I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1096: Like things together

"[I'm excited when I see the sow], as long as I win the lottery, I promise that I won't go to major health care this month!"

"[Lonely の back view], the emperor gives me strength! Middle, middle, middle!

"[Qingshan], I was born with European imperial temperament, so I believe it or not!"

Jiang Siming still entered the three IDs, took these three water friends, and started the final ranking tonight.

Jiang Siming, who didn't give up, took another lucky pill.

The aging of the lucky pill just now has passed.

I hope this last one can give myself some good luck and explode some good pieces.

Four people enter the game, Allengar map.

Jiang Siming's eyes brightened as soon as he entered. On the island of birth, four golden shadows stood shiningly on the wreckage of the plane not far away from him.

【Traffic Actress·Li Lulu】

[Traffic actor Huang Tao]

【Traffic Actor·Wu Fan】

[Three-line host · Du Tao]

Seeing their titles, Jiang Siming almost didn't say anything, it's really a gathering of things.

Well, since I met, I am embarrassed. These four golden shadows, he will kill them first.

Once the waiting time passed, the plane took off.

"Myojin, where are we going?" Suiyou asked.

Jiang Siming said: "Don't worry, take a look first."

The flight route passes through S city and the destination airport.

The four golden shadows jumped as soon as they arrived in S City, and flew to the top of the light.

Jiang Siming was not in a hurry. He chose City Y, and the three friends immediately followed.

After the four fell in Y City, they found that no one fell with them.

"No one is too nice, we can search for things with peace of mind."

Jiang Siming couldn't help being amused by the Guangxi accent of the water friend called "I see the sow heartbeat". He came back from Guangxi a while ago.

The other two also started to develop in Y City with An Xin.

Jiang Siming only searched for a Mini14 and a UZI submachine gun. He wore a first-class helmet without even Armor, and walked quickly to a small motorcycle in City Y.

"Are you not searching for Myojin?" Shuiyou thought Jiang Siming was going to transfer.

Jiang Siming said, "No, I'll go to Guangmingding to search for it, so don't move here."

"Oh, good."

"Emm... how weird Myojin said."

"I also feel that we seem to be taken advantage of..."

Jiang Siming ignored their brainstorming and rushed to the top of Guangming after riding a motorcycle.

On the top of Guangming, the four Golden Shadows were searching very happily.

"Oh, I picked up a Grade III A, hehe." It was Li Lulu who was talking, the actress who loves to make hair with her husband and children behind her back.

The deeds of the actress even gave birth to many green emojis.

[Don’t do your hair tonight, okay, I’ll broadcast live to earn money for you to buy an oiler]

[I called you at 2 o'clock last night, you panted and said you were doing your hair]

[Your wife went to do her hair]

Wait, this actress can be said to have contributed a lot.

Although the incident had a great impact on her popularity and word of mouth after the incident was exposed, she couldn't hold back her wealth, so she stayed at home temporarily.

Waiting for the two-year turmoil to pass before letting the public relations clean up, and then come out to make money, this is the usual trick of many embarrassing stars.

It can be seen that this Li Lulu is in a good mood. After all, there are two handsome guys and a host playing games with her.

"Wow, Sister Lulu, your luck is too good, this is what we said, whoever takes the head first can get your private room *** photos, or you can give me these three. Right." Wu Fan shouted.

"Don't Sister Lulu, don't give it to him, give it to me. If you give it to me, I will go back to my country next week and ask you to go to my private mansion to eat seafood. I bought a lot of abalone. You know I love abalone the most." Huang Tao quickly fights.

"Sister Lulu means, whoever you send her private photos, whose photos become more powerful, she will give it to whoever, and invite him to dinner."

Du Tao, the ‘caring’ pimp who looked at his face, immediately caught what Li Lulu wanted to say.

With Li Lulu's appreciation, it is no wonder that she will take him to play games.

"Okay, no problem, I'll post it!"

Soon, Wu Fan started to move, and Li Lulu there really received WeChat.

"Wow~ Xiaofan, you have a good figure! Sister likes boys with this figure, giggle~"

Li Lulu, who saw the photo on WeChat, gave a satisfied smile.

"I sent it to my girlfriend Xiaosu, she must like it too, and she will definitely invite you to'eat' next day."

"That's great, Sister Su, I have been looking up for a long time, hehe." Wu Fan was immediately proud.

Huang Tao felt bad and became jealous.

"Sister Lulu, look at what I sent you, it's absolutely amazing." Huang Tao was not to be outdone.

Li Lulu's tone obviously became rippling after reading it.

"Xiao Tao really didn't expect that you are such a person, and it is too dirty to send this kind of photos to your sister. Your sister, I am a serious person, you little devil."

Li Lulu's tone couldn't be blamed, she even burst into laughter at the end.

"Be reasonable, sister, I have a good figure, right? In the male celebrity group, who can match my figure?" Huang Tao is proud.

Li Lulu retorted, "Someone compares you to you. What I admire most is Jiang Siming's figure. Unfortunately, they don't know me. If I can be friends with President Jiang, I will be worth it in my life, oh~"

"Don't worry, Sister Lulu, with your appearance and figure, Jiang Siming will definitely drool if he sees you, so he will meet you." Du Tao slapped him immediately.

"Why are you so sure?" Li Lulu didn't believe it.

Du Tao smiled disdainfully, and said: "I have met Jiang Siming, he is a womanizer. Liang Tian in our station has long been his lover. He is not used to seeing someone else having a beautiful girlfriend. Si Ming must be jealous that I have a beautiful girlfriend. I still don't know his intestines?"

Li Lulu laughed and said: "Then why don't you contribute your girlfriend, anyway, you have enough."

Du Tao said angrily: "I think, but people don't want me at all, what can I do."

Li Lulu smiled and comforted: "Don't be discouraged by Tao Tao. When my sister hooks up with Jiang Siming someday, I will tell you a couple of good things in front of him. After all, people with different identities are a bit temperamental. And special hobbies are normal. Cao Cao still likes other wives, isn't it."

"Thank you Sister Lulu, Sister Lulu, if you just show off your strengths, you will definitely be able to fascinate Jiang Siming right away."

"Gluck~ Your sister will have to thank you very much then~"

Fortunately, Jiang Siming didn't know the content of the four of them, otherwise he would have to spit out the overnight meal.

For women like Li Lulu, let alone post upside down, there is no woman in her life, so he won't even look at her.

Lao Tzu Merry is romantic, but it's definitely not the kind of person who is hungry, and he is not interested in giving him this kind of rotten goods.

[Author's digression]: The first update has been passed!

Sake is a mistake for everyone. In the previous chapter, Sake said that sauerkraut dumplings are not good. I blamed me for my lack of words and misrepresentation. Sake wanted to write about Jiang Siming's uncomfortable after being routine, but I didn't expect to write about it.

Sake here, it’s really not the black region. The north is the place where Sake has always wanted to go. Sake still has a lot of northern friends, so there is absolutely no meaning of black beang. The chapter has been revised, apologize and sincerely apologize.

No matter where it is written, sake will pay attention to it in the future.

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