I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1135: Deng Qi surrounded by love

Deng Qi, who has just been promoted to a member of Jiang Siming's "Love Concubine Group", is in a very good mood these days.

She was also dragged into the WeChat harem group by Zhao Xuan and others and became a member of the sister group.

Knowing that Deng Qi still needs to be busy on tour, otherwise they would have asked Deng Qi to come to the house to "play mahjong with face base".

"I can only...play Guangdong Mahjong..." Deng Qi said weakly on WeChat.

[Zhao Xuan]: It’s okay, we play all mahjong.

[Deng Qi]: That's good, I haven't played Guangdong Mahjong for a long time.

[Sakurako]: Aqi, come back and hold a concert for us alone, but I like to hear you sing.

[Deng Qi]: Okay, okay, I must give my sisters and sisters enough~

[Zhirou]: Aqi, pay attention to safety and rest during the concert.

[Deng Qi]: Moving! Yeah, I will pay attention, sister Zhirou.

[Hundreds of Billions]: Aqi, we are all from Xiangjiang. Sister Zhirou is right. Don't try too hard. Anyway, now you have the richest husband (covering your mouth), what are you afraid of?

[Deng Qi]: (Shy kid) Hundred billion sister, I know~


Every day they chatted very happily in the WeChat group, and occasionally Jiang Siming got in and chatted and was ignored by them because they were chatting vigorously...

Deng Qi also became more beautiful after getting the nourishment of love, and his mood became even better.

Every day I walked and hummed and sang little songs, and occasionally thought about Jiang Siming's appearance when I was resting. It was too sweet.

"Boss, I secretly wrote a song for you recently. I want to sing it at the last concert. If you can't come by then, I will ask my agent to record it for you~"

Deng Qi sent Jiang Siming to WeChat. Because of love, she wrote a song these days.

Just like this talent, Jiang Siming has to appreciate it.

"Okay, I will go." Jiang Siming agreed.

Deng Qi, who was waiting for a reply in the bed with his mobile phone on his other end, saw the reply and was so happy that he kicked the quilt with his feet and rolled in front of the bed, just like A-Nan...

Irene has been very happy at home recently, where she seems to have come to the fairyland of her dreams, and she is reluctant to leave.

Last time I came to Shanghai with my dad’s mission, and had to go back after staying for several days.

Irene must take such a good opportunity now.

But Irene’s father was horrified, because he took the whole family to Canada, but Irene could not be found.

Later I learned that Irene had secretly gone to China. Although her father was very angry, he was relieved.

Irene told her father that she would transfer to Huaxia and study in Shanghai.

Irene's father also considered that the United States is indeed dangerous now. That night Harvard made a human bomb incident, and he was scared into a cold sweat until now.

Now the number of teachers and students in the entire Harvard school is less than one-tenth of what it used to be. Students and teachers dare not stay, all of them have taken time off and went home for refuge.

What else is there to go to such a school?

Especially Trump likes to do things, and the tension between him and Iraq is not known for how long it will last.

You can't keep your daughter from studying, or transfer.

China's public security issues are number one in the world, and security issues do not need to be considered. Moreover, China's development is surprisingly fast, and it is developing there.

Irene's parents finally agreed, and took the initiative to call Harvard University to go through the transfer procedures.

Irene decisively chose Fudan School because it was Jiang Siming's alma mater.

A Harvard student who is willing to transfer to Fudan University does not need Jiang Simingto relationship at all. The Fudan school leader welcomed him with his hands.

Not only has Irene waived all tuition and fees, but also given a generous scholarship every year.

Irene's parents were very happy to learn about it, saying that her daughter could support herself before graduation.

In this way, Irene became a member of Fudan University, with a postgraduate degree and the Department of Financial Management.

On the day Irene transferred to another school, Jiang Siming ordered a super beautiful limited edition Maserati from a car dealer and gave it to Irene contemporary walking tools.

Each of his own wives has one, and Irene naturally cannot be less.

When Deng Qi arrives, Jiang Siming will also give her a car. Whether they can afford it or not, this gift must be given to Didi.

Irene is very satisfied with this Maserati, but dare not tell her parents that they would doubt the origin of this car if they knew it.

Not to mention, anyway, they are now in Canada, the emperor is far away, hehe.

The Spring Festival is getting closer.

Liang Tian is the first to return to Changsha, Hunan. After all, she, the director, has been chic for a long time.

The family didn't know that she went to live in Shanghai.

The parents at home are still wondering why the daughter hasn't come home for so long.

Reluctantly, Liang Tian had to be the first to go home to prepare for the Chinese New Year.

Jiang Siming sent her to the airport and arranged for his private plane to take Liang Tian back.

"By the way, remember to send these specialties to Teacher He. These are the dried products my sister brought from home and are delicious. Teacher He absolutely likes it. Give him something to pass." Jiang Siming exhorted.

He has a very strong relationship with He Jiu, and He Jiu often sends him some special products from Hunan. Jiang Siming is still in a courtesy, so he has to send it once.

Otherwise it seems that he is the richest man in the world so stingy~

Liang Tian smiled and said, "I asked, Teacher He has recently gone abroad."

"Go abroad? Why did you go?" Jiang Siming was taken aback.

"The program "Chinese Restaurant" in the station has not had a very good ratings recently, and its reputation is not good. The main reason is that Xiao Ming can't be a human being. He offended many guests and didn't say anything, and the program's reputation was greatly reduced."

"So the station asked Mr. He to go to the rescue and clean up the mess."

Liang Tian explained.

Jiang Siming licked his lips and said, "It's almost New Year's Eve, and I let Teacher He go abroad, and I want to host and record the Spring Festival chapter. Are you really good at being Teacher He?"

Liang Tian also sighed, feeling distressed for Teacher He for a second.

"There is no way, there are only two pillars in the station. Teacher He and Brother Han, some programs have to have their veterans play, and others will only get messier."

Jiang Siming nodded and said, "Then give it to Teacher He's wife. I will send you the address when I will send it to you. You should send it."

"Well, then I'm leaving?" Liang Tian said to leave, but he didn't take a step.

Qiaosheng stood there, looking at Jiang Siming, as if expecting something.

Jiang Siming smiled, walked over, put her in his arms, and gave a romantic long kiss.

"Husband, remember to call me during the New Year, otherwise I will think of you crying~" Liang Tiangian said coquettishly in Jiang Siming's arms.

"Don't worry, I will call you every day. During the New Year, I will fly to your house to secretly have a tryst with you." Jiang Siming promised. Anyway, there is a small shifting technique. Wouldn't it be easy to go to Changsha?

Liang Tian was content and happily boarded the plane and flew to Changsha for the New Year.


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