I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1151: Three Kingdoms Acceleration

"Hahaha, okay, Han Sheng has this great ability. Being a school clerk in Jingzhou is too awkward. Would you like to work under the account?"

Jiang Siming asked with a smile, he was not worried that Huang Zhong would refuse, as long as normal people knew how to choose.

However, Huang Zhong gave him a different answer.

"Back to the prime minister, I am very willing to follow the prime minister, but it is difficult to follow the inconvenience at home."

"Oh? What's the inconvenience, just listen to the truth."

Huang Zhong explained honestly that he has a 16-year-old daughter.

Don't think it is unreasonable for Huang Zhong's 30-year-old daughter to be 16 years old. In ancient times, men married very early, and so did women.

Therefore, in ancient times, four generations under one roof and even five generations under one roof were always there.

Huang Zhong's daughter was paralyzed all year round and had to be served. Huang Zhong's wife and Huang Zhong wanted to cure their daughter's illness, so they came to Jingzhou from Nanyang.

I wanted to find a better famous doctor in Jingzhou, but fortunately I met a genius doctor named Hua Tuo. Hua Tuo said that he could be cured, but it would take a long time to heal.

Therefore, Huang Zhong can only stay in Jingzhou, earning income in the barracks to support his family, while taking care of his daughter with his wife.

This is why Huang Zhong waited until sixty before he was discovered his abilities.

Does Jiang Siming say it doesn't make sense, how can such a powerful character be discovered before the age of 60?

The feeling is that Huang Zhong himself just wants to make money to support his family, and has no intention of making contributions.

In addition, there are few wars in Jingzhou, and there is no place for him to play.

But according to Huang Zhong, he still knows Hua Tuo.

This is the genius doctor of the Three Kingdoms. Jiang Siming has been trying to establish a three-nation medical system.

Although he is also a genius doctor, he has no time to become a doctor.

If Hua Tuo is willing, he can invite him to Chang'an, set up a medical school, teach apprentices, and suggest a complete system of Chinese medicine.

In the future, his army and his people will be able to enjoy illness without asking heaven and earth. There will be doctors everywhere for healing, instead of believing in ghosts and gods and believing in dansha of the spells of warlocks.

This is of great significance to Jiang Siming after the unification of the Three Kingdoms in the future.

Then it was easy. Jiang Siming asked Huang Zhong to take himself to see his daughter. In front of Hua Tuo, he cured Huang Zhong's daughter's paralysis.

Hua Tuo was shocked as a man of heaven, and was busy asking Jiang Siming for advice, wanting Jiang Siming to accept him as his disciple.

Hua Tuo was not too old at this time, but he was over fifty.

Such an old man is willing to go further to a young man for his medical skills, which also shows Hua Tuo's ambition.

Jiang Siming described the medical system he was going to build to him in a few words, and he felt what Hua Tuo said.

Jiang Siming is like a MLM leader, he is full of enthusiasm for Hua Tuo's "Xiaobai" in a few words, and he is always dedicated.

The success of the project was naturally overwhelming. The next day, Hua Tuo and Huang Zhong took their young and old and followed Jiang Siming's army to move to Chang'an.

Huang Zhong's allegiance also allowed Jiang Siming's men to add another powerful general.

And Huang Zhong is at his peak!

When the class teacher returned to Chang'an, the people of Chang'an had long known that the prime minister defeated Liu Bei and took Xuzhou in one fell swoop.

The image of Jiang Siming once again rises in people's hearts.

Only Liu Xie, the Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty, felt very uncomfortable, or both physically and mentally.

Queen Wang Yuan took him less and less seriously in the palace, and often annoyed her as a beating.

At night, Liu Xie had to ask his grandpa to tell his grandma.

The prime minister's mansion on the other side is different. I haven't seen Jiang Siming's Diao Chan, Cai Yan, and Xiao Qiao, surrounded by Jiang Siming, Yingying and Yanyan, acting cute and cute.

Jiang Siming hugged left and right, uncomfortable.

In addition to Jiang Siming's victory over Xuzhou, Cao Cao also eliminated Ma Teng and unified Xiliang.

The battle between Yuan Shao and Lu Bu also ended in Yuan Shao's great victory. In the end, Lu Bu, the number one fighter in the world, could not escape death.

Yuan Shao's head was chopped off by Yuan Shao's swordsman, but compared to his great achievements in the history books, he is not even the number one in the world.

First, Jiang Siming robbed him of the first place, and then he lost to Zhao Yun in the world's No. 1 martial arts competition.

In everyone's eyes, he is just Dong Zhuo's eagle dog generation, and his death is not a pity.

Jiang Siming was also a little sighed when he knew it, but he also began to discover that the three-legged, not four-legged period, was about to come early.

Now in the whole world, Yuan Shao in the north controls the land of the three states, Cao Cao has taken the eastern region, and Jiang Siming's territory is mostly in the southwest, Hanzhong in the west, Yangzhou in the south, Xuzhou in the east and Sun Ce in the Jiangdong.

Except for Jingzhou Liu Biao and Youzhou Gongsun Zan, there are basically no vassals.

Jiang Siming intends to start to speed up the end of this troubled world and unify the three countries.

"You guys, if you want to clean up Yuan Shao, how long will it take to prepare?"

In the meeting hall, Jiang Siming didn't raise his eyelids, so he said something that surprised all the advisers and generals.

Pack Yuan Shao? Shouldn't we fight the weak first and then the strong.

But Jiang Siming's tone is beyond doubt, and everyone dare not refute it.

Guo Jia stood up and said: "The lord has a vicious eye. Although Yuan Shao is the strongest on the surface, he is actually an embroidered pillow. From the next point of view, the lord has ten wins and Yuan Shao has ten losses!"

Then, Guo Jia brought out the classic ten wins ten loses theory, and the people underneath heard him suddenly, feeling that the victory was in hand.

"Xia Xia agrees with Feng Xiao's point of view, Xia Xia believes that the main enemy is not Yuan Shao, Yuan Shao is just a man of illusion, and the true main enemy is Cao Cao." Xun Yu also said.

Jiang Siming nodded heartily. In the end, they are all big counselors, just foresight.

"It's been decided by the truth. The three states will fight hard for one year, and one year later, clean up Yuan Shao!" Jiang Siming made his conclusion. He is here. This copy of the Three Kingdoms can't be so long.

Wouldn’t it be okay to unify and become the emperor earlier? Besides, how big the map of the Three Kingdoms is. If the copy conditions permit, he will take the army to expand the territory.

It's best to include all of the world's territory into China's territory, that's really cool.

Since Qin Shihuang is missing a world map, he has, he can do it.

"Lord, just announce it like this, will Yuan Shao find out in advance?" Xu Shu asked worriedly.

Jiang Siming smiled and said domineeringly: "The truth is that he wants to know that after a year, the truth will lead his army openly, regain his territory and gather his army, and prepare to go as planned!"


Yuan Shao, who was far away in Yecheng, received the news shortly afterwards, and became angry.

"The ridiculous Jiang Bei, he wants to fight me a year later? It's ridiculous! Since you make a move, I will take it, Yuan Shao!"

The war between Yuan Shao and Jiang Siming had not yet begun, it was already doomed...


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