I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1105: Can this be a queen? ?

Jiang Siming hasn't done anything in the past few days. He just goes to the ministers' homes every day to eat meals and see their daughters.

Most of them have good looks and demeanor.

It's just that Dong Xuan is not as good-looking as Dong Xuan, Jiang Siming is not interested, but he has some considerations about whether she should be chosen as the queen among them.

But this woman must be under her control. Jiang Siming has already planned to let her sneak to the palace every night after marrying, and use hypnotism.

"Husband, let's go to the foster father's house today. If you see Sister Wang Yuan, you can't laugh at her."

In Jiang Siming's prime minister, Cha Luan, Diao Chan accompanied him to Wang Yun's house.

Diao Chan leaned against Jiang Siming's arms, and said softly.

Jiang Siming squeezed her chin and said with a chuckle: "It depends on your ability to serve that night."

Diao Chan's beautiful face instantly turned red, and she gave Jiang Siming a fascinating look, but he didn't dare to say anything, so he could only agree to it with shame.

In this age, what my husband says is what it is.

Very few women dare to sing against their husbands.

So no matter how Jiang Siming spoils them, they won't be arrogant about how Jiang Siming treats Jiang Siming.

In fact, it is the same at home in reality. Of course, Zhao Xuan and others will tease Jiang Siming a few times.

But this is just a flavor of life for modern girls and her husband, not to say that Jiang Siming's family status has declined.

Cha Luan came to Wang Yun's residence, and Wang Yun had already been waiting outside the residence.

Although Jiang Siming was his son-in-law, he was the prime minister, Wang Yun was just a Situ, and his official position was far from Jiang Siming.

"Husband, Chan'er went to see her sister in the backyard first, can you talk to your foster father?" Diao Chan said.

"Well, pay attention to safety and let Chunxiang follow you." Jiang Siming nodded and agreed.

The four most favored maids in the family mansion are spring, summer, autumn and winter, of course not Tang Bohu’s spring, summer, autumn and winter.

It's just that Jiang Siming gave the four maids the name in order to remember them well.

Every maid is a powerful maid for his wife. If Jiang Siming intends to accept another girl, let her be called Pomegranate...

Diao Chan happily accepted and went to Wang Yun's backyard.

Jiang Siming and Wang Yun are temporarily narrating in the outer hall.

Wang Yun, an old man, is a good game for chasing flames. Now Jiang Siming is in a high position. He is desperately flattering.

If he were not for Diao Chan's foster father, Jiang Siming would not bother to bird him.

"Okay, Wang Situ, you don't need to report to me about the affairs of the court, just talk to your majesty from the court. I came to see the queen." Jiang Siming interrupted the old man's chatter impatiently. .

Wang Yun stopped awkwardly when he heard this, and said to Jiang Siming: "Prime Minister, the little girl is born with weird appearance, is it really possible to be a queen?"

"Don't worry, choosing a queen is not choosing a concubine. What do you think it is so good? What I want is a figure who can stand together with your Majesty and frighten the sixth house." Jiang Siming replied.

After listening to Wang Yun's heart a little lowered, so he took Jiang Siming to the backyard.

When I came to the backyard, I finally saw Wang Yun's daughter who had been hiding, a...daughter like a hill.

When Jiang Siming saw Wang Yuan, he almost thought he had seen a Japanese sumo wrestler. His waist was big and ten round, his body was fleshy, and he was as strong as a bear.

There is a mass of fat on his face, his eyes are narrow, his nose is flat, his lips are thick, and his face is greasy.

I, Cao, there is such a wonderful work in this Han Dynasty? ? ?

Jiang Siming was shocked.

It's no wonder that Wang Yun has a daughter who wants to find a righteous daughter. Whoever dares to take this daughter out, it is estimated that the people of Chang'an City will laugh out loud.

Jiang Siming held back his smile, and Diao Chan, who was standing next to Wang Yuan, saw his expression and looked at Jiang Siming happily.

Husband doesn’t keep his promises, he says he’s not funny~

"Wang Situ, your daughter is really... special." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

Wang Yun also gave up, and sighed: "The little girl is born with a different body than an ordinary person. She has an amazing appetite, immense power, and a violent personality. The old man can't help it."

"Father, sister came to see me, when can I go out to play?" Wang Yuan saw Wang Yun coming, and walked over immediately.

Step by step, Jiang Siming felt the ground tremble.

"Yuan'er don't mess around, I'll see the Prime Minister soon." Wang Yun said.

"You are the prime minister, my brother-in-law?" Wang Yuan looked at Jiang Siming, with an idiotic expression in his eyes.

Jiang Siming hurriedly stopped, this Nimat could not bear such a look.

"Ahem, I'm your brother-in-law, I heard you want to go out to play?"

"Yes, brother-in-law, you are the prime minister, you can definitely take me out to play!" Wang Yuan said.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "That's natural. If you want to play, I can let people take you out now."

"Really! Great, I want to go out and play... But... those people will definitely laugh at me, I grow up like this..."

Instead, Wang Yuan started to feel inferior.

Jiang Siming was very considerate and comforted: "You are not bad. Those people laugh at you because you have no insight. I think you are particularly good and have the appearance of a queen!"

Wang Yuan was overjoyed and said, "Really? Do I really look like a queen?"

"Of course, I think you are the best candidate for the queen." Jiang Siming smiled like a fox.

This Wang Yuan is perfect for Liu Xie.

"Haha, did you hear that, father? The prime minister said I can be a queen!"

Wang Yuan cried with joy, since childhood, this is the only compliment she has ever heard.

Wang Yuan was immediately grateful to Jiang Siming.

Wang Yun was stupid, and the stammering Chao Jiang Siming asked, "Prime Minister, are you just making the little girl happy?"

Jiang Siming squinted his eyes and asked, "Do you think I have this skill to coax people?"

"But... But... how can Yuan'er become a queen?" Wang Yun couldn't believe it. Jiang Siming looked at so many daughters of hundreds of officials, and he didn't choose any of them, but finally chose his family. .

"I said it can be accomplished. If Sister Wang Yuan does not marry again, do you think she can marry out in the future? Don't you worry about being a father?"


"Nothing but, I will persuade your majesty. Sister Wang Yuan has been wronged for so many years. I just want to send her to the throne of queen!"

After hearing this, Wang Yuan fluttered and knelt down in front of Jiang Siming, swearing: "Brother-in-law, you can do whatever you want me to do in the future, even if it is to monitor the emperor, I am willing!"

Wang Yun was shocked and quickly scolded her to shut up!

But Wang Yuan refused to change her words. She is ugly or fat, but it doesn't mean that she is brainless.

Jiang Siming can choose her as the queen, naturally, he wants his family to control Liu Xie.

Wang Yuan is still very smart at this point.

And she has suffered so many years of grievances and blanking her eyes. She dreams of a chance to turn over. Being a queen is naturally the best choice.

So one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

Jiang Siming can feel Wang Yuan's loyalty to him even without using hypnotism.

"Okay, sister Wang Yuan, don't worry, brother-in-law will let you be the queen, and you will be the lord of the sixth house from now on!"

Jiang Siming was quite satisfied and helped Wang Yuan to stand up personally, and he found a treasure.


[Author's digression]: Third update~~ Is the update today fast? Hey, remember to vote~

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