I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1115: He is laughing wildly!

Regardless of Cheng He's 200 million shares, which accounted for 10% of the shares, Lin Dog's 400 million shares only 7%.

When did Cheng He invest? When the winery hadn't even started to make a profit, people dared to invest 200 million yuan, which was risky and contributed a lot.

Lin Gou is a latecomer, and the winery made huge profits before investing. Of course, the investment criteria are also different.

This also made Jiang Siming see that the first-line celebrities in the entertainment industry do seem to be very profitable, and it is not a problem to get hundreds of millions of them.

It seems that Fan 800 million was fined less, she definitely has more than 800 million net worth.

Because it was still live broadcast, all four people talked about business.

They talked about business and cooperation formally, and they didn't have any confidential topics, so Jiang Siming didn't turn off the live broadcast.

Just to show the water friends what novel live content.

What's so interesting about those anchors who drove luxury cars every day with their sisters under the local brand?

It's nothing more than using a luxury car to make holes... Appears to be rich?

Live broadcasts like Jiang Siming are green, healthy, and positive. A business of hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars can be negotiated within a few minutes of conversation.

Watching this kind of live broadcast content can be much better than watching those sultry sisters.

"Look and see, this is a rich man! My Mingshen is as calm as 40 yuan after taking 4 billion."

"Cheng He Du Le is crazy. Look at his expression, he is laughing wildly!"

"Did you find out? Recently, there have been a lot of anchors similar to luxury cars and girls, and it is really low."

"Isn't it? Just drive a Porsche 911 or the lowest-equipped sports car to pretend to be a girl. God knows how embarrassing it is."

"The most ridiculous thing is the women who get in the car. It can be done with a few thousand dollars. They have to build a luxury car to make a hole, alas~"

"Holding a smile, I thought of someone "departed" anchor Qian Qian who was still cultivating deep in the forest."

"Hahahahaha, incense and incense."


Okay, now that the business talks are over, it's time to enter the topic.

The main topic of course is to play a black-and-white game. Talking about business is just a sideline.

The four players quickly turned on, logged into the game, and turned on the four-row mode.

Not only PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, the four also played various other games, such as League of Legends, Overwatch and so on.

Jiang Siming also liked the dark atmosphere of Internet cafes. He played with them until five o'clock in the evening before going home and turned off today's live broadcast.

It’s so good that I don’t have to broadcast live for these two days.

Jiang Siming feels that he will have to do this often in the future, and broadcasting outdoors is also very good, hehe.

You don’t need to delay your own affairs and you can do business with your friends, kill two birds with one stone~

There was no live broadcast today, so Jiang Siming was able to'clean up' the wives early, and then he entered the copy.

Because the "interest" was just right, Jiang Siming ran to the two stalled copies of Yitian and Zombie by the way, and "cleaned up" Zhou Zhiruo and Qiuyuan Jiexia.

Finally satisfied, ran back to the Three Kingdoms as prime minister.


On Liu Xie's palace hall, hundreds of officials are there.

As the prime minister, Jiang Siming looked at Liu Xie with a smile, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, the WeChat minister and all the colleagues have carefully selected a queen candidate for your Majesty."

Although Liu Xie was very afraid of Jiang Siming now, when he heard that he had a queen, he suddenly became excited.

Looking at Jiang Siming, he didn't seem to hate him so much, at least he was really good to him, and even the queen had found him.

"Who is the queen candidate? Hurry in and let me see."

Liu Xie looked expectant.

Jiang Siming smiled, then waved his big hand, and immediately there was the eunuch's rice paper: "The daughter of King Xuan Situ visited!"

Liu Xie was overjoyed when he heard that, isn't Wang Situ's daughter Diao Chan?

Is Jiang Siming going to give him Diao Chan? Diao Chan is known as the number one beauty in the world!

How could Jiang Siming bestow Diao Chan on him?

When Liu Xie thought about it, he immediately understood that Jiang Siming must have been watching him, so that Diao Chan served him as his queen.

Liu Xie quickly sneered triumphantly, Jiang Siming, you were really willing to give him your beloved concubine.

Although she is the queen of second-hand goods, Diao Chan's reputation is well known all over the world. Even if she is a second-hand beauty, Liu Xie is willing to ask for it!

Besides, it is Jiang Siming's beloved wife, and she will definitely be monitored anyway, so why not let Diao Chan monitor her.

I can still "enjoy" the world's number one beauty, quack!

Thinking of this, Liu Xie even showed the appearance of Brother Pig.

The officials were also amazed, how could the prime minister give his concubine to the emperor? This method of flattering is too fierce.

Just when everyone is wondering.

Outside the hall, the floor was shaking suddenly.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At first everyone thought it was drumming outside, but soon, a small mountain-like shadow blocked the sunlight projected from outside the temple.

All the officials looked back suspiciously, all dumbfounded.

Especially Liu Xie, who was sitting on the dragon chair, was completely confused.

Wang Yuan walked into the hall, walked in with elephant feet, and bowed with difficulty.

"The Queen of Min has seen your Majesty~"

This sound is...like a beast! Rough madness is better than men.

"Wang...Wang Yuan?? Who is Wang Yuan..." Liu Xie asked tremblingly.

Wang Yun walked out at this time and explained with a smile: "His Majesty, Wang Yuan is the youngest daughter of the old official."

"Isn't your daughter Diao Chan?" Liu Xie asked urgently.

Jiang Siming opened his eyes and asked, "Why, does your Majesty hope that Diao Chan will come in?"

Liu Xieyi chuckles, sweating on his head, quickly changed his words, and said: "What's the matter, the prime minister has misunderstood. I just wonder if Wang Situ has only one daughter."

Wang Yun explained: "Your Majesty does not know that, besides Diao Chan, a righteous daughter, the old minister actually has a daughter, Wang Yuan."

"You mean, Wang Yuan... is my queen candidate?" Liu Xie finally understood.

"Your Majesty Shengming, Weichen means this." Jiang Siming nodded and replied.

"No no no... Prime Minister, I don't want such a queen, I want to choose myself, I want to choose myself..." Liu Xie was about to cry.

Looking at the lump of meat on his knees, he could not imagine that such a person was his queen and his beloved wife.

He was very tired just looking at it.

Jiang Siming said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the queen candidate should not only look at the appearance, but also pay more attention to the inside. Wang Yuan is the sister of my beloved wife and the daughter of Wang Situ. Whether he is born or cultivated, he can definitely be unified. In the sixth house, she is the best choice."

Liu Xie still refused, but when he saw Jiang Siming's eyes, a psychedelic appeared suddenly, and then he dizzy twice and suddenly changed his mouth.

"What the Prime Minister said is extremely true. I have thought about it. Wang Yuan is indeed the type I like. I... I will call her a queen!"

After speaking, Jiang Siming immediately shouted: "Congratulations to your majesty for marrying the queen!"

The emperor himself agreed, and with the strong support of the prime minister and Situ, the hundred officials bowed down and shouted the queen thousand years old.

Wang Yuan was very happy, glanced at Jiang Siming secretly, and blinked at him.

Jiang Siming smiled tacitly, and he promised Wang Yuan would assist her as a queen.

Wang Yuan himself knew that it must be Jiang Siming's credit, otherwise how could Liu Xie fall in love with him.

Just when everyone announced that the queen was a thousand years old, Liu Xie regained his sanity, full of question marks...

[Author's digression]: Fourth! Is it okay? Ladies and gentlemen, please ask for money~

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