I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1097: Hair curse

Jiang Siming didn't know what they were talking about. Seeing that they were searching, he drove the motorcycle all the way to Guangmingding.

Du Tao and the others immediately heard the sound of the car, thinking that a whole team was coming to catch them, so the four of them rushed to guard behind the bunker.

But when they found only one person came, all four of them were happy.

"This foolish person must think that no one is here to search for things, let's not move, we will secretly pounce on him later!" Huang Tao said.

"No problem, I guess I will be scared to pee after a while, hahaha." Wu Fan laughed.

"Come here, come here!"

Among the four people's attention, Jiang Siming's motorcycle drove onto Guangmingding, driving to the middle of Guangmingding as if without any precautions, then jumped out of the car and started searching.

Wu Fan raised the 4x M16 in his hand and pointed it at the back of Jiang Siming's head. He was convinced that although he was playing dishes, he would not be empty when shooting at such a close distance.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Wu Fan was just about to shoot, but Jiang Siming suddenly turned around. The Mini14 seemed to be locked in advance, and the bullet passed through!

Wu Fan directly fell to his knees and was beaten in a daze.

"Fuck! What is this guy? Hang it up!"

Huang Tao immediately shot. In this game, they were just ordinary players, or even rookie players.

To challenge the gods of PUBG, let alone the four of them, there will be another 400. As long as Jiang Siming has enough bullets, they will not be enough to fight.

After Jiang Siming knocked down Wu Fan, his muzzle overflowed instantly. There were two more shots. Only the first-class Huang Tao could hold it, and he knelt to the ground with a snap.

Du Tao immediately came over and presented the third head.

"Damn! This person's ID is so familiar!" Huang Tao still plays this game a lot, so he knows the big players in this game, especially Jiang Siming.

Anyone who understands this game a little bit will not know Jiang Siming's ID, just like most players who play League of Legends know Li Ge's ID.


"Who?" Wu Fan asked in confusion.

"This person seems to be Jiang Siming..." Huang Tao could hardly believe that his position could match Jiang Siming?

If Jiang Siming hadn't brought water friends today, he would never have matched them in his life.

"It's really him! I saw him live!" Huang Tao convinced.

Wu Fan looked aggrieved, but he didn't expect to run into Jiang Siming after playing a game.

He has never been convinced by Jiang Siming. Before Jiang Siming appeared, he had always been the elder brother who was worshipped by girls.

Later, when Jiang Siming came out, many fans of good looks fell in Jiang Siming's arms.

In addition, Jiang Siming is still a director of Huayi, an entertainment tycoon, and the richest man in Asia.

How could the arrogant Wu Fan look at Jiang Siming pleasingly.

Besides, he didn't want to meet Jiang Siming. Xu Kun, the last person who met him in the game, was already cold.

This man is a disaster star.

Huang Tao also feels this way.

Only Li Lulu who survived didn't think so, but was rather excited.

"President Jiang, I’m Li Lulu, from the entertainment industry, have you heard of me? I’m your fan, don’t beat me, OK~"

Li Lulu hurriedly turned on all the microphones, and shouted to Jiang Siming in the air as delicately as possible.

Many viewers could hear Li Lulu's voice.

"It seems to be Li Lulu!"

"Really, met a star?"

"Please, my Myojin is better than any other star?"

"Li Lulu? You said that the hair maker?"

"Will Myojin kill her? I think she will save face."


Jiang Siming also opened all wheat, but he didn't care at all.

Toward Li Lulu, he threw a Molotov cocktail at her waist!

The flame grilled Li Lulu's female game characters, sizzling.

Even playing a game has a character who is squeezed and dressed in a short skirt.

It's hard to change.

Jiang Siming couldn't help laughing and teasing at the live broadcast room: "Show everyone a wave of roast chicken."

Jiang Siming laughed at the audience, Myoko is 666, roast chicken is okay, hahahaha.

Li Lulu was on fire, and the rookie didn't even know what to do, so she stood in the fire in a daze.

The Molotov cocktail emptied her blood bars and Li Lulu fell to the ground.

Realizing that she was dead, Li Lulu thought Jiang Siming hadn't opened the wheat, so she didn't know who she was.

Little did she know that she has become the object of ridicule and laughter from millions of netizens.

When the four of them died, two lights lit up.

"Pick up [Cannon King's Eyes] Red Fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly.

[Pailler King's Eyes]: You can see through the applause history of women at a glance, including the number of applauses, the number of applauses, and the information of the applause.

Note: This skill is only effective for surly women, and +50 to the charm of this type of woman!

Jiang Siming had a wonderful expression when he saw this fragment. The fragment floated out of Wu Fan's corpse box.

Who really dropped the pieces? The Canadian Cannon King is well-known.

This thing is really good to identify those coquettish goods.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming wanted to know the applause message of Li Lulu, not knowing whether it would work to see the corpse.

Try it.

Jiang Siming used this skill, and then he glanced at Li Lulu's body.

I didn't expect it to be effective!

[Li Lulu, history of applause: 24 years, number of applause: 3888 times, number of applause: 159, applause information: Jia xx, PGxx, Li x, Zhang xx, Hong xx...]

Damn it, it's so amazing~

Jiang Siming did not expect Li Lulu's "love history" to be so rich, it really opened his eyes.

After 24 years of applause, she seems to be less than 40, but she started to applaud when she was less than 16 years old. She can only say 666.

There were as many as 159 different men applauding, and more than 20 wives in Jiang Siming's family felt that he might be the strongest person in the world.

Unexpectedly, compared with this kind of person, he is a rookie.

Looking at the applause information, there are a lot of people in the circle involved, including artists, screenwriters, directors, and investors.

There are even a few people from Huayi, Jiang Siming expressed convincing, they are really gods.

Brother Jia's hat... forget it.

Jiang Siming wrote down a few people from Huayi, and then he didn't bother to look at this woman again.

The second fragment floated out of Li Lulu's box, and it was still blue.

"Pick up [Hair Curse] Cyan Fragment*1 (1/1), the number of fragments is full, you can use it directly."

[Doing hair curse]: Anyone who casts a curse will fall in love with making hair by the whole family. The power of the curse is comparable to that of the Internet's unique dreams.

Note: This spell can be used three times, this spell is a bit excessive, use it with caution.

Jiang Siming: "..."

What else could he say when he aimed? This Nima finally came across two golden shadows and dropped this kind of thing on herself.

With the eyesight of the gun king and the curse of the hair, Lao Jiang almost didn't vomit blood.


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