I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1148: Under the flood!

Seeing the people walk back after being thankful to Jiang Siming's army, Guo Jia had another idea.

"Lord, we can tell the people in Guangling City here to let them know what Liu Bei is like, so that we can prevent the next time Guangling City is broken and Liu Bei repeats his old tricks." Guo Jiadao.

Jiang Siming asked curiously: "Oh? How to tell the people of Guangling?"

Guo Jia smiled and said: "We can prepare hundreds of thousands of clothes and silk, write Liu Bei's behavior on the clothes and silk, and then shoot into the city with arrows, so that all the people in the city can see Liu Bei's human nature, and then Guangling will break again. But no people will defend him."

"Isn't that giving Liu Bei hundreds of thousands of arrows for nothing?" Jiang Siming felt distressed.

Xun Yu smiled and said: "Don’t worry, the lord, I went to Liu Bei’s armory when I broke Pengcheng. There are many broken arrows left in it. Those broken arrows are very weak, but they can be shot very far, and Cannot be recycled."

"That's not bad, let's do it, and strive to win Guangling and capture Liu Bei alive within three days."

Jiang Siming didn't want to fight Liu Bei like this again.

In two days, Guo Jia and the others used the power of all scholars in Pengcheng to write hundreds of thousands of pieces of clothing and silk, which were inserted into the arrows, and the archers with the strongest strength shot them into the city.

Hundreds of thousands of sheets were written about Liu Bei's deeds of using people to block swords and flew into the thousands of households in Pengcheng.

Although Liu Bei found out in a timely manner and recovered a lot, he was still picked up by many people in Pengcheng.

According to word of mouth, and many people witnessed that day, Liu Bei's army shot and killed innocent people downstairs.

At this time, Liu Bei's reputation in Guangling also dropped sharply.

Guangling City is incomparable to Pengcheng. Not only is the thickness and height of the city walls inferior to Pengcheng, but the guards and equipment in Guangling are also much less than Pengcheng.

Jiang Siming didn't need to use any more tactics, and directly ordered the siege.

Guangling City was in danger, and Liu Bei's army had suffered a major defeat, and morale was in a very low period.

This fight took only half a day, and the upper floors of Guangling City were already occupied by the Xuanjia Army and the Chijia Army.

Liu Bei's liver and gallbladder are splitting, so he can only escape again!

This kid was really slippery. Taking advantage of Jiang Siming's army was not yet encircled, he forced more than 10,000 soldiers to cut him off and fled into Xiapi.

"Oh! This Liu Bei can escape too much!" Xu Shu sighed in confusion.

"Don't panic, Xiapi City is inferior to Guangling. It will be a matter of time before he wins him." Jiang Siming didn't worry.

After entering Xiapi City, can Liu Bei still have a way to survive?

In the history books, Xiapi is a bad omen, and it is here that Lü Bu's army was wiped out under the water.

Jiang Siming will come to flood Liu Bei one by one this time!

Moreover, Xiapi City is a deserted city, because it was ransacked by the Yellow Turban army during the Yellow Turban period, and it is still unoccupied.

In a small city with no people living in it, Jiang Siming is not afraid of damage to the sky or anything under the water.

However, these days are dry and sunny days, and I have never seen when it will rain.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming used the [Rain Control Technique]!

Although the orange skill is only one-tenth of the power in this instance, Jiang Siming's purpose is to fill the reservoir outside Xiapi City and then burst the bank.

It does not need too much power.

After the big rain control technique was launched, Xiapicheng began to rain continuously, and the rain made the water level of Xiapicheng Reservoir continue to rise.

When the peak was reached, Jiang Siming ordered the bank to burst!

The flood suddenly washed down from the high mountains and flooded the city of Xiapi into a vast ocean.

The city gates are automatically opened by soldiers who want to survive without attacking.

Liu Bei knew that the situation was over, but he still didn't give up. He took fewer than dozens of guards from the back door of the city and fled north, wanting to defect to Yuan Shao.

But this time, Guo Jia and the others would not let him run as he wished.

Long before the submerged Pi, Jiang Siming was advised to send several teams to guard outside the city of Xia Pi. No matter where Liu Bei ran from, he would become a turtle in the urn.

For the great contribution to capture Liu Bei alive, the generals under Jiang Siming bravely signed up.

Jiang Siming asked Zhao Yun and Wei Yan to lead the troops instead of giving Guan Yu and Zhang Fei a task.

Guan Yu stood up and asked, "Lord, why don't I and my third brother have a task?"

Guo Jia came out and laughed and said, "Chang Yun, we told the lord, although you have nothing to do with Liu Bei, we are afraid that you will let Liu Bei go."

"The military teacher is worried. I, Guan Yunchang, have nothing to do with this person for a long time, and I want to behead this person to avenge the innocent people of Pengcheng. How can I let him go?"

"My Zhang Fei too!"

After the two of them finished speaking, Guan Yu said to Jiang Siming: "Lord, the final general is willing to make a military order. If Liu Bei can't take him down, the final general is willing to be a military tactic!"

"My Zhang Fei is willing to be a military law!"

Jiang Siming glanced at them, and finally agreed: "Okay, then you two will join forces and go to Xicheng Road to the west of Xiapi City to guard."

"Here!" The two happily led the way.

"Lord, why do you want to guard Xicheng Road for them? You know, Liu Bei is most likely to walk on Xicheng Road. If Zhao Yun is sent to guard Xicheng Road, Liu Bei will definitely not be able to walk." Xu Shu asked puzzled.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Of course I know, but I don't want to kill Liu Bei so early. He doesn't have any threats. Killing him is of no value. If you use this trick to make Guan Zhang completely home, it will be Liu Bei. The last point of use value."

The eyes of the three military divisions lit up, and they all showed old fox-like smiles.

It is also true that killing Liu Bei who has nothing now is worthless. Using him to reinforce Guan Zhang's loyalty is obviously more profitable.

As expected, the direction Liu Bei fled was Xicheng Road. Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had been ambushing there long ago and surrounded Liu Bei as soon as they encountered them.

But Liu Xuande, the most powerful thing is to play bitter cards, crying and kneeling.

Talking about the past memories that the three had made in Taoyuan, Zhuo County, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei really felt softhearted.

Finally, Liu Bei could only be released.

Liu Bei still wants to strike while the iron is hot, and wants Guan Zhang Fanshui to go with him.

"Liu Bei, our brothers let you go, not because they look up to you again, but to pity you! If you don't know what is good or bad, don't blame me Guan Yu for taking back what I just said!"

Liu Bei shrank his neck and quickly greased his feet and slipped away.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei returned to Shuaiying in frustration, and they did not conceal.

At this time Guo Jia started to be a bad guy.

"How did you two go with the main bus? I didn't agree with you two. If you two insisted, how could Liu Bei escape!"

Guo Jia scolded angrily.

The two brothers had no self-confidence, bowed their heads and dared not speak.

"My lord, this Guan Zhang has let Liu Bei away privately, so that our army will lose out in the Eastern March. Liu Bei will definitely come back in the future. I suggest that Guan Zhang must be severely punished!"

"Yes, lord, these two have issued military orders. The military orders are like mountains and must be followed!"

Xun Yu and Xu Shu also voiced outrageously to punish Guan Zhang.

Jiang Siming showed a distressed expression.

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