I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1149: Double reed drama

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were so ashamed that they both drew their swords and were about to kill themselves.

Jiang Siming walked over and held both of them.

"The two of them did make a military order, but this matter also has something to do with the truth. If the truth is not promised, how can they make mistakes? Speaking of which, the biggest mistake is the truth, and the truth should be the first military law. , The sword!"

When Jiang Siming drew his sword in anger, he would wipe it on his neck when he gestured.

"You two guys must be clever and stop them quickly, otherwise Lao Tzu's play will be in vain."

Jiang Siming was thinking in his heart that the sword was in mid-air, but Guan Zhang desperately stopped it.

The two of them burst into tears, and were moved to tears.

"Master, you are guilty!"

Jiang Siming cried with his arms around them.

The three seem to have become more iron brothers than Liu Guanzhang. The three big men, two crying and one fake cry, the other soldiers in the handsome camp were moved to tears.

At this time, Guo Jia and Xun Yu and Xu Shu looked at each other, and they all began to persuade them, even if they were over.

Jiang Siming also saved face, demoted the two brothers Guan Zhang to centurions, with a rod of thirty, and warned them to atone for their sins in the future.

Guan Zhang not only did not have any complaints, but was extremely moved. His loyalty to Jiang Siming completely reached a peak that Liu Bei had never had before!

After the soldiers helped Guan Zhang out after the stick, Guo Jia, Xun Yu, and Xu Shu all laughed.

"Smiling ass, go to Xuzhou for a solid foundation and return to the court early!"

Jiang Siming unexpectedly coaxed them out, and then they secretly laughed inside.

Guan Zhang and the two of them were combined by him and the military division, and they didn't know it at all, and they kept drilling into the sleeve...

After Liu Bei fled, he went to Jizhou and went to seek refuge with Yuan Shao.

Jiang Siming didn't bother to take care of him, so he returned to Xuzhou.

Winning Xuzhou this time is more profitable than winning Hanzhong.

Xuzhou is also a place of wealth, and it has collected hundreds of thousands of soldiers just by dropping soldiers.

Moreover, Xuzhou’s geographical location is very important, close to the sea, to the east of the Yangtze River in the south, and to Jingzhou in the west, which is today's Jiangsu and Anhui.

After winning another continent, Jiang Siming already holds the land of three states. Jianghuai is Yangzhou, Xuzhou and Hanzhong, and one more city in this era, Chang'an.

Jiang Siming has become a figure on par with Yuan Shao, and has become a major concern for Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and Sun Ce.

Jiang Siming's talented staff quickly stabilized Xuzhou and completely became Jiang Siming's possession.

Jiang Siming was also happy and specially hosted a banquet in Xuzhou for three days and exempted the people of Xuzhou from taxation for two years.

The people were very happy. They had long heard that the happiness index of the people under the Prime Minister's rule was extremely high, and only now have they discovered that this is true.

For one thing, it is exempt for two years, which is a great gift.

Xuzhou was full of joy, and the people happily celebrated on the street, praising the prime minister's kindness.

Jiang Siming, who was supposed to be drinking and having fun with soldiers in the barracks, also ran to the street specially when he heard that, chatted with the people of Xuzhou and expressed his greetings.

Jiang Siming is under the long dragon surrounded by tens of thousands of people, enjoying this kind of holy light beloved by all people.

"Xiao Cui, is he the prime minister?" Upstairs from a restaurant, through the window, two figures of women dressed as men stood on the balcony, carefully looking downstairs.

"It must be, you see, these Xuzhou people are chanting the prime minister's thousand years of age."

"He is my brother's confidant, how about we assassinate him?"

"Miss, don't be kidding, Prime Minister Jiang's side masters are like clouds, and there are four of the top ten masters in the world, and Dian Wei next to him is the fourth-ranked master."

"He is the eldest man who defeated my brother? He looks naive, he has no strength, and my strength is not low."

"Miss, don't underestimate the enemy, we have already come out secretly. If the lord knows that you still want to assassinate Jiang Bei, you will definitely punish Miss and Xiao Cui heavily."

"It's all right, look at you timid, I won't assassinate him, let's spare this guy's life for the time being."

"Emm..." Xiao Cui didn't know what to say for a while.

"Hey look, this guy has come down to us! I won't assassinate him, but let him do it, hehe."

After finishing speaking, the leading girl thief picked up the cold water bottle in the wine shop and poured it downstairs.

But the originally expected scene of Jiang Siming being poured into a soup did not appear. The girl only saw the man taking a few quick steps, easily avoiding the dripping water.

On the contrary, the old man and a few of his guards were showered.

"Who! Take it for me!"

Dian Wei had no time to wipe off the water on his face, thinking it was an assassin, and immediately sent people to surround the wine shop.

The people around immediately made way for them.

The two people in the wine shop wanted to escape but were blocked.

"These two people want to harm the prime minister and kill them!"

"It must be an assassin, fight!"

"The Cheng is so good to our people, there are still people who want to murder, the old man Niu is not happy!"

"We are not happy either!"


Instead of helping, the people completely stood on Jiang Siming's side, shouting and beating each of the two ‘Assassins’.

The two girls disguised as men panicked.

Dian Wei waved his hand and said, "Take them down!"

"Hold on." Jiang Siming stopped suddenly, walked over to look at Dian Wei, and smiled: "It's just that water is not a hidden weapon or a poison. How can it be regarded as the essence of assassination."

"But they deliberately teased and wanted the lord to make a fool of themselves, so they should be killed." Dian Wei said.

Jiang Siming ignored him and walked toward the two girls.

This old fritters of him could tell at a glance that the two were girls, and one of them had hidden a peerless face.

"You two, why do you want to make a fool of yourself?" Jiang Siming didn't reveal them, asking like ordinary people.

The maid next to her immediately knelt down and confessed: "The prime minister calmed down his anger. It was the two of us who were playful, not sincerely making the prime minister embarrassed."

"Is that so?" Jiang Siming turned to ask another one, he didn't know who it was for the time being.

"Yes..." The girl replied with a guilty conscience, knowing that she had caused a catastrophe, but she didn't dare to hide.

"Then what's your name?"

"I...I'm Sun Desheng..." The girl thought of a name casually.

Of course Jiang Siming didn't believe it, and said with a smile: "Forget it, it doesn't matter if you don't want to say your real name, the rivers and lakes are sinister, don't run around, or go home safely, understand?"

"Understand, thank the Prime Minister for his magnanimity!" The maid quickly thanked her.

Jiang Siming didn't embarrass them, turned around and took Dianwei and them away.

After the crowd dispersed, the girl and the maid left here quickly and returned to Jiangdong.

On the way, the girl still can't forget the scene just now, that person is so young... She became the prime minister, it's incredible...

"Oh, I knew I would have done it at that time." The girl repented with a pat on her thigh.

The maid was speechless, and said: "Miss, if the Prime Minister had not let us go, we would have been in prison for a long time. You see that the Prime Minister's legs are soft and you still have to do it."

The girl was embarrassed, and she grabbed the maid's ear and waited on her.

"I will beat him, I will!"

The girl swears.


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