I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1152: Lipstick is out, Fu Cai!

Coming out of the dungeon world, Jiang Siming got up and went downstairs as usual.

It was discovered that the wives at home suddenly became a little more beautiful, and the beauty is in their makeup.

What's the matter, what day is today, why did you put on makeup?

Even Xinyi puts on makeup.

Jiang Siming glanced around and found that their makeup seemed to be the focus of their lips.


How could there be such a beautiful lipstick?

The color numbers are all different, painted on their mouths, but they all look particularly charming.

Zhao Xuan wears super thick red lipstick, but it is completely integrated with her temperament, like a queen.

Irene is painted pink, like an elf.

Reba wears European and American make-up in gray, with seductive eye shadows, making her look like the queen of the Paris fashion show!

There are even Chizhengs painted with Death Barbie powder, but they can be controlled perfectly.

Jiang Siming seemed to have met his wife again, his head twisted, almost unable to come over.

"you guys..."

Jiang Siming said, all the women grinned and asked: "Does it look good?"

"It looks good." Jiang Siming suddenly thought of something. He looked at Zhao Xuan and said with a slight surprise: "Is the lipstick finished?"

The corner of Zhao Xuan's mouth raised and said proudly: "Of course, not only is it completed, but it has also been mass-produced, and it can be sold now."

"So fast!" Jiang Siming said in surprise.

"The production of lipstick is very simple, and it is not a detox and beauty pill. I can guarantee that our lipstick will crush a series of international lipstick brands such as Armani, Chanel and YSL!" Zhao Xuan is quite confident.

"Awesome, what's the name of the lipstick? Have you thought about it?" Jiang Siming left the lipstick production formula to Zhao Xuan.

"We thought about it together. The brand name is Fucai, and different lipsticks have different names. Just like mine, it's called'Dragon Girl'. Dragon Girl styles also have semicolons, which are 001~200. "Zhao Xuan said.

Reba clicked on her lips, her action was cute and sexy: "My name is'Cinderella', and I also have a color number, 001~150."

"My name is ‘fate’."

"My name is ‘Phoenix’."

"My name is'Manduo'."


The girls reported their color numbers one after another, and Jiang Siming could hardly hear the question marks.

He never knew about lipsticks before he asked, "Why do lipsticks have so many names??"


The girls laughed.

A girl’s lipstick is like a boy’s cigarette.

It's all understandable.

Girls and boys talk about lipstick numbers, and the boys must look dumbfounded.

But if boys and girls talk about cigarettes, girls will definitely be dumbfounded.

Therefore, professional matters are left to professional people. Jiang Siming can't ask about Fu Cai lipstick, and just leave it to his wives.

Zhao Xuan also started to spend money to advertise for Fu Cai lipstick.

TV, online video, subways, public screens in squares and other places began to appear Fucai commercials.

In addition, Reba, Lin Yoona, Ishihara, Jenna, Ji Hyo, Deng Qi and other actresses endorsed.

This time the output of lipstick is much higher than that of Detox and Beauty Pill, so it is not difficult to make.

So Zhao Xuan has a big appetite, and the advertisement is promoted in more than a dozen countries!

Anyway, my husband is rich, what's he afraid of?

Besides, Fu Xi's profitability has long been a world-class company, and this point of advertising is not in the eyes.

With the support of Fu Xi, Fu Cai's advertisement has received widespread attention once it was promoted.

The price of Fu Cai is not as exaggerated as Fu Xi, but it is also higher than other big brands.

Each lipstick ranges from 300 to 500 yuan, which is very close to the people compared to Fu Xi's products.

Fucai lipsticks are uniformly sold in 13 countries at 9 a.m. Beijing time.

The first batch of Fucai lipsticks were French girls who had a 7-hour time difference with China.

To be honest, French girls don't care about Fu Cai lipstick.

After all, they France is the country of cosmetics, Chanel, Estee Lauder, Lancome, Dior and so on.

These famous big brands are all from France.

How can you let them be interested in Fu Cai's lipstick.

But after all, there are still curious people. These girls try to buy one, just like girls buying clothes are not purely for wearing.

I just want to give it a try and buy one to satisfy shopping desire and curiosity.

And after they bought it and tried it, it was over!

"Ah! I look beautiful!"

"Wo! Your lipstick really matches you, and the purity of the color number is impeccable!"

"I found that I seem to fall in love with this lipstick from the Huaxia brand."

"I didn't expect Huaxia to have such a top-notch lipstick. I will definitely surprise my colleagues when I go to the company, haha."


After Parisian girls used Fu Cai lipstick, they were all amazed by its beauty and began to vie for word of mouth.

Other countries have also begun to sell Fucai lipsticks. Cosmetic stores in 13 countries are selling Fucai lipsticks successfully one by one.

Word of mouth will naturally appear slowly over time.

What Jiang Siming has to do is wait to count the money...

Mastering lipstick is like mastering boys' cigarette money. Hey, you may not be able to count your cramps until you count them.

At the same time, the production of cancer-clearing pills can also meet the needs of domestic first-tier cities, and the first batch of investment will be placed in Magic City Shanghai.

This is also the focus of the medical community all over the world.

Shanghai Huashan Hospital is one of the top hospitals in China.

The hospital focuses on accepting cancer patients. In this hospital, tens of thousands of cancer operations are performed a year.

But today's subject is not surgery, but drugs.

The first group of patients who started taking cancer-clearing drugs after the formal investment came from all corners of the country and their conditions were different.

There are early, middle, and even an advanced patient.

Everyone had taken cancer medicine regularly, and after a day passed, all doctors were shocked by the review results.

The cancer in the body of early cancer patients has eliminated one-tenth of the cancer cells in one day!

In mid-term patients, one-twentieth were eliminated, and terminal patients were the least, only 2%.

But this also shocked all the doctors. They carefully checked the cancer cells eliminated by all patients to confirm that they would not recur.

The whole hospital was filled with applause and excitement.

Standing among the doctors, Qin Yiyi looked confident, and Li Shengxue behind him was also full of smiles.

After the early-stage patients recover after taking the course of treatment, it is time to announce the full promotion of cancer-clearing drugs.

"Doctor Qin, I can be sure that next year's Nobel Prize in Medicine will definitely be you!"

The old dean of Huashan Hospital said to Qin Yiyi excitedly.

Qin Yiyi smiled slightly and said: "Mr. Dean is polite, I'm just lucky."

They thought Qin Yiyi was talking about good luck in medicine, but in fact, what Qin Yiyi said was that good luck met Jiang Siming...


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