage was full of weird barrage, all sending out his ID.

In order to facilitate the ID input, Jiang Siming chose the national server server, so everyone's ID is basically Chinese.

Jiang Siming didn't look at the barrage fairly justly, but closed his eyes casually, shouted one, two, three, and cut the picture.

"[Happiness basically relies on hands] Seek it!"

"[Little fan who loves women's clothing], I am willing to sacrifice my friend's two dogs to win a prize once in his 10-year life span!"

"[Yoyou, I don't have an asshole] I would like to present my friend Linyuan Chrysanthemum just for winning!"

There were exactly three, Jiang Siming couldn't help but smile when he looked at these three wonderful IDs.

But it’s okay, it’s no big deal.

After Jiang Siming entered the three-person ID, the three players soon joined his team, and the four-person team gathered together.

"Damn! I didn't expect it to be really hit! It seems that I am pistoling too much. God has mercy on it, haha!"

"Woo, my brother Ergou, you have paid too much, don't worry, even if your life span is less than ten years, you can go with peace of mind, and I will raise your wife!"

"Wow haha, I just used my buddy Linyuan's chrysanthemum to exchange for this car, it's worth it!"

Jiang Siming heard a black line, what is this and what, are his fans, are these people...

After the three of them were over excited, they hurriedly greeted Jiang Siming, even saying that Myojin, I love you, burst out.

Jiang Siming was speechless, and said: "Just forget the three of you male fans, I just need the love of female fans, cough cough."

The three of them laughed, not taking it seriously.

Jiang Siming asked them to prepare and started the new year's four-man team.

Easily took the three of them to eat a handful of chickens, and the three sensibly said goodbye to Jiang Siming and left the team.

Jiang Siming continued to take screenshots, came down one night, played a dozen of them, and brought dozens of water friends to the car.

It's a pity that nothing came out this evening, only two omnipotent pieces were collected.

"Okay, the last group, I'm going to bed after playing, everyone."

Jiang Siming cut the picture one last time.

Three more friends won the prize.

[Author's digression]: Fifth more! ! Sake has done what it says~ hehe.

By the way, there is a lottery for sake in the book group, the book group number is: 959669661

The little cuties come to the book friends group to participate in the New Year's Day raffle. The prize pool is rich in materials and sake. Five prizes are specially selected. The main reason is that you don’t know what you like, so everyone can choose two from the prize pool. The winners will chat privately. The group owner or management, and then the prizes are packaged and delivered to your home. And don’t forget to vote for the silver ticket, thank you.

The deadline for the event is December 28, 2019!

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