I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1144: Horse riding

In this attack on Xuzhou, Jiang Siming dispatched 50,000 Xuanjia Army and 80,000 Chijia Army, but not many troops were mobilized.

The main reason was that Hanzhong was not stable just now and needed troops and horses to garrison to prevent people from turning back.

Besides fighting Liu Bei, these soldiers and horses are completely sufficient.

The army was marching on the road, and Jiang Siming swayed in the carriage of the Chinese army, desperate to sleep.

Passing by the Jianghuai area, the army is walking on the road between the rice fields. The fields are full of wheat and corn. The coming year is bound to be another harvest year.

Jiang Siming stipulated that the army must be careful when marching, not trample on the wheat fields, and behead the offenders.

So all soldiers are very careful, for fear of trampling on the food.

At this moment, a pheasant flew up in front of Jiang Siming's carriage, and the horse was frightened and began to run wildly.

"Quick! Protect the lord!" Guo Jia shouted, and hurriedly followed.

The horses were only frightened for a while, and quickly stopped steadily, but the position where they stopped made the prime minister Jiang Siming very embarrassed...

Where the carriage stopped, it happened to be in the wheat field, trampling and crushing a wheat ear.

"Lord, are you okay? Do you want to pass on the doctor?" Dian Wei asked hurriedly.

Jiang Siming got out of the carriage and stood by the side of the carriage, looking at the ear of wheat trampled by the carriage, and suddenly remembered the classic Three Kingdoms costume.

Then he said: "Where is the main book of the army?"

At this time Xu Shu walked out immediately and said, "Master, the humble duty is here."

Xun Yu and Guo Jia both looked at each other, wondering what the lord was going to do.

"Before the army set out, I gave a strict order, you can still remember." Jiang Siming asked Xu Shu.

Xu Shu replied honestly: "Remember the humble duty, the Lord sternly ordered the soldiers at all levels, I will punish the thieves, and eliminate the harm for the people. Now it is the time when the wheat is ripe. Anyone who crosses the wheat field is not allowed to trample, and the offender shall be cut."

Jiang Siming nodded and said, "Very well, now my frame has trampled on the wheat field, what's the sin?"

Xu Shu was dumb for a while, and the honest Xu Yuanzhi hadn't understood Jiang Siming's thoughts, so he knelt down quickly: "Lord, you never dare to commit the sin of the lord. The humble duty is willing to bear the lord's crime. Please order my head to be cut off! "

A smile appeared in Jiang Siming's eyes, but he still pretended to be very serious.

"I violated the military regulations that I set up myself, so how can I convince the public? The sword!" Jiang Siming stretched out his hand.

Dian Wei was at a loss and had to hand over the Emperor Sword to Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming drew his sword decisively and put it on his neck.

The soldiers all knelt down and shouted in unison: "Lord, think twice!"

"Lord! This is absolutely impossible! No!" Dian Wei was startled, and hurriedly ran over, trying to **** the sword from Jiang Siming's hand.

Jiang Siming kicked his **** and kicked him into the wheat field.

Obviously, this effect is not what he wants.

At this time, Guo Jia stood up and said, "Lord, Spring and Autumn is righteous, and the law does not impose on respect, and the lord, don’t prey!"

Jiang Siming responded with a sneer: "The Spring and Autumn Period is nonsense. If the law is not added to respect, then what is the use of legislation?"

Xun Yu also walked out and said: "The lord refutes well, but the lord is an edict to beg a thief. If you fight against yourself, who will beg the thief for the emperor and who will kill the world?"

When Jiang Siming heard this, his mouth showed an unnoticeable smile.

"This is a bit reasonable. Since I am in charge of begging for thieves, I will bypass my life for now."

"Master Mingjian!" The soldiers shouted in surprise.

Jiang Siming didn't finish, he untied the band from his hair, waved his sword, and cut a small strand of hair.

Jiang Siming held up his hair and shouted: "Today, the deputies will be cut off, and in the future, they will be redeemed and passed on to the three armies to demonstrate!"

"The Lord is righteous!" The soldiers admire, and the Lord is really a person who believes in words. I really admire it~

And Guo Jia and Xun Yu looked at each other and both understood...

Xu Shu also quickly figured it out. He glanced at Guo Jia and Xun Yu, and said that these two old brothers are really old foxes, why didn't he understand in an instant.

After cutting his hair, Jiang Siming ordered the army to continue.

Guo Jia, who followed behind, smiled and said to Xun Yu: "If Wen is really good, he can convince the lord and save the lord's life."

Xun Yu gave him a white look and said, "Fengxiao, you want to talk too, but you deliberately brought Spring and Autumn to come out, obviously you want to throw the burden on me."

"Nothing, Wen Ruo, don't slander me, hahaha."

After traveling for three days, Jiang Siming almost faded out of the car.

With hundreds of thousands of troops and can't fly out alone, can only endure this boring time.

Fortunately, there are tablets and mobile phones in the Universe Ring. It's okay to read novels and movies, which can also pass the time very well.

"Master, there is the Jingzhou boundary in front of me. Should I take a detour, or?" Xun Yu came over and asked.

Jiang Siming didn't raise his eyes, and said: "The order, the three armies were stationed in place and sent people to spread the word. They said that they were in charge of the thieves. When passing by Jingzhou, all the cities of Jingzhou must be opened. The offender is conspiring to rebel with Liu Bei. Actually, I don’t mind taking over Jingzhou before packing up Xuzhou."

"Hey!" Xun Yu hurriedly arranged after hearing this.

The army was stationed, but in Jingzhou City, everyone was in danger, and there was a lot of noise.

Liu Biao quickly summoned his subordinates to discuss whether to let Jiang Siming go. After some argument, Liu Biao got a very sad result.

Eighty percent of his strategists thought that Jiang Siming was invincible and should open the door to let them pass.

Liu Biao was also afraid of Jiang Siming's truth about him, so he quickly ordered the door to be opened and Jiang Siming's army to pass through Jingzhou.

"Lord, do you want to take this opportunity to take Jingzhou?" Guo Jia asked with a smile.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "No, Jingzhou Liu Biao is just an old man who wants to enjoy his old age. Jingzhou is already riddled with holes and has no combat power. This piece of meat can be eaten anytime."

"Furthermore, people have promised to let us pass. We stabbed in the back and we will be laughed at by the people of the world. Then everyone will think that the truth is a villain who does not believe in words. How will the truth be picking up girls in the future?"

Guo Jia: "..."

It turns out that the lord does not fight Jingzhou to pick up girls...

The army set out again and passed straight through the cities of Jingzhou. Every city that arrived opened its doors unconditionally, and some were waiting at the city gates for fear that they would open the doors too slowly to provoke Nu Jiang Siming.

The army passed through Jingzhou without hindrance, and came to the boundary of Xuzhou.

When Liu Bei heard it, he yelled at Liu Biao for having no spine, but he was helpless. He couldn't protect himself now.

Jiang Siming came to him.

Pengcheng County, the first city in Xuzhou.

On the city gate, Xuzhou soldiers stood full of rockets, rocks, and kerosene. All the soldiers were on the verge of an enemy.

Liu Bei was standing on the tower, looking at the plain in the distance, worried.

"Mi Zhu, how long will Jiang Bei's army arrive?"

"Back to the lord, there are at most twenty miles away." Mi Zhu replied.

Liu Bei worried: "Have you brought all the defense equipment?"

"The lord can rest assured that they are all here. There are tens of thousands of soldiers defending the city. Even if Jiang Siming wants to attack, at least he can defend for more than a month."

Liu Bei was a little bit emboldened.

[Author's digression]: First more~

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