I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1159: Just give it

"Dad, what are you talking about outside, why are you talking for so long."

When Zhao Xiaoxiao saw Jiang Siming sitting in the living room, he immediately ran over and threw him into his arms, leaving his grandparents alone.

Father Zhao and Mother Zhao on the side are all ill, even Xiaoxiao likes him so much, even his dad is called...

"I don't know what kind of ecstasy soup this kid is pouring, which fascinates my daughter and granddaughter like this, huh." Father Zhao was muttering in his heart.

"Nothing to talk about, let's watch TV." Jiang Siming smiled and touched Zhao Xiaoxiao's head, and said softly.

"Oh, Dad eats this, the snacks are delicious... Dad will give you tea... Dad will beat your legs..."

As soon as Zhao Xiaoxiao was busy, he was busy with Jiang Siming, who was good and obedient.

The father and mother Zhao are not happy to see. My granddaughter has never been so kind to them. It seems that this girl really likes Jiang Siming.

This mouthful of a daddy shouted, people couldn't hear anything strange, it was as refreshing as the feeling of blood dissolved in water.

Mother Zhao pulled Father Zhao into the kitchen and whispered: "I think Xiaoxiao and Xiaoxuan really like this Jiang Siming."

"What's the use of liking, this kid pedals N boats." Father Zhao said in an angry voice.

"Then what's a good way for you? My daughter is in her 30s, and I have a daughter. Don't talk about a daughter, just say Xiaoxiao. Over the years, we have found a lot of good men for their mothers and daughters. Which one is the most attractive for Xiaoxiao? Let alone Xiaoxuan."

"It's hard to come across one they all like, and you still oppose it. From then on, you really want to see their wives live alone all their lives." Mother Zhao complained.

Father Zhao sighed and said, "I know this, but I don't believe in this guy's sincerity. I don't believe that he is willing to give Fu Xi to me."

"Okay, don't worry about it. I'll take care of this. Let's go out." Father Zhao left after speaking, and Mother Zhao didn't care about him.

A seemingly awkward family sits in the living room. Father Zhao and Mother Zhao sit on one side, but Zhao Xuan and Zhao Xiaoxiao sit on the other side with Jiang Siming.

Father Zhao was embarrassed and silent, but they were talking and laughing.

Zhao Xuan also thoughtfully peeled the fruit for Jiang Siming, and even lighted him a cigarette after eating.

"Hey, Xiaoxuan, don't you know if smoking is not allowed at home? Also, Xiao Jiang, why do you still smoke? It's not good to smoke." Father Zhao couldn't stand it anymore.

"Dad, if you don't smoke, you can't let the whole world follow you from smoking. What's wrong with my man smoking? I just want to do it." Zhao Xuan said proudly.

Zhao Xiaoxiao also clapped his hands in support and said: "Yes, grandpa, dad smokes handsome, and dad is not addicted to cigarettes, he just likes to come one occasionally, this is normal."

Father Zhao was speechless, and his heart was broken.

Jiang Siming didn't smoke it either. He smiled and wiped out the smoke. Fortunately, it wasn't his Yulong Yan, otherwise he would feel distressed if it was just wiped out.

"Uncle said, I try to smoke as little as possible."

Father Zhao's expression finally looked better, and he was silent after a while.

The three of Jiang Siming continued to chat and show affection again.

The two elders who watched felt that this was not their home, but Jiang Siming's home. Both of them were about to become outsiders.

But what can be done, who made Father Zhao offend Zhao Xuan.

I opened my mouth to ask Jiang Siming's Fu Xi, which made Zhao Xuan annoyed and didn't want to talk to his father.

The family spent two hours in a lively and quiet atmosphere.

Finally, Jiang Siming's phone rang.

"Uncle, my people are here, please let people open the door to send her in." Jiang Siming said with a smile on Zhao's father.

Father Zhao made a phone call, and Qi Muqing walked into the house not long after.

"Chairman, this is what you want." Qi Muqing's appearance made Father Zhao speechless for a while, a secretary is so beautiful, how many peach blossoms does this kid have?

"Okay, it's hard work." Jiang Siming took the bag, and Qi Muqing looked at Jiang Siming with a grin.

"Chairman, then I'll go back."

Qi Muqing left after handing in her things. Before leaving, she blinked at Jiang Siming and Zhao Xuan and Zhao Xiaoxiao, showing a self-conscious expression of you, and slipped away...

Jiang Siming took the bag and opened it, and took out all the contents.

When Zhao's father saw it, it was a series of important company documents including Fu Xi’s property rights and statements.

There is also a transfer agreement.

It was clearly written above that Jiang Siming was willing to give all of Fu Xi's property to Zhao's father, without any conditions, for nothing.

Jiang Siming handed all the documents to Father Zhao, and said with a smile: "Uncle Zhao, please check these documents and the agreement. When you are done, tell me and I will sign at any time."

After speaking, Jiang Siming pushed the agreement over and chatted with Zhao Xuan and Zhao Xiaoxiao on his own.

"You are so willing to give Fu Xi to my dad. He is robbing him by fire, so ignore him." Zhao Xuan said softly to Jiang Siming, a little worried.

If Father Zhao heard it, he would be uncomfortable again. Sure enough, what happened to the water thrown out by the married daughter, what happened to his father, just like Jiang Siming and ignored him...

Jiang Siming smiled and held her hand, and said gently, "Fu Xi is just a company. No matter how valuable it is, no matter how important it is, it is not as important as you in my heart. Besides, money can be earned at any time, and I can use it. A family of Fu Xi can'lied' to such a beautiful daughter-in-law and daughter, and I made a lot of money."

After hearing this, Zhao Xuan was so touched that she hugged Jiang Siming in spite of the face of her father and mother, and she was like a little woman in her own man’s arms.

Father Zhao didn't have time to see them anymore. He just checked the authenticity of these documents. After some inspection, he found that these things were true.

But he still doesn't believe that Jiang Siming is really willing to give him a company with a market value of hundreds of billions?

"I've finished reading it, it's okay, you can sign it." Father Zhao didn't care, he didn't believe in this evil.

When Jiang Siming heard it, he patted Zhao Xuan's scented shoulder and asked her to get up temporarily. Then he got up and picked up the signature pen on the case. After drawing the contract, he signed his name underneath without hesitation: Jiang Siming

It was too late for Zhao's father to stop, he had already signed.

"Okay, uncle, Fu Xi will be yours in the future. You'd better arrange for the original team to stay in the company. I will let Zhao Xuan stay in the company for a while and teach her the business to your company before letting her leave. Fu Xi was actually built by Zhao Xuan, and it was also her hard work. I hope that uncle can cherish and manage it. We look forward to the day when it will shine in your hands."

Jiang Siming smiled and blessed. Now Father Zhao has no more doubts. He knows that he is really saving the belly of a gentleman with his own villain's heart.

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