I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1143: Dad Cao is dead

At this moment a soldier rushed over in a hurry.

"Lord, there is a large army attacking Hanzhong at night! The big thing is not good!"

"What? How is this possible! My Hanzhong City is solid, easy to defend and difficult to attack. Who can attack it?" Zhang Lu didn't believe it.

"It's true, Lord, not only in Hanzhong, but other cities have soldiers to report for help, and the Lord must send troops to ask for help quickly!"

"Who did it? Who did it!" Zhang Lu flushed with anger.

"Hahaha, Taishou Zhang, if I knew today, why not listen to my advice?"

Fazheng walked into Zhang Lu's prefect's mansion at this time and looked at him with a smile.

Zhang Lu pointed out angrily: "It's you!"

"To be precise, it's my lord."

"It's Jiang Bei! Jiang Bei's wolf ambition, I just don't want to serve him, he will seize my city!" Zhang Lu cursed.

Fazheng snorted coldly: "Is there a king in the world, or a courtier on the shore of the earth? My lord is the order of his majesty to take back Hanzhong. As a courtier, Zhang Lu wants to stand on his own. How can my lord keep you? , You are the wolf ambition, right?"

Zhang Lu was half to death, but could not speak back.

Fazheng's mouth is really powerful, and his eloquence is first-rate.

"Come on, take him down for me and behead him to show the public!" Zhang Lu said.

As soon as the guards around him were about to start their hands, a row of arrows shot them into hornet's nest.

Behind Fazheng stood dozens of Xuanjia army, and there were even many important officials under Zhang Lu.

Zhang Lu was shocked. Fazheng sneered and waved his hand: "Take him down, lock him up first, and wait for the lord to let him down."

Only then did Zhang Lu understand the importance of the matter, and hurriedly shouted: "I surrender, I am willing to surrender!"

"Want to drop now? Haha, it's too late, take it away!"

Zhang Lu was finally abducted by the Big Five. Yang Song walked out from the other side and said greedily: "Master Fazheng is worthy of being the top scholar in the imperial examination. It only took his lips and tongue to win the huge Hanzhong land for the prime minister. Congratulations, but promised. Don't forget the three cities below."

Fazheng looked at him with a smile, and said, "Naturally, I can't forget, the lord of the three cities will definitely give it to you."

"Haha, isn't it? When will the handover be? Which three cities are they?" Yang Song wiped his mustache and smiled triumphantly.

Fazheng vomited word by word: "Today's handover, as for the city, go and ask Lord Yan!"

As soon as Fa Zheng finished speaking, an arrow penetrated Yang Song's neck and shot him on the spot!

The other Zhang Lu's subordinates shuddered in shock, thinking that Jiang Siming was a rebellious person and wanted to act on them.

Fazheng said to them: "The lord has an order, Yang Song is insatiable, threatening the emperor, he should be killed, all the good people are sincerely surrendered, naturally nothing, when I return to Chang'an, I will have to reuse it."

These people breathed a sigh of relief, secretly rejoicing that fortunately, they didn't open their mouths like Yang Song.

As soon as Zhang Lu was arrested, the entire Hanzhong area collapsed overnight.

Most of the soldiers in Hanzhong surrendered, and a small part of those who did not surrender were killed.

The Hanzhong management team was completely replaced overnight, ranging from the county guards to the county magistrates, and almost all of them were replaced by their owners.

It happened that there were many unused imperial examination talents under the imperial examination, and it was most appropriate to put them there.

Fazheng made great contributions this time and was directly named Hanzhong prefect by Jiang Siming.

This is also the fastest and largest one to get promoted.

From an ordinary citizen to prefect, Fazheng took less than three months.

This also let everyone see Jiang Siming's meritocracy, as long as he has the ability, civilians can also be prefect!

For Jiang Siming's gift, the Fa is very grateful, and he is even more loyal to Jiang Siming, and has not changed until his death.

Hanzhong was incorporated by Fazheng in a very short period of time.

The other princes didn't even react, and they heard that Hanzhong was taken by Jiang Siming. At this speed, they didn't even have a chance to take advantage of the opportunity.

But they also began to notice the strength of Jiang Siming, from a small Chang'an to the big threat of having two fertile territories in Hanzhong and Huainan.

Jiang Siming has become the number one enemy of Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

It's just that even if they know it now, they don't have time to attack Jiang Siming, and the battle on their side is still too busy. How can they have the time to separate the troops to find Jiang Siming's trouble.

They don't ask for trouble, it doesn't mean that Jiang Siming doesn't ask them for trouble.

Coincidentally, Cao Cao wanted to take his father Cao Song to Yanzhou to enjoy Qingfu during this period.

Cao Song's father passed by Xuzhou. Liu Bei, who had just taken charge of Xuzhou, planned to make friends with Cao Cao. He arranged for Tao Qian's former general Zhang Kai to **** him and gave him a large amount of gold and silver.

Now that Liu Bei is no longer the master of Guan Zhang, he has begun to reveal his instincts, and he no longer acts under the banner of benevolence and righteousness. As long as he can achieve his goal, Liu Bei begins to use whatever means.

Although the role of Xuzhou, but now all the princes are staring at the fertile land of Xuzhou, Liu Bei wants to indulge Cao Cao first, at least let him not pay attention to him during this period, so that he can seize the time to recruit soldiers and develop himself.

However, he never thought that Zhang Kai was a greedy person like history, and he became greedy when he saw so many gold and silver properties.

He decisively killed the boss of Cao, robbed the property and ran to the mountain as the king of the mountain.

After Liu Bei learned about it, he realized that something was wrong, so he quickly sent someone to capture Zhang Kai, and he quickly wrote to Cao Cao to explain why.

Cao Cao hasn't replied yet. It's not that Boss Cao didn't want to return, but that he was fighting with Ma Teng and had no time to return.

Boss Cao intends to endure it first, and then use his father as an excuse to kill Liu Bei and take Xuzhou with one stone and two birds with one stone!

But before he arrived, Cao Cao didn't even express his attitude. One person was the first to be furious, and he asked the emperor for a message, and then he went to Xuzhou!

This person is no one else, but Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming said clearly in his message that Cao Cao is his brother, and his brother's father is his father. Now that his brother's father is dead, his brother has no time to control.

He knew that his brother was suffering from a severe liver injury, so Jiang Siming took the initiative to raise his troops very ‘caring’ to avenge his ‘daddy’!

Well, there is something inside...

Jiang Siming's sudden dispatch of troops caught Liu Bei and Boss Cao by surprise.

"Jiang Bei! You brazen man!" Boss Cao was so angry that the general case was overturned in the Yanzhou military camp.

I can't wait to draw the sword to chop Jiang Siming!

"Master, Jiang Bei clearly wants to take advantage of the fire!"

"Nonsense, can I not know? But what can you do, Ma Teng hasn't figured it out, how can we free ourselves!"

"What does the lord mean?"

"We can only hope that Liu Bei will defend himself and wait for our army to destroy Ma Teng, alas~"

Boss Cao felt bitter, but he didn't say...

Jiang Siming seemed to have anticipated that Boss Cao could not control him, so he began to go all out to fight in Xuzhou.

Uncle Liu Huang, brother is here.


[Author's digression]: Third more~

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