I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1108: Adopt Xiangxiang?

"So you are planning to look for me?" Jiang Siming asked.

"That's Mr. Jiang. We would like to ask you to visit the Panda House again when you are free to see if you will get better if Xiangxiang sees you. If it still doesn't get better, then we can only send it to Sichuan. , See if the environment over there will make Xiangxiang better."

Jiang Siming understood, and didn't think much about it, so he happily agreed and said that he could pass now.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Siming sent the script of a dozen songs he had written to Huayi, then turned off his computer, drove out, and went straight to the Panda Pavilion.

After arriving there, the breeder and curator just came back.

As soon as the three met, they said a few words and went straight into the Panda Pavilion.

Jiang Siming saw Xiangxiang again, but Xiangxiang was no longer the invincible and cute look she was before, and she lost a lot of weight.

There are a lot of fresh bamboos around, but Xiangxiang doesn't even see it.

And some sick, just sat in a daze near the entrance window.

"Since this time, Xiangxiang has been like this. She loves to sit in this place and look outside, as if waiting for you to come back and chop him. It likes to be with you the most."

The breeder said distressedly.

Jiang Siming is also distressed. Pandas are a national treasure loved by the Chinese people.

A small injury is enough to affect the hearts of many people, let alone lose weight like this.

Xiangxiang, who was in a daze, suddenly saw Jiang Siming's figure from the window. It suddenly sat up from the ground and lay on the bulletproof glass, looking at Jiang Siming with excitement.

"It seems to be really useful, Mr. Jiang, look at Xiangxiang and greet you again." The curator said in surprise.

Is it really because of Jiang Si Mingxiangxiang that this happened?

"Can you let me in?" Jiang Siming asked.

"Of course, hurry, take Mr. Jiang to change the disinfection suit." The curator immediately agreed.

Jiang Siming changed his clothes and walked into the panda park. As soon as he entered, Xiang Xiang could not wait to rush over, wrapped Jiang Siming's thigh, and refused to let go.

Jiang Siming bent over and hugged him, Xiangxiang rubbed his head hard against Jiang Siming's neck, looking affectionate, like a long-lost lover.

Jiang Siming was also dumbfounded. Could it be that his charm not only transcends his skin color? Beyond the race? ? ?

In ancient times, there was Xu Xian... Ning Caichen... Is it possible that you have to follow them? ? ? ?

"Mr. Jiang, you try to let Xiangxiang eat bamboo, and see if it eats?" the breeder said.

Jiang Siming did the same, put it down temporarily, and after a good coaxing, handed it the bamboo.

Unexpectedly, Xiangxiang took it and started eating, and it was very delicious.

The little bear’s teeth are eaten so fast.

However, after eating two incense sticks, he will look back at Jiang Siming, as if he was afraid that he would disappear.

The breeder and curator breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this place, and finally found the reason why Xiangxiang didn't eat.

It turned out that the panda fell in love with people...

Jiang Siming stayed until Xiangxiang was full and drank, and fell asleep soundly under his comfort.

"Mr. Jiang, Xiangxiang is very dependent on you now. We have an unrelenting invitation." The curator whispered to Jiang Siming.

"You said the curator." Jiang Siming said.

"We want you to keep Xiangxiang temporarily, do you think it's okay?" the curator said.

"Ah? But I don't have bamboo and panda nests in my house." Jiang Siming was dumbfounded, and he didn't expect to adopt a panda by himself?

"The panda nest is actually not important, we just let them sleep in a cage here, as long as there is a place where Xiangxiang can't get lost."

"As for the bamboo, don't worry, we will send people to drive the bamboo that Xiangxiang loves to eat every day, and we are guaranteed to be the freshest."

The curator’s words made Jiang Siming embarrassed. It is really not difficult for his family to raise a panda.

I really want to raise a panda, isn't it a bit floating...

Countless people want to raise national treasures, but they are just talking and fantasizing.

"Can I raise it? It seems that pandas cannot be raised by outsiders?" Jiang Siming said.

The curator explained: "We will issue you a special adoption certificate. If it is discovered by the outside world, we will help you explain it. It will definitely not cause you trouble beyond reputation."

"We just want Xiangxiang to take good care of you, and then we will think of a way to send it to Sichuan for a visit, Mr. Jiang, please, it's all for the national treasure."

Jiang Siming took the test, and finally nodded in agreement, yes, all for the national treasure.

As a Chinese, I also have this obligation to protect the national treasure.

Seeing Jiang Siming's promise, the curator was overjoyed and told Jiang Siming that he didn't use it today and Jiang Siming could go back first.

If Xiangxiang wakes up today and still doesn't eat, then they will drive Xiangxiang to Jiang Siming's house.

This is also the first panda case sent to a private home for foster care since the founding of the country...

Jiang Siming naturally had no objection, so he chatted with the curator and others about the matters needing attention in raising pandas, then left the panda house and drove back.

On the way, Jiang Siming thought about how happy he was, how could he encounter such a weird thing.

Okay, go back and tell the wives, maybe they will be teased for a while...

The car drove past near an office building in Xuhui District, where no one was off work.

But under the building, a few people were chasing and playing, and a few photographers were all behind.

Jiang Siming glanced there from the car window and then stepped on the brake to stop.

For nothing else, he saw his wife...

At this time, Reba was recording a program, and the girl with strange power abruptly snatched Xiao Yueyue's box and ran wildly.

But in the end it was blocked by a few other guests.

Reba is also smart, and has long taken out the contents of the box and hid it on her body.

"I didn't take it." Reba said innocently.

"It must be taken. Who will search for her on her body." Xiao Yueyue said courageously.

But it was just talking, no male guest dared to move.

Just kidding, Reba is Jiang Siming's rumored girlfriend, even if Jiang Siming's recognized girlfriend is Lin Yuner.

But Reba has a close relationship with Jiang Siming, that's for sure, how dare they mess around.

In addition, Huang Lei also took care of Reba because of Jiang Siming's relationship.

So a few male guests struggled, but unfortunately, no other female guests were called in this episode of the show~ Otherwise, wouldn't it be easy to get things like body searches?

When everyone froze, Reba was planning to take out the hidden things, and she didn't want to embarrass everyone in this way.

After all, this is a bit bullying, and I don't want to attract black fans because of it.

At this moment, the sound of a sports car braking sounded beside them.

Everyone looked back.

"I'm going! Poison!"

Seeing this dazzling black sports car, the sharp-eyed little sheep immediately recognized the car.

"Really? Is it Lamborghini poison?" Lei asked unbelievably.

Originally, a sports car was nothing to them high-income celebrities, but the poison car, they couldn't buy it even with high income.

That's why it caused a sensation.


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