I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1104: Want to marry the truth?

"I heard your father say you are good at singing, so let's start." Jiang Siming said leisurely.

Dong Xuan sat down obediently, straightened the piano, and began to wave the strings with his fingers.

Immediately afterwards, Dong Xuan spoke and sang. A song from a thousand years ago, the Book of Songs·Southwest Wind, was passed from Dong Xuan's mouth.

Dong Xuan's voice is very nice, like a oriole.

Even if the ancient song is very single, it can be sung from her mouth, but it is a different kind of auditory experience.

Jiang Siming closed his eyes, sipped his wine, and listened to ancient girls singing.

At the same time Jiang Siming had some regrets, if only Diao Chan was there.

Dong Xuan is good at singing, but Diao Chan is good at dancing. Diao Chan's dancing posture is absolutely unmatched in this big Han world.

The charm and tenderness of that ancient dance jumped out of her, which was better than any modern dance Jiang Siming had seen.

If the two of them combine to sing and dance, they will definitely look better than TV~

After a flip and sing, Dong Xuan is over.

Jiang Siming opened his eyes still, and clapped his hands.

"Play well and sing better, but there are some minor flaws. If it can be corrected, it will be more perfect." Jiang Siming said approvingly.

Dong Xuan was surprised, and asked a little surprised: "Does the prime minister also understand this actor (singing)?"

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "I know a little bit like you."

Dong Xuan blushed, and then said ashamed: "Then please enlighten me from the prime minister~"

Jiang Siming was not a braggart, and immediately used his singing experience to teach Dong Xuan many things.

Dong Xuan received Jiang Siming's training and teaching, such as the divine initiation, and received a lot of use, and he admired Jiang Siming more in his heart.

I didn’t expect that the prime minister, who is over tens of thousands of people, still understands this. It’s really amazing~

"It's just right, I'll give you another piece of music. It's up to you to learn or not."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he gave Dong Xuan a new song, a famous song only available in the Song Dynasty.

If Dong Xuan got the most precious treasure, he took this song down firmly.

"Thank you, the prime minister, for giving me such a beautiful song. The young woman Dong Xuan thanked the prime minister for his kindness."

Dong Xuan happily thanked him, and at the same time he was even more worried. Jiang Siming thought she was very good and recommended her to Liu Xie.

Jiang Siming laughed and stood up from his seat.

"I am very happy to hear your such a nice singing voice. If you really want to thank me, you can practice this song I gave you, and then sing it to the truth, okay?"

"Dong Xuan...yes." Dong Xuan was happy, Jiang Siming liked listening to her singing, which made her very happy.

"Okay, I should go back." Jiang Siming smiled and took a big step to leave.

"The prime minister... the prime minister..."

Dong Xuan boldly stopped Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming stopped and turned around in confusion.

Dong Xuan tried her best to calm her breath, and finally summoned her courage, lowered her head and said in a low voice, "Could the prime minister... don't betroth me to the emperor..."

"Oh? Don't you want to marry the emperor?" Jiang Siming looked at him, but Dong Xuan did not dare to look at each other.

No answer, just like a silent child, resisting and answering silently.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Siming turned around with interest and walked over to Dong Xuan.

The good smell of Dong Xuan's body made Jiang Siming couldn't help sniffing twice.

This is just a subconscious action.

However, Dong Xuan found out at such a close distance.

The little girl was flushed immediately, her head was almost buried in her chest...

"The truth asks you, you don't want to marry the emperor, do you already have a sweetheart with him for a lifetime?"

Jiang Siming asked, it seems that many girls in ancient times were like this.

The drama of everyone's daughters falling in love with poor talents for a lifetime can be seen in countless TVs and novels.

Unexpectedly, Dong Xuan shook his head quickly and said: "No, Dong Xuan has never set up privately with other men for life."

"Then why don't you want to marry the emperor? You know, marrying the emperor is that after a country, your Dong family becomes a royal relative, and your father is the uncle of the country."

Jiang Siming asked.

Dong Xuan was not interested in the "big cakes" described by Jiang Siming, and said pitifully: "I...I don't want to be a queen..."

After speaking, Dong Xuan looked up at Jiang Siming with a guilty conscience and boldly.

If Jiang Siming couldn't see it anymore, he would have been soaked by the wives in the family.

"Then do you want to marry Zhenzhen?"

When Jiang Siming spoke, Dong Xuan's soul was almost flying away.

With her head as paste, Dong Xuan's skin was hot from head to toe.

Jiang Si knew it clearly, but deliberately teased her, pretending to be disappointed and said: "I understand the truth, it seems that the truth is not the person you like."

Dong Xuan hurriedly raised her head upon hearing this, and said: "No...no, I...um!"

Before Dong Xuan finished speaking, a powerful hand grabbed her Qianqian waist and embraced her into a warm and broad embrace.

Immediately afterwards, her small mouth was blocked...

After about half a cup of tea, Jiang Siming walked out of the banquet hall, leaving behind Dong Xuan, who was blushing and panting, and whose hair and clothes were a little messy and panicked, watched Jiang Siming leave.

Then she hurriedly took care of her clothes and hair, took a light and happy pace, and walked away embarrassedly holding the guqin...

After the imperial court the next day, Dong Cheng asked Jiang Siming whether his daughter could be the queen candidate.

Jiang Siming gave him a very clear reply, no.

Disappointed by Dong Cheng, he returned to the Dong Mansion and was unwilling to get drunk, but Dong Xuan was very happy in his boudoir, and his head was full of Jiang Siming's figure.

The fact that Dong Cheng's daughter did not enter the prime minister's law quickly spread among the hundreds of officials, and Fu Zhan was more active in getting his daughter ready so that the prime minister would like it.

"Father, Shou'er doesn't want to be a queen, Shou'er wants to be a general, like a female general in the world like the prime minister."

In Fu Zhan's mansion, his daughter Fu Shou boldly stated her dream to her father.

"Naughty! How can a woman become an army! I shouldn't let your mother teach you the exercises, I blame me for spoiling you." Fu Zhan exclaimed.

Fu Shou pursed his lips and argued: "Father, who said that women can't become an army? Even the general Uncle Fu can't beat his daughter. He also said that if Shou'er is a man, he will definitely become a great general!"

"That's your uncle coaxing you, you learn the female commandment for me! If you can't let the prime minister wish, see how I can deal with you, huh!"

Instead of convincing him, Fu Shou replied: "Then I will show the prime minister martial arts, and beg him to take me into the army and contribute to the Fu family!"

"You..." Fu Zhan was too angry to say anything.

But there is no way to take Fushou, who let him spoil this girl since childhood.

"Shut down the lady for me, and did not recite the female commandment, so she was not allowed to leave the room for half a step."

Fu Zhan can only come hard.

"Father! Father! You let me out~"

Behind him, there was a sound of ups and downs at the door.

Fu Zhan sighed helplessly, really doubting that the daughter he raised was a son...

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