I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1163: Break with a certain wave!

The second place is Jane Pride, the third place is Great God, the fourth place is the factory director, and the fifth place is Theshy.

Wait, the top ten e-sports circles accounted for nearly eight, but only Jiang Siming was nominated by the organizer of their Weibo.

Other people, let alone awards, they didn't even have a nomination.

The winners are all traffic stars, which is purely deceived and treat people and fans in the e-sports circle as monkeys.

In fact, if Jiang Siming had not been a part-time singer and actor, he would have been abandoned by them.

The main reason is that Jiang Siming's status is extraordinary, and a certain wave dare not make small moves.

Many fans and netizens have complained online, saying that a certain wave is too dark and cheap!

And they all left messages on Jiang Siming's Weibo and live broadcast rooms, but seeing that Jiang Siming had not spoken, many fans wondered whether Jiang Siming had been bought by a certain wave.

Or if he has a ranking, he doesn't care about others.

In any case, Jiang Siming, the initiator who took the lead in canvassing votes, was naturally the main incident of Weibo Night.

Although a certain wave still ranked him as the first, it also made Jiang Si a big fire, and he directly sent Weibo to diss the whole certain wave.

"If you want to vote for the annual figure, you can do it. There is no problem with the vote. It is all due to the hard work of the fans in the e-sports circle. Now that the votes are finished, the ranking results are all out, but you are ranked second to eighth. People who have been passed away, why can’t they win the prize? Why are the ten outsiders receiving the prize? The organizer, your brain is in the shit, don’t you think something is said on Weibo? What is it? Believe it or not, I have created a new Weibo software to loosen your muscles? If the competitive environment is too comfortable, it is easy to get bugs! Some wave, please throw Lao Tzu's first prize trophy into the trash can, I disdain to take it!"

The lengthy Weibo of Jiang Siming's Weibo and the public diss angered a certain wave as soon as it was published, which attracted thousands of onlookers.

Good news media and netizens have come to see Jiang Siming tear a certain wave.

Looking at this remark, this is what the richest man dared to make.

Regardless of whether you are the industry's first brother, you can take pictures!

Moreover, he threatened to create a new Weibo software for a certain Langsong.

It's enjoyable, these words are all enjoyable! Too domineering!

If others say this, they will only be regarded as bragging.

It can be replaced by Jiang Siming saying that it may not be necessary.

Just kidding, isn't YY the best example.

In the past, in the voice chat area, YY was the only company, which caused them to float, a lot of advertisements and a lot of garbage binding software.

Jiang Siming was angered at that time, and there was LILI behind.

Once LILI came out, let alone yy, all voice chat software on the market ushered in the ice age, and many small voice software companies went bankrupt.

At present, YY is just lingering, and users are getting fewer and fewer every day.

If Jiang Siming really builds a new Weibo software, he might really pull a certain wave into the water.

This time things have become a big mess. With the speech of the unscientific popular blogger Jiang Siming, it is hard to think about it.

Soon, the major media rushed to report, and they were in a state of hanging up high on their own matters, and the heat would not be too much.

A certain wave suddenly became the first two big people, and hurriedly posted an official Weibo explanation, saying that the selection this time is not the annual hot person, but the annual person.

The two are not the same, so Jane is proud that they are not shortlisted and won.

This explanation obviously couldn't stand the test and scrutiny at all, and it was still sprayed like dogs by fans, and even worse.

In order to curry favor with those traffic stars, they tampered with the rules and lists without authorization. Whoever listened to such disgusting things did not want to spray them.

After explaining several times, certain waves still did not apologize or change. They stopped talking at first, and assumed they hadn't seen it.

I want to use this method to let the storm of this matter pass.

This is indeed a consistent method used by many celebrities and the media to be the **** when they commit a crime, hide for a while, and wait for the storm to pass before they come out to make money.

Jiang Siming was not used to them, and directly posted another Weibo, which was also the last Weibo.

"If you don’t say anything, do you think justice will be skipped? Okay, you will wait for it. We will definitely not eat this loss in the e-sports circle. I hope you can still sit down when our company’s new Weibo software is released next year. , This is also the last Weibo of a certain wave I posted. Dear friends on Weibo, we will see you again."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he completely shut down Weibo.

Seeing Jiang Siming's Weibo portrait turned black, a certain wave knew something bad!

This Jiang Siming is here for real, and they quickly contacted Jiang Siming's company to restore some image, but unfortunately they were completely ignored here.

In the end, a certain wave that was frustrated and frustrated also came hard, and directly deleted Jiang Siming's Weibo! It was a complete break with Jiang Siming.

They do not believe that Jiang Siming can really come up with a Weibo software!

This incident is getting more and more troublesome, and there are more and more people eating melons. As Jiang Siming's relationship with a certain wave broke, Huayi naturally would not sit back and watch.

Huayi firmly chose to stand on Jiang Siming's side, and they fully believed that their boss would not wrong them.

So Wang Lei ordered that all Huayi stars shut down their Weibo and stopped posting.

Reba, Deng Qi, and Yooner all deleted blogs decisively.

Jiang Siming’s friends also supported him. Zhou Dong, Lin Sansui, and President Wang all posted disappointing remarks on a certain wave on Weibo and said they would temporarily close Weibo.

Driven by this, almost half of the entertainment industry has been involved.

Jiang Siming didn't let them down either. He made a public speech on Penguin Weibo, telling them that within next year a brand new Weibo software like LILI will be released!

It's just that he doesn't believe Jiang Siming's words...because he doesn't have fragments like LILI...

It can only be pinned on next year's game, he can pick up a piece of Weibo software.

Otherwise, the force he pretended would not be rounded up.

Besides, if it doesn’t work, just invest in the R&D team to do the research and development. It’s not difficult at all to do software. The difficult thing is to promote and users.

If he does it, he can mobilize his fans and friends to win it up.

The research and development is definitely not as easy to use as the fragments.

This matter is put on hold for the time being, waiting for what kind of answer Jiang Siming will give you before the end of next year.

Two days passed quickly, and it was time for Deng Qi to return to Xiangjiang.

"Oh, I've been here for two days and I don't want to leave at all. I wish I could stay here forever."

Deng Qi only lived for two days before he fell in love with this family completely.

There are a lot of sisters here, there are three cute pets, there are any entertainment activities she can do, and most importantly, there are the men in her "painting".

"It's okay, Aqi, wait until the end of the Chinese New Year, come here again. If you want to open a concert, you can start a concert. If you don't want to open it, just stay here. Anyway, you have a husband who is the richest man now, and I'm afraid he can't support you." Yingzi said laughingly.

Deng Qi smiled and said, "I know Sister Ying."


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