I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1114: Internet cafes open black

President Wang didn't really bring the dog into the Internet cafe, but just let his internet celebrity girlfriend take the dog back.

He followed Jiang Siming into the Internet cafe enthusiastically.

"You guy has a really good investment vision. Why didn't I expect to build a huge internet cafe at the beginning. Now your internet cafe is ready, and you have both fame and fortune."

Principal Wang exclaimed that he had known that opening an Internet cafe would make such a profit early on.

This investment is not much, only about 100 million yuan, but the ability to attract money is really not covered.

He has investigated that Jiang Siming has only been a week since he opened his business, and his mother’s money has been paid back...

Even if the enthusiasm decreases later, he can still conclude that PM can generate about 100 million in revenue a month.

Yeah, Netfish and Internet cafes are almost too late to open so many branches.

Jiang Siming has completely turned an Internet cafe into an attraction, a place where young people, especially boys, dream of going.

If a girl tells her boyfriend that she wants to travel to Yunnan and Inner Mongolia, your boyfriend probably won’t be able to.

But if she said to Jiaxing, 80% of them would go.

Even if President Wang is now going to set up an Internet cafe like this, it won't work, because the world's number one recognized by everyone is only PM.

It can only be imitated, it can only be an Internet cafe, not a scenic spot.

So this is what President Wang admires, and his investment vision is very good.

"If you can talk, just talk more. Hurry up. My girlfriend made steak and trotters tonight. I have to go home for dinner." Jiang Siming urged.

"What's so delicious about steak and trotters? It's all over the street."

Principal Wang disdainfully said, really, rich people can't eat steak and trotters?

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "I'm talking about Godsend steak and Godsend pig's trotters. You can find me all over the street."

Godsend Steak, Godsend Trotter, is the best Kobe beef and the best Tibetan pork from Jiang Siming Farm.

Because it is the best product that comes out of fragments, it is easy to be misunderstood if it collides with Tibetan incense pig Kobe beef.

Therefore, Jiang Siming renamed them as Tianci cards.

This is both mysterious and fresh, and everyone will not think of any other cattle and pig breeds.

Since Jiang Siming decided to sell Tianci pigs and Tianci cows, these two things have begun to serve the top wealthy and restaurant tables.

Without exception, everything that has been eaten is very well received.

Even those extremely picky gourmets can't find anything wrong. Michelin's tasting masters are full of praise for the two ingredients and want to buy in large quantities.

It's a pity that they didn't get what they wanted, because the farms were in short supply, and every pig and cow had to be auctioned off and competed with major restaurants.

Almost every head is above 500,000, and some even soar to more than 700,000.

This is often out of stock.

Cheng He and Lin Gou are stars, and their consumption level should be considered high-end, but they have never eaten them, just heard them.

President Wang had eaten it, because Jiang Siming gave the richest man Wang a cow and pig, so he was lucky enough to have it.

My eyes popped up when I heard it.

"I said you are too unkind. Why don't you go to your house to have a meal at night? Let me see your manor too." Principal Wang said expectantly.

In exchange for Jiang Siming's ruthless rejection.

"Want to go to my house, dream."

"Damn, do you want to be so unrelenting, then you can always sell me some steak and pork chops?"

"This is fine."


Listening to the chat between Jiang Siming and Principal Wang, Cheng He and Lin Gou were a little confused. Could it be that the legendary rich people's "new nobility" is "golden" in the plate, and God-given pig and God-given beef are so delicious?

The four of them talked about it, and entered the PM together, and there was no need to turn on the phone.

Principal Wang has a Heiyao membership card and directly enters Heiyao's exclusive box, where there are five top-of-the-line computers to play casually.

The four of them entered the Heiyao box, and the fans who were surrounded by the Internet cafe immediately were blocked outside, helpless.

Cheng He ordered a lot of snacks and fruits and brought a bottle of expensive red wine.

Hei Yao box dining table, sofa, VR TV, etc. are all available, so there is no need to worry about nowhere to eat.

With things spread all over the table, Cheng He opened the red wine and poured it on the three of them.

After Cheng He toasted, he was the first to say to Jiang Siming: "Thank you, chairman, for letting me become a shareholder in Jiudian. Now that the film and television industry is so sluggish, I haven't taken a show for a long time. If it weren't for the chairman's Jiudian, I I'm probably going to start a diet with my wife, Chairman, I will toast you a glass."

Jiang Siming smiled, and said nothing, and nothing to be humble.

He did make Cheng He a lot of money, although it only took a small share, but this small share was more profitable than Cheng He's peak period.

Jiang Siming took a toast and took a sip, Cheng He did it.

Then he toasted to President Wang and Lin Gou separately. Cheng He also brought enough sincerity to come today.

"Okay, it's all over. Before I play the game, I will report on our revenue this year."

Principal Wang smiled and took out a report and began to report.

In fact, this is mainly to report to Jiang Siming, who is the largest shareholder.

"In September this year, sales in Russia have been unprecedentedly hot, with a total of nearly 8 million bottles sold, a total profit of 7.4 billion, and a total of nearly 6.8 billion in profit from export costs, advertising investment and taxes."

After speaking, President Wang took out three Swiss gold cards, all of which were affixed with gold leaf, with their names and the money due.

"Boss Jiang, a total of 4 billion, I am 2.1 billion, Cheng He 700 million, they are all here."

Principal Wang handed them over.

Cheng He Ru received the treasure, and kissed it happily in his pocket.

700 million!

He invested a total of 200 million, which has more than tripled in less than half a year!

At this rate of making money, he may not be able to make money even if he receives 100 advertisements a year.

Not to mention that in the cold winter of the film and television industry, his income in the entertainment industry is now at least 80% less than before.

Besides, Jiu brewing has only been open for half a year. If it were a whole year, it would be tens of billions of dollars that year!

Cheng He became more and more grateful that he had been ruthless at the beginning and invested in Jiang Siming's winery while he had savings.

If he has no money now, he must have no confidence to invest.

The forest dog on the side looked greedy.

Principal Wang smiled and said to Jiang Siming at this time: "Big boss, you have to ask you to agree on something. Lin Gou also wants to invest in our winery. I plan to dilute my shares to him, okay?"

In the cold winter of the film and television industry, Lin Gou is not having a good time.

However, he had the help of Principal Wang, and he couldn't help it. The words of the flowing internet celebrity and the iron-fought Lin dog were not for nothing.

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "Of course you can, your own shares are completely free to control."

Principal Wang nodded as soon as he heard it, and said, "That's it. I will dilute 7% of my shares to Lin Gou, and Lin Gou will invest 400 million yuan in it."

The matter was settled so happily, Lin Gou was so excited that he filled a large glass of wine and was bored, very bold.

[Author's digression]: The third thing is that on New Year's Day today, sake originally wanted to accompany my daughter-in-law, but knowing that everyone is on holiday, sake has to wrong my daughter-in-law, continue to code, add more for everyone! Interesting enough, the cash ticket...hehe~hehe, you know everything.

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