I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1107: Domineering greasy originator

The speaker was a man in his forties, not very tall, even a little short.

The skin is a bit dark, and the greasy color is deliberately covered with top powder on his face, and he speaks like an overbearing president.

This face was highly recognizable, and many people knew him, even Jiang Siming recognized him at a glance.

Isn't this the originator of greasy TV series, the overbearing president, Xiao Ming?

When Jiang Siming came over, Xiao Ming and the people in the recording studio found out.

"Chairman." The person in charge stopped talking to Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming also looked a little embarrassed, squeezing out a smile and said to Jiang Siming: "Jiang Dong has long admired his name."

Jiang Siming walked over and asked blankly: "I have heard you talking from a long distance, what's the matter?"

Jiang Siming's tone was like talking about a child, which made Xiao Ming feel slightly dissatisfied, but he knew that he could not afford to offend him and could only endure it.

"That's Mr. Jiang. I came to the recording studio to play the charts for my new film promo songs. Time is very short, so I want a recording studio. I am also dedicated to the company."

Jiang Siming said strangely: "Is the company full of so many recording studios?"

The person in charge quickly explained: "It's not full, it means that the two best recording studios have people. Xiao Ming meant to use these two."

"Did they jump in the line when they came?" Jiang Siming pointed to Lin Yuner and Ishihara Rimi.

The person in charge shook his head and said, "No, they both came in normally. I originally wanted to arrange it, but Ms. Lin said no. They queued for an hour before entering."

After hearing this, Jiang Siming turned his head and looked at Xiao Ming, and said, "I hear it now? My girlfriend didn't jump in the line, do you think you are qualified to jump in?"

Xiao Ming had nothing to say and didn't apologize, turned his head and left here in silence.

"Don't take it to heart, chairman, he has this character and he is very proud." The person in charge was also afraid that things would make a big mess, so he said something kind to Xiao Ming.

Jiang Siming didn't take it seriously at all and turned his eyes back to the two wives.

"How are they recording?"

"Very good, almost finished recording."

Jiang Siming nodded and sat on the chair outside and waited quietly.

The person in charge then smiled and said: "Chairman, your "Wind Up" is now topping the charts on all domestic music platforms. Mr. Wang also asked me to ask you if I have any plans to release an album. If we can release an album, let's The music department will definitely make a big splash in other brokerage companies."

After the person in charge finished speaking, he was afraid that Jiang Siming would not believe him. He opened up every music platform. On the new song charts and hot charts, "Wind Up" crushed all other songs.

This is also the normal state of Jiang Siming every time he releases a new song, and he has long been used to it.

But Jiang Siming thought about the album that the person in charge said.

In fact, fans have been persuading him to release the album, but Jiang Siming has been running out of time, and he has only released few songs before.

Now it seems that it's time to release an album. With so many songs, two are more than enough.

There is no money at all from selling albums now, but this is a kind of feedback to the fans.

"Do you still have to make a MV for the album?"

"Yes, this one needs to be shot, but instead of shooting in each capital, you can choose to only shoot a few." The person in charge said.

Jiang Siming thought for a while, and said, "In two days, you can help me with the director of photography, right?"

"No problem, no problem! Chairman, don't worry, we must do it right here. Then the chairman only needs to be an actor."

Jiang Siming nodded his head with satisfaction, and he didn't need to worry about it.

"By the way, the chairman, the heroine, is it the actress of our company?"

"No, I'll choose someone who has something I have, and I will tell you when that happens."

Jiang Siming refused. What are you kidding about, you still need to find someone else for so many high-quality resources at home?

Which wife of his family is not a proper heroine, she looks better than any other actress.

Then I discussed with the person in charge about which songs to shoot the MV, and after the discussion, it happened that Lin Yuna and Ishihara Rimi came out.

Jiang Siming also took his wife home.

After the wives in the family went home, Jiang Siming told them about shooting the MV for the album.

They received unanimous support from all the girls, and they were very happy to be able to participate in Jiang Siming's MV.

For the sake of fairness, Jiang Siming was lucky enough to go out and changed his mind and decided to shoot all the songs in a MV.

Each song arranges a wife to be the hostess, and it is covered with rain and dew.

Jiang Siming is thankful that he only found more than 20 girlfriends, and if there are more, he won't have any songs.

The script of each song is written by Jiang Siming himself, which can be regarded as a gift for his wives.

Jiang Siming, who was preparing to write a script at home every day, received a call from Zhao Xuan at the company.

"What's wrong with my wife?" Jiang Siming stopped the code word.

On the computer, he has almost written dozens of song scripts.

With [flexible right hand], Jiang Siming's typing speed is also super fast, with a crackle.

"Do you know the people in the Panda Pavilion?" Zhao Xuan asked.

"People at the Panda House? I don't know them, I just went to the Panda House to film a show." Jiang Siming replied strangely.

"That's right, there are two people who claim to be the Shanghai Panda Pavilion, saying they want to talk to you about something." Zhao Xuan explained.

"The people at the panda house are looking for something to do with me?" Jiang Siming didn't understand, why would the people at the panda house ask him for something?

"Forget it, I'll call her, and you can talk to her." Zhao Xuan actually didn't know what was going on.

Immediately after the call, a person was changed, and a voice was familiar.

When Jiang Siming thought about it for a while, he remembered, wasn't this the breeder who took their red team to find pandas when they were filming the show at the Shanghai Panda Pavilion.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang, I am the breeder of the Shanghai Panda House. Next to me is the curator of the Panda House. We are here to ask you for help."

"Did something happen to the Panda Pavilion?" Jiang Siming asked suspiciously.

"It's not the Panda Pavilion, it's Xiangxiang, do you remember Xiangxiang?"

"Of course, what happened to Xiangxiang?"

Isn't Xiangxiang the little female panda who got along best with Jiang Siming at that time, or Guan Huan, super cute, and especially listening to Jiang Siming's words.

Xiangxiang was sad when Jiang Siming left.

"Mr. Jiang, after you left, Xiangxiang didn’t eat too much, and he ate less and less every day. He lost a lot of weight. We first thought of a lot of ways to find bamboo and bamboo leaves from various places. I don’t like to eat, my personality is more withdrawn, and I will never play with other pandas anymore. We are worried that if he continues like this, his body will really have problems."

After hearing this, Jiang Siming really didn't expect this to happen. Could it be his own reason?

Otherwise, it's hard to understand, how could Xiangxiang suddenly lose food and become withdrawn?

Could it be...I hooked up a panda somehow...


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