I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1137: He Jiu is sick

The facilities are also impeccable. Indoor arena, badminton courts, basketball courts, table tennis courts, billiard courts, tennis courts, mini-golf courts, as long as it is not football, there are almost all the ball sports you want to play here.

Indoor gym, equipment is more complete than professional fitness headquarters, there are hundreds of treadmills alone.

There is even a rock climbing field, a three-story rock climbing wall, a place where employees must go to uncompress.

At the same time, there are more than 800 meters of circular indoor track and indoor swimming pool, which is a holy place for employees who want to exercise.

All of these are provided to employees for free.

Looking up all the way, there are surprises on every floor, Jiang Siming can't remember how many surprises he has.

Moreover, the company adjusts the architectural style according to the different company groups to enter. For example, the floor building of Yinghuan Finance and the floor building of Fuxi are completely different.

It is different with the floors of the pharmaceutical company, the voice software company, etc.

Along the way, Jiang Siming seemed to have visited many company buildings, just like traveling.

The top floor is the office floor of his chairman, as well as the office building of Zhao Xuan's deputy general manager.

His office of the chairman, like Ying Huan, is built for enjoyment.

And it's a bit higher than Yinghuan's office level, Jiang Siming almost didn't want to go home...

Looking at the entire building, Jiang Siming looked at the time, and it took him more than five hours.

From the afternoon to the evening.

Jiang Siming really wanted to go to the company cafeteria for dinner, but the company that was just built at this time hadn't officially opened yet, so there was no one in the cafeteria.

This canteen alone is more than ten times better than the canteen he built specifically for Ying Huan.

I really want to have a meal here.

But now I can only endure it and wait until the employees move in next year before eating.

Coming out of the building, Jiang Siming was very satisfied with the building. No company building he had ever visited was as good as his.

This more than two billion, this 70,000 flat land, the value of flowers!

"It's done well, and it's time for you to take a vacation. Let's set the opening time after the Lantern Festival, and go home for a good year."

"Good chairman." The person in charge left with confidence.

Jiang Siming also drove home and planned to go home. When he drove out of the building, he looked back. The lights of the building had not been turned off. The whole building was bright as a dream at night.

Jiang Siming feels better than the Oriental Pearl Tower.

Seeing the people nearby taking pictures and admiring, he knew that he didn't talk nonsense.

Back home, Jiang Siming told his wives about the matter, and they all wanted to see it.

Jiang Siming had no choice but to take them to see it again, which took several hours.

The wives are very satisfied with this building, and even wish to move to the building to go to work now.

The opening ceremony of the building is scheduled for the day after the Lantern Festival, which is not far from now.

Qi Muqing and Qi Muxin started busy making invitations and preparing for the opening ceremony.

The invitations are naturally sent to the senior executives of the company that has cooperated with Jiang’s Group, and Jiang Siming’s business friends.

After receiving the invitation, everyone said they would definitely be there, and they dare not give up Jiang Siming's face.

Wang Shoufu and Shuangma temporarily turned off the affairs of that day and asked the secretary to go to Shanghai to attend Jiang Siming's opening ceremony.

The richest man Wang was going to see a distinguished guest that day, but he was also turned off by him, and even his wife said that he would go.

And all the employees of the Jiangshi Group have also received a message that their office will be moved to Jiangshi Building next year.

The employees are naturally happy. I have long heard that the chairman is building the headquarters building. Anyway, the location is in Shanghai, so he can move anywhere.

The headquarters is definitely better than the branch. It's nothing to think about.

Tang Ru is also very happy, and can finally move away with LILI, no longer need to work upstairs with his brother every day, he has to be watched every day, freedom~

Originally Jiang Siming wanted to invite He Jiu over to host it, but when he thought of Liang Tian's saying that He Jiu was too busy, he dispelled the idea.

But the host can't live without it, or ask Wang Han or Sa to host him, he knows both of them, and the relationship is very good.

Finally, after thinking about it, let's choose Wang Han. Host Sa is too funny, he is afraid that the guests will laugh...

Such a serious business opening ceremony is inappropriate to be funny.

If Chairman Sa knew Jiang Siming's thoughts, he would definitely protest.

I used to be a serious presiding officer of the legal system because of a person who made him amused. This person is just...

I called Wang Han, and the other party happily accepted it, and he didn't want any of the fees Jiang Siming gave him, saying that he would volunteer to help.

"As long as President Jiang has time to come to me every day, I will be satisfied." Wang Han said on the phone.

"No problem, I will definitely go next year." Jiang Siming couldn't understand the meaning and immediately agreed.

"Hahaha, that's great, President Jiang can rest assured that even if I don't eat the New Year's Eve dinner, I will have to prepare the opening draft to ensure the successful completion of the task." Wang Han said.

"Thank you then." Jiang Siming smiled.

"President Jiang is too polite." Wang Han said with a smile.

"By the way, President Jiang, Teacher He is sick, let me tell you." Wang Han suddenly remembered this.

He knew that Jiang Siming had a very good relationship with Hejiu, and he had a very good relationship with Hejiu.

In the past, many rumors on the Internet said that he was at odds with Hejiu, saying that the two had been quarreling with each other in secret.

These news are all false, and the two have a good relationship in private.

Otherwise, can two people work together on the same table for so many years?

"Sick? What's the disease?" Jiang Siming asked in doubt, he thought He Jiu was in good health.

"Oh, I'm tired. There are too many tasks in Taili at the end of the year. This time I asked him to go abroad to clean up the mess of "Chinese Restaurant". The jet lag and the season did not adjust, and he suffered a serious illness. Now he is getting a drip in the hospital in Sicily. The doctor said there was nothing wrong with it, just that he needed more rest."

When Wang Han finished speaking, he sighed with emotion. He was so tired that he wanted to retire. He Jiu was even more tired than him.

After hearing this, Jiang Siming hung up the phone with Wang Han, then checked the map of Lower Sicily with his mobile phone, and thought about whether he should go and see Hejiu.

He Jiu has the best relationship with him in the entertainment industry. He Jiu really treats him as his younger brother, and he also regards He Jiu as his elder brother.

The eldest brother was sick, and Jiang Siming couldn't bear it, so let's go and see.

Finally, I told my wives that I was going out for a day or two.

Then, disappeared in Shanghai...

Sicily, Italy, is too far away and flying back and forth is too slow. Fortunately, Jiang Siming teleported over.

Anyway, there can’t be a policeman on the roadside asking someone for a passport.


[Author's digression]: The fourth update today! Add more +1! Two more left! Ten more promises of sake are almost fulfilled, friends, it's not bad.

Remember to vote for the sake. Sake is currently in the third place in the silver ticket contest. Work hard and maybe get the second place~~ Please!

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