I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1145: Great ear!

"That's good, but you must be careful of Jiang Bei. This man has a lot of tricks, and his counselors are even more of a cow. Guo Jia, Xun Yu, Xun You, Fazheng, Xu Shu, etc. are all resourceful and resourceful."

"Oh, it's a pity that Liu Bei doesn't have a good counselor. If there is, Liu Bei doesn't have to work so hard."

Liu Bei sighed and said that he was envious of the number of Jiang Siming's counsellors and military commanders.

Mi Zhu comforted: "Don't worry about the lord. I got news a while ago. Dong Zhuo's old minister Li Ru recently appeared in Xuzhou. I have sent someone to look for it. If I find him, this person can be used by the lord."

Liu Bei showed a surprised smile and said, "It's so good. You must find Li Ru as soon as possible. Remember, you must treat him as a distinguished guest after you find it, not reckless."

Mi Zhu was a little worried and said: "I am afraid that if the lord uses Li Ru, it will provoke the world to criticize. After all, Li Ru has made a lot of conscience under Dong Zhuo."

Liu Bei sneered, and said: "Using very people in extraordinary times. In the past, they were the masters. Li Ru couldn't help it. People hate Dong Zhuo instead of Li Ru. Don't worry about making arrangements."

"I know it." Mi Zhu responded.

In addition to counsellors, now military commander Liu Bei can't compare.

In the past, he was concerned about Zhang's two peerless warriors, but now he only looks at the generation of Sun Gan next to him.

The only people who can tell are the Yuan Shujiu general Ji Ling who happened to conquer and Li Lu who is known as Xuzhou's number one powerhouse.

But the strength of these two men, Liu Bei, can also be seen, and there is a big gap between them and Guan Zhangshang, not to mention that Jiang Siming also has Zhao Yun, the world's number one general!

Not long after, on the horizon outside the city, suddenly dust was everywhere, and endless rows of black shadows appeared in their sight.

"The whole army is on guard!" Liu Bei said hurriedly.

Immediately after Jiang Siming's army came outside the city gate, a soldier with a loud voice came out to shout.

"Liu Bei, my prime minister is ordered by the emperor to beg the thief. If you are acquainted, you will open the city gate and beg your sin. My lord is willing to go to the emperor and spare your life. If not, after the city is broken, it will be you. At the time of death!"

Liu Bei listened to the ridicule on the tower. It took him half his life to achieve his current achievements and strength. It was more painful than killing him to ask him to hand over Xuzhou.

Liu Bei turned towards the downstairs of the city, and Jiang Siming’s army shouted: "Jiang Bei! You are holding the emperor to make the princes of the world, and there is the emperor’s blood imperial in hand, do you still want to be in the name of the emperor? Dreaming! Jiang Bei, you Although he is Jiang Xiang, he is really a Jiang thief! A thief who steals the country!"

After finishing talking, Liu Bei's heart is called a cool, that's a pleasure, and it's a joy to scold!

Jiang Siming peeled off the orange and looked at Liu Bei who was yelling on the tower. He suddenly felt that he was a little cute, right? bring it on.

After talking to the soldiers who called the formation, the soldiers immediately walked out and yelled back: "Everyone knows that you, Liu Xuande, used to be a royal clan, but were later found out by the prime minister and the emperor. You are a shoemaker. It’s ridiculous to pretend to be the grandson of Emperor Han Jing, the royal family clan."

After revealing the short story and telling the embarrassment in the past, Liu Bei couldn't hold it on his face, but it was not over yet.

"When you joined the army under the account of the prime minister, your two brothers discovered that you had the quirk of wearing women’s clothes and were ashamed to be with you. In your anger, you cut off your robes from your brothers. My prime minister would like to ask you, are you still? Like to wear women’s clothes? The prime minister asked me to buy you a fine-quality set of women’s clothes for you to wear, and let the Xuzhou soldiers take a good look at what men wear in women’s clothes, hahahaha."

After speaking, Jiang Siming's soldiers all laughed. The laughter made the Xuzhou soldiers on the tower listen to a stunned voice. Isn't it true?

Even Mi Zhu started to look at Liu Bei with strange eyes.

Liu Bei was embarrassed and angry. Only Yu and Zhang Fei knew about wearing women's clothing. How did Jiang Siming know about it.

He knows, it must be the secret of Guan Zhang.

"Guan Yunchang! Zhang Yide! I and you two don't share the same sky!"

Liu Bei roared with anger, and no one could bear to be exposed like this.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, the generals of the three armies, felt inexplicable, so why did Liu Bei believe that they were the ones who informed them?

It must be that he himself was keen to wear women's clothing and was discovered by other soldiers. Now he is running to blame them? Ha ha.

At this time, Jiang Siming's carriage came to the front.

Jiang Siming stood on the carriage, holding the orange in his hand, and slowly said to the tower while peeling it:

"Big-eared thief, this time I came here not only for the edict, but also for the life of my brother Meng De's father, to kill and pay for his life, don't you understand this truth?"

Big ear thief?

This is the first time everyone has heard of Liu Bei's nickname. Upon closer inspection, he really found that Liu Bei's ears are really big. No wonder he is called Big Ear Thief, hahaha.

"Huh! Ridiculous! Jiang Pirate, don't talk about these absurd reasons. If you want to fight, I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

For the first time, Liu Bei felt that he was stubborn, and it was different when he had soldiers.

Jiang Siming smiled. Sure enough, Liu Bei, when he had no strength, would be a tortoise in all kinds of ways.

In history too, when there was no money or power, all kinds of begging grandpa to tell grandma, under the banner of benevolence and righteousness, bluffing, kneeling and crying bitterly in order to seek a counselor.

But after gaining strength, he established the Kingdom of Shu and became an emperor, and he began to drift so much. Even Zhuge Liang, a minister of the arm, did not believe him, and said, ‘I can’t stand on my own without you? ’Such words.

This kind of person's typical villain mentality makes him feel like a drop when he cares about it.

The best way is to hurt him, hurt him, and let him know what the difference in strength is.

Jiang Siming waved, the carriage returned to the army, and Zhao Yun immediately came out to call for battle.

But Liu Bei wouldn't be fooled. He didn't come to solo with Jiang Siming at all, and Zhao Yun didn't open the door even though Zhao Yun called downstairs.

"Lord, Liu Bei seems to be determined to defend the city. The city of Pengcheng is very high and the walls are thick and strong. It is quite difficult to attack the city." Guo Jiadao.

"Nonsense, it's not difficult. I ordered the siege a long time ago. When I come back, I will ask you a few, is there any way?" Jiang Si understood him.

Guo Jia smiled embarrassedly, and then discussed with Xun Yu and the others.

It is said that the three heads have beaten Zhuge Liang, and these three are all together with smart people who are not much different from Zhuge Liang, then this cooperation response is absolutely extraordinary.

Even Guo Jia had to think about the plan for a long time. After the discussion of several counselors with wisdom on the same line, a plan was released within half an hour.

Jiang Siming is happy, it's good to have more counsellors, everyone picks firewood and the flames are high.

Ordinary people can use it, and the cooperation of the wise is even more powerful.

A country that can grow strong can never be established by a wise man. It must be created by the wisdom of countless wise men.


[Author's digression]: Second more~

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