I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1162: Song for him

Like Deng Qi's daily concerts, it started with high-energy singing and a lively atmosphere.

While igniting the atmosphere of the audience easily, it also made Zhirou, Irene and the others shout and jump in excitement, as if they became avid fans one by one.

Jiang Siming was fortunate that she didn't bring Zhao Xiaoxiao here, otherwise she wouldn't be a little crazy woman. It is estimated that it is possible to rush to the stage and send flowers to Deng Qi.

Don't say...whatever you think.

Yingzi had already taken the flowers to go up, because she was so close, the security could not stop them and did not dare to stop them. The people in this VIP seat were greeted by Deng Qi in advance and received special treatment.

Deng Qi was singing, seeing Yingzi come up with a bright smile, took the flowers that Yingzi handed, and hugged her.

By the way, Deng Qi also sang to a simple place, handed her the microphone, Yingzi sang a few words, and was satisfied.

Unexpectedly, this seemed to open a new door for them. Then, except for the shy Zhirou, Irene and Ishihara both came to the stage to offer gifts.

When Ishihara came to power, he did not expect to be caught by Deng Qi and refused to leave.

"Dear audience, I just want to introduce my good sister, the popular Japanese queen singer Rimi Ishihara! Let her sing a song!"

Ishihara is stunned... Irene and Sakurako are fine, how come she was caught as a coolie...


Many viewers below knew who Rimi Ishihara was, goddess!

They did not expect to appear at Deng Qi's concert, which surprised them too much.

Ishihara was forced to stay on the stage and had to sing a song Jiang Siming gave her before being put back by Deng Qi.

After returning, Ishihara's face was red.

Mainly it was too sudden, and it was at other people's concerts, and there were still Chinese audiences underneath. This was really the first time.

And Ishihara, who hasn't been public for a long time, is a bit uncomfortable.

After all, she is only accepting the advertising endorsements Jiang Siming arranged for her and the singles that Jiang Siming gave to her every day, but she has not accepted the filming.

Who would have thought that Deng Qi would not let her go after pulling her on the stage.

"Did I just sing badly?" Ishihara asked Jiang Siming right away.

Jiang Siming smiled and shook his head: "Of course it's not bad, I sing very well, really."

Ishihara heaved a sigh of relief. He tilted his head and fell on Jiang Siming's shoulder, slowly~

Then, Deng Qi didn't accept the gift of ‘fan’ anymore, and sang a classic her song for everyone.

The concert is coming to an end.

The last song.

"The last song is a new song I wrote recently. It is called "Painting". It is also the first time I sang it. I am also grateful to the person who agreed to listen to this song. Dharma Eye~"

Deng Qi smiled playfully, then closed his eyes, and the lights on the scene softened.

The stage accompaniment sounded, and the sweet taste came to my heart from the beginning.

"Love is like the blue sky

A piece of blank space with you to accompany me to imagine

Suddenly White Horse is no longer abstract

Frog finally meets Cinderella

Even if the road is still long

I have a hunch

I believe in this inspiration..."

This song can make people feel happy inexplicably. This feeling is like waiting for the bus right after arriving at the station, or like putting on sunny clothes after a shower, or someone who has liked it for a long time suddenly confessed to himself The kind of pleasure.

If you want to talk about the specific mood, it is... the mood of first love.

"I painted you as a flower

An unopened flower

I miss you bit by bit

Painted as rain

Whenever i'm away

Please remember my love

Under the same sky

Remote irrigation..."

Nice! So sweet! This song is called "Painting", but it's really picturesque!

The audience was even more intoxicated. Isn't this just a love song?

Many viewers guessed right away that Deng Qi must be in love, otherwise how could he have written such a sweet song.

This is also the sweetest and most beautiful song since they listened to her song.

It's too sweet to lose your teeth.

"Wow, listen well, I wrote it to you." Yingzi said to Jiang Siming with a grin.

Jiang Siming raised his eyebrows, not only was he not embarrassed, but rather proud.

"Have you seen it written to me, you have never enjoyed this treatment, right."

Ying Zijiao snorted and said, "What's so great? When Deng Qi stays with us in the future, we will let her help and write us a song."

Jiang Siming smiled without talking, and continued to listen to Deng Qi's song on stage.

From the perspective of Jiang Siming's professional musical vision, this song is another pinnacle of Deng Qi.

The level of this song is not inferior to any of her other songs.

And the creative artistic conception is quite high, in the words of the star master's movie: the artistic composition of this song is very high~

Most importantly, this song was given to him by Deng Qi...

It was the first time that Jiang Siming received such an unexpected gift. This was also the result of his finding a girlfriend with such a high level of music.

After singing "Painting", the concert came to an end.

The audience left the stage reluctantly, and Deng Qi quickly replaced the dazzling concert costume from the backstage, and hurried to the VIP table.

"How about it, is my performance okay today?" Deng Qi asked everyone.

It looks like the elementary school student who got the little red flower today is asking his family for a reward, kawaii.

"Aqi, you did a great job! I was completely conquered by you!"

"Yeah, I sang great, I'm just tired, do you want to drink some water?"

Yingzi and the others praised, Deng Qi was happier, just staring at Jiang Siming, waiting for him who hadn't spoken yet.

Jiang Siming cleared his throat and smiled and commented: "Sing well enough, and the last song is perfect. I like this "Painting" very much."

When Deng Qi heard this, his eyes turned into crescent shapes, and the pear vortices on both sides of his face were exposed.

"Well, the concert is over. Are you going to return to Hong Kong for the New Year or to Shanghai?" Jiang Siming asked.

Deng Qi blushed and said, "I told my parents, it's not too late to go back two days before the Spring Festival..."

"What are you talking about, go home!" Jiang Siming waved his hand, and the six flew back to Shanghai from Guangzhou.

After finishing the hard national tour, Deng Qi can finally rest for a few days.

And being able to rest at her boyfriend's house, her exhaustion was wiped out, and she played around with her sisters at home every day.

I also love the three cute pets in the family. Don't want it, or you can play tricks on the only male host in the family.

Although she would be ‘caught’ by the male host and administer the ‘family law’, she still enjoys it.

In the last few days before the Spring Festival, when he was playing at home, the Weibo night that Jiang Siming had been working hard to mobilize fans to toss finally ended.

A certain wave held a grand Weibo night awards event.

However, what is surprising is that in the annual hot character selection, only Jiang Siming was nominated, and the others were traffic stars such as Wang Bo and Xiao Zhan.

Yes, there is no problem with Jiang Siming in the first place, but why is no one in the e-sports circle behind the rankings.

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