I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1160: Have gone back to the new year

Hundreds of billions of companies for a woman, give it away.

Although it cannot fully prove how much this man loves this woman, it can definitely prove that in his heart, a company of hundreds of billions is far less important than that woman.

At this point, Father Zhao asked himself, if he and Mother Zhao were not married, could he do it?

The answer is estimated to be negative...

Father Zhao was silent for a while, and finally picked up the agreement and shred it.

"Good boy, you won. I underestimate you. A gentleman is not loved by others. I am not interested in your company. Okay. Come and eat. Wife, let Aunt Liu serve food. By the way I took out my 30-year-old Moutai, and I had a drink with Xiaojiang."

Father Zhao suddenly felt better and gave his daughter to Jiang Siming. He had no problem. If he objected again, it is estimated that Zhao Xuan would take Zhao Xiaoxiao to Jiang Siming's house for the New Year.

He didn't want to spend the Spring Festival alone with his wife during the New Year.

"Then thank you Uncle."

Jiang Siming smiled, slightly surprised, he really planned to hand over Fu Xi.

Unexpectedly, the other party was just testing him.

"Dad, you scared me." Zhao Xuan also smiled at his father again.

A family sits in the dining room, and five people eat together.

This is already one of the few lively meals in Zhao's father's house, and it used to be the two of them eating at home.

Five people are already lively enough for them.

Only five people are too few and too quiet for Xiaoxiao.

She has become accustomed to the scene of eating with more than twenty young mothers, and that guy is always irritating.

At the dinner, Jiang Siming and Zhao's father also let go of their previous suspicions, pushed their cups and exchanged them, and talked about business matters.

"Xiao Jiang, are you interested in making facial masks, liquid foundations, or serums after Fu Xi finished lipstick?" Zhao's father asked.

Jiang Siming smiled and replied: "Uncle, we have only one standard for Fuxi to make products, that is, we only make products that are world-leading. Whether it is detox pill, beauty pill, or even Fucai lipstick, it must exceed the world level. , We will do it."

"If one day I can find mask technology or essence technology that surpasses the world level, I will definitely let Fu Xi do it and build it into the world's number one cosmetics company."

Father Zhao laughed and said, "Then if that day, your Fuxi company will take care of my naturaltang business."

"That's natural. If there are essences and facial masks to do, what do you think if I leave the production chain of these industries to my uncle?" Jiang Siming said generously.

Father Zhao is overjoyed, of course he is willing!

Now Naturetang’s business is not as good as before. If you don’t find other businesses, you will only go bankrupt like Huiyuan Juice.

The more they talked, the more speculative, and soon the whole bottle of Maotai was drunk, and Zhao's father was also drunk and was helped by Zhao's mother to go back to the room to sleep.

"Well, Auntie, I have to go back too, there are quite a lot of things over there."

Jiang Siming didn't want to stay at Zhao's house all the time. There was no comfort in his own home here.

"Okay, but you drank, let Xiaoxuan drive you back, anyway, you are all close in Shanghai."

Jiang Siming had no objection, and walked out of the house with Zhao Xuan.

Zhao Xiaoxiao lay on his car window, pouting her mouth reluctantly: "Dad, can I go back and live, I will return to Grandpa's house when you return to Yunnan for the New Year."

After all, she definitely likes the life in her father's house more here, where she can only watch TV, what do she want to do in the manor house, and there are three pets accompanying her.

Jiang Siming wanted to agree, but when he thought that his father and father Zhao were lonely, there was no relative at home except the babysitter and bodyguard.

"Xiaoxiao, your grandpa and grandma only saw you on the first day, so you will leave. They will feel sad and think you don’t like them anymore. You stay with them more. When mom sends dad back, dad will let her Come back and accompany you quickly. When the Spring Festival is over, Dad will pick you up, OK?" Jiang Siming touched Zhao Xiaoxiao's head.

"Oh, okay..." Zhao Xiaoxiao was also sensible, knowing that she should really accompany her grandpa and grandma, and agreed.

"Really good." Jiang Siming slapped her face.

But Zhao Xiaoxiao was dissatisfied, pouting and pointing to his little mouth, meaning to kiss here.

Normally Jiang Siming would not satisfy her, but today makes an exception.


"Goodbye, Dad~" Zhao Xiaoxiao waved happily.

"Well, Xiaoxiao, goodbye, practice qigong when you are bored, you know, don't let the kung fu taught by your mother Shengxue fall."

"Know to mess with it!"

Jiang Siming bid farewell to Xiaoxiao and Zhao's mother and left Puxi.

He didn't talk nonsense. After Zhao Xuan sent him back, he was ‘rushed’ back to Puxi.

Two more members are missing in the family, and the number has dropped sharply again.

Ishihara, Yingzi, Zhirou, and Irene are left in the house.

Qi Muqing and Qi Muxin also went home in the afternoon.

The New Year is approaching, and there are fewer and fewer people in Shanghai, and even many businesses have closed. Shanghai is almost empty.

Jiang Siming also began to prepare to go home in two days.

Those who stay at home are all foreign girlfriends, they don't have to celebrate the New Year.

Jenna and Yoona are both Korean, and Korea also celebrates the Spring Festival, so they both went back.

Yingzi and Jiang Siming are in the same hometown, of course, waiting for Jiang Siming to go back together.

Apart from them, there are only three pets left in the house.

"Darling, you can bring Sister Zhirou and Sister Shiyuan home this year when you go home. I'll just stay in the manor."

Irene has completely adapted to life in China, and she is even more reluctant to leave this big family. She has never thought of returning to the United States during the New Year.

The United States is still messed up, and Christmas has never been good in the United States, let alone the Spring Festival.

Even if there is no one in the manor, she just wants to stay here and doesn't want to leave.

Originally, Jiang Siming had discussed with his wives in the past to take Zhirou and Ishihara back for the New Year.

But now obviously one more person.

"Nobody here, we don't worry about you. Let's go back with me for the New Year together." Jiang Siming made a decision for her.

"Ah...but my Chinese is not as good as Sister Ishihara..."

Irene struggled.

"Nothing, stay at home anyway, I asked my sister to be an interpreter for you, just to improve her English level." Jiang Siming smiled.

Jiang Wanwan has a heavy task this year~

Only the five of them are at home, and it's a deserted meal.

Fortunately, from time to time, wives who go back to their hometown send video calls, otherwise the home is still vacuumed.

No, just after eating, three phone calls came, namely Tuan Tuan, Jiang Lan and Xin Yi.

Five people each took three mobile phones and connected to the video chat to start the day.

Listening to their descriptions of returning home and the interesting things they encountered at home, it was not deserted.

Jiang Siming is also holding Tuantuan's video chat here. Tuantuan in the video is hiding on the balcony of his house, and he has to watch the house carefully for fear of being discovered by his mother.


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