I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1138: This is really Jiang Siming!

Italy, Sicily.

The largest island in the Mediterranean and one of the most famous islands in Italy.

A Chinese restaurant on the island is also the only Chinese restaurant on the island.

It is lunch time.

The shop is a bit busy and many customers are ordering meals.

A pretty and familiar girl is busy greeting guests, and another very thin and older man is not only in charge of serving dishes, but also serving as a waiter.

It could be seen that the man's face was waxy and weak.

"Mr. He, why don't you take a break, you will break your body like this." The girl persuaded.

He Jiu shook his head and said, "It's okay, Xiao Zi, it's even more uncomfortable for me to stop. It's okay to do something and sweat."

"That should also make it easier for you to be a store manager. Brother Xiao Ming is also true. On the contrary, he sits inside and collects easily. He should change it with you." The girl whispered.

He Jiu gave her a look and motioned her to stop talking, after all, it was easy to offend people.

"I'm really okay, look, Xiao Zi, there is another guest outside, go and greet him."


Yang Xiaozi walked out of the shop obediently, only to find that there was only one person who had come, but he was wearing a straw hat and clothes that did not match the Sicilian season.

Yang Xiaozi only knew that this person was very tall and that her long legs made her envy even a girl.

"Hello, sir, are you here to eat?" Yang Xiaozi asked in English, because she couldn't see the other person's face and didn't know which country he was from.

"Well, is there a place?"

The other party's voice was so hoarse that Yang Xiaozi couldn't tell who it was, but it was in Chinese.

"Yes, sir, please here." Yang Xiaozi politely led him into the restaurant and found a single seat by the side.

"Sir, this is the menu."

The straw hat man took the menu and looked down at the recipe seriously. Yang Xiaozi still couldn't see his face.

She was a little curious about how strange this person was, so mysterious.

Yang Xiaozi waited for a long time, but didn't see the man order a good meal. She thought the other party had a phobia of choice.

"Sir, do you need me to recommend some dishes to you?"

"Okay, you recommend it to me."

"Well, I suggest that if you are alone, you can order garlic shrimp or fish head casserole, which is delicious."

Yang Xiaozi walked over and bent over to recommend, and secretly wanted to see the appearance of the straw hat man.

She is really curious, why is this man so mysterious and has such a good figure, does it look strange? Not appropriate.

Yang Xiaozi turned his head and glanced at her secretly, but the other party had already noticed it and looked at her with a smile.

this is...


Yang Xiaozi was taken aback.

He Jiu and Xiao Ming, Qin Lu and Wang Kai who were sitting inside all walked over quickly, thinking that Yang Xiaozi had encountered some difficult or disgusting guests.

For example, the kind where the ** customers take advantage of the waiter.

"What's the matter?" He Jiu asked immediately, and pulled Yang Xiaozi behind him, fearing that she would be hurt again.

"He...he is..." Yang Xiaozi stammered, looking shocked.

Qin Lu anxiously asked the straw hat man, her tone a little stern: "Sir, may I ask what happened, if you make trouble in our restaurant, we will call the police."

Yang Xiaozi hurriedly waved his hand and said, "Sister Lulu, isn't it? He didn't make trouble."

"Ah? Then what is your name?" Qin Lu puzzled.

Yang Xiaozi said embarrassedly: "I seem to see a familiar person, so surprised."

"Hey, you boy, who have you seen are so excited." Qin Lu was speechless.

Yang Xiaozi explained: "He looks like my idol, so I was a little surprised..."

"Your idol? Who." Qin Lu also began to be curious, and everyone else was just as curious, who looked like Yang Xiaozi's idol? Who will it be?

Everyone immediately wanted to look down, but this time, the straw hat man took the initiative to take off his hat, stroked his hair lightly, and then smiled at Yang Xiaozi and asked: "Girl, who do you think I am like? "

"I'm going! This is too similar!"

"Yes, it's almost printed out of a mold."

"Isn't this Jiang Geshen? He really looks like Jiang Geshen."

Qin Lu and the others only met Jiang Siming on the Internet, so they thought this person was just like Jiang Siming.

Only Hejiu suddenly laughed.

"What are you doing, this is him!"

He Jiu walked over in surprise and patted Jiang Siming on the shoulder and said, "Aming, why are you here?"

How could this not be surprising, they were in Sicily, Italy, a flight more than ten hours away from China, across the ocean.

Suddenly the figure of Jiang Siming appeared, and he almost thought he was just meeting a passerby who looked like him.

Fortunately, He Jiu's relationship with Jiang Siming was immediately recognized.

The others were shocked, really Jiang Siming? Jiang Qiu God? Jiang Geshen? The richest man in Jiang? It really is him!

Jiang Siming chuckled and got up and said, "Aren't you sick? It just happened to be fine. Come and see you, and treat you by the way."

He Jiu's nose suddenly became hot, and a warm current hit his eye glands.

For a person his age, few things can make him lose control of his emotions in an instant.

The others showed envious eyes, envious of He Jiu, who had such a good relationship with President Jiang.

The richest man in Asia, the chairman of Huayi, and the person in charge of half of the sky in the entertainment industry, would fly a long distance to see him in a foreign country because of the illness of a host.

This kind of friendship, many people have never had in their lives.

It's no wonder that Hejiu has always admired Jiang Siming so much, even when recording shows, he often brings Jiang Siming in his words.

He Jiu didn't speak, but gave Jiang Siming a hug in the past, and the friendship between the two was silent.

Sometimes there is no need for language between men, because at this time any language is a little pale, a hug is the best thanks.

"Have you checked the weather here before coming to Sicily?"

He Jiu smiled and pointed to the coat on his body, which must be fine in Shanghai.

But it's summer in Sicily, it's very hot.

"No, I came here in a hurry. Who knew it was so hot? I would have come here wearing big pants." Jiang Siming himself was embarrassed.

This also proves even more that Jiang Si clearly came here in a hurry for Hejiu, how could he wear this suit if he was traveling.

And it seemed that I rushed here after getting off the plane, and I didn't even have time to change clothes.

"What about your hat?"

"I bought it when the roadside stall came over. It was too dark. A straw hat charged me 50 Euros."

Jiang Siming grumbled and complained that when he first came to Italy, he was assed by a businessman.


He Jiu laughed happily, this was also the happiest time he came here, the kind from the heart.


[Author's digression]: The first update~ Today is a bit too much, but the third update is guaranteed. The update may be a little later. If you have time, you must try to add more sake~ Don’t forget to vote~

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