I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1136: The building is completed!

Before the Spring Festival, the headquarters building that Jiang Siming was thinking of, finally ushered in the completion!

The construction company and Wang Shoufu's Wanda construction team called at the same time. The building was completed and ready to accept Jiang Siming's inspection.

On that day, Jiang Siming ran to see it as soon as possible.

This large-scale production, which took more than half a year, a total of 70,000 square meters of Shanghai's prime land, and a total of 10,000 construction personnel, is finally over.

During the last inspection, there were still limestones and safety nets everywhere, and the roads were bumpy.

But when I go now, Jiang Siming sees a magnificent building!

A ‘behemoth’ larger than the largest commercial building in Wanda, stands quietly in the prime location of Xuhui.

Like a silent prehistoric behemoth, it feels unprecedentedly shocking.

On the top of the building, the four gilded characters of Jiang's Group can be seen by people who look up from a kilometer away.

Once the building was completed, many people from around Xuhui came to visit it, but unfortunately they could only watch it from the outside and take a photo or video.

The building is generally similar to the architectural style of the Water Cube, based on the Chinese style of square and square style, but it is still nearly 100 meters high.

So far, the landmark building in Xuhui District has been renamed, and it is no longer the World Trade Center.

The outside of the building is surrounded by walls. In addition to the area of ​​the building, there is a large area of ​​open space for gardens, woods and courtyards.

Going in from the inside is like entering the back garden of the palace. The birds are calling and the leaves are flying, making people reluctant to move.

A general commercial building has always only one building, surrounded by roads and security.

But here, the parks, woods and gardens are very humane.

Let employees feel the atmosphere of home as soon as they enter, and they don’t even want to go home.

After all, there is no better place to live at home. When you are bored with work, go to the woods to listen to the birds, or sit on a park bench and feed the pigeons, or feed the goldfish by the pool.

How can the family have this condition.

Jiang Siming parked his car in the underground garage designated by the building, which was much larger than the garage of his manor.

It is not a problem to put tens of thousands of cars in it.

There are also many small yellow cars parked in the garage. This is a yellow electric sightseeing car unique to the headquarters building.

Every day, it stops at various points in the company to facilitate the delivery of documents or employees who run from one corner of the company to another.

With an area of ​​70,000 square meters, it takes more than 20 minutes to walk to run from one end to the other, which is too big.

With these small yellow cars, it is not only environmentally friendly and silent, but also very convenient and fast.

The person in charge of the construction told Jiang Siming that the company will need to recruit at least 50 drivers by then, 30 of which will have to be put on the small yellow car, and 20 will be put on the company bus and business car.

Jiang Siming naturally agrees that when the company is integrated, this building will at least accommodate tens of thousands of people, and naturally there will be more drivers.

After shopping outside, Jiang Siming couldn't wait to walk into the building to see what his new company was like.

In this headquarters building, except for the land exchange with Wang's richest man, the construction cost alone has thrown in more than 2 billion.

If he cannot be satisfied, Jiang Siming will definitely check the accounts thoroughly.

But as soon as Jiang Siming walked in, he dispelled the idea.

The exquisite decoration and design of the building left Jiang Siming speechless and just looked at it.

The hall of high-tech color, artistic style, walk in, as if into the future time tunnel.

Traveled to the future world.

The reception desk in the lobby is very artistic, bright and avant-garde.

The machines used by the front desk staff to check in are three cute robots. These robots are the latest smart products invented.

Not only can it accurately recognize face recognition, but it can also communicate with humans simply.

All employee information will be entered into the system, and then transmitted from the system to the three robots.

As long as they are not employees of the company, they will give security personnel the first prompt and warning.

"With these three robots, employees can completely save time for checking in. As long as they pass the detection channel, they can identify whether they are employees of the company, and they can also help to check in and swipe their faces to enter. If it is a visitor, senior personnel are required. After authorization, the visitor’s itinerary in the building will be recorded throughout to ensure safety."

After the person in charge introduced, Jiang Siming nodded approvingly.

The biggest fear of the company building is that some inexplicable people enter and steal things and cause trouble.

In some cases, even family disputes involving employees also involve the company.

Jiang Siming doesn't want to see this situation. The company is the company, where he works.

After a while, I came to the elevator on the first floor of the lobby.

Jiang Siming was shocked to discover that there are too many elevators!

There are elevators from east to west, north to south, and there are more than a dozen elevators in each place.

"How many elevators are there in total?" Jiang Siming asked.

The person in charge smiled and said: "There are 56 elevators in total."


Jiang Siming took a sigh of relief. There are 56 elevators... His win in the competition is only four.

The person in charge continued: "And these elevators are equipped with the [Mao Shi] system. You can use WeChat to reserve which elevator and any floor you want to reach with one click."

Jiang Siming felt good. He simply took out his mobile phone and tried it out. It was really ok. It was also very convenient to check how many people were booking the elevator. If there were too many people, the peak period could be avoided.

"Chairman, your exclusive elevator is here." Of course, the person in charge will not forget to give Jiang Siming an exclusive elevator, which is also exclusive to Zhao Xuan and the others in the future.

Jiang Siming got on the elevator and began to visit the building in detail.

I don't know it, but at a glance I know the gap between Yinghuan Building and it.

If Yinghuan Building is compared to a boutique commercial suite, then this is a sky villa!

Except that the decoration design is exactly the same as that designed by Jiang Siming, there are many black technologies in the building.

The constant-temperature central air conditioner can automatically adjust the air-conditioning port in each place according to the human body temperature perception and weather changes at any time.

Full-floor glass windows with sun shading system can automatically shield and block the sun according to the laws of Shanghai sunshine.

The indoor map system can accurately locate any location indoors with a gap of no more than one meter, so there is no need to worry about new employees not finding their office.

The human bone structure adjusts the work chair. The chairs of all employees in the building can automatically adjust the most comfortable seat according to the fitness of different employees.

The air-liquid oxygen purification system, even if you eat durian and instant noodles in the office, there will not be too much taste to others. The purification system can help you absorb most of the taste.

Wait, in addition to these black technologies, there are many new technologies that have opened Jiang Siming's horizons.

[Author's digression]: The third update~ Dear friends, remember to vote!

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