I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1164: Go home for the new year

As soon as Deng Qi left, there were only three days left before the Spring Festival.

Jiang Siming also began to set foot on the way home.

In the past four months since returning home for the Mid-Autumn Festival, I finally went home to have a look.

This time I went back, there were quite a lot of people, Ishihara, Zhirou, Yingzi and Irene.

With the addition of three cute pets, the Panda House knew that Jiang Siming was going to bring Xiangxiang home, so he airlifted a lot of fresh bamboo to Jiang Siming's hometown in advance, so as to fear that Xiangxiang would not be used to the bamboo there.

In fact, they don't have to worry about it at all. During the time Xiangxiang stayed at Jiang Siming's house, he was not picky about food at all. What to eat for the thieves, just to eat more...

Five people plus three pets, so they boarded a private jet and flew to Yunnan.

On the plane, apart from Zhi and Sakurako, Irene and Ishihara were very nervous. They didn't forget to make up Chinese on the plane, and they kept reading Chinese there.

Jiang Siming persuaded Dumu to be useful, the two were serious, Yingzi and Zhirou were teaching them by the side.

He had no choice but to let them go, but the three pets were excited when they took the plane for the first time.

Ari, Alan and Xiangxiang, all lying on the windows of the plane looking at the clouds and sky outside, reluctant to move their eyes.

During the four hours of flying time, Jiang Siming was okay, so he closed his eyes and went to the copy to go around.

From Xuzhou to now, Jiang Siming went to the copy several times, and half a year has passed since the copy.

There was only less than two-thirds of the time left before the war agreed by Jiang Siming and Yuan Shao one year later.

During this period, Jiang Siming's Xuanjia Army increased to 100,000, the Crimson Army's number reached 300,000, and Yulongwei still only had 3,000.

These three armies are mutually eliminated. For example, if recruits join the Crimson Armor, the outstanding Crimson Armor can be promoted to the Profound Armor, and the most advanced of the Profound Armor can enter the Dragon Guard.

Even if it is an upgrade, it is not permanent. Once it slows down and is caught up by the soldiers in the army below, it will be eliminated and returned.

In this competitive environment, even the soldiers of the Crimson Armored Army are all trained to be powerful.

The soldiers of the Xuanjia Army are not a problem, not to mention the Royal Dragon Guard, who can compete one-on-one with the captains and generals of other princes.

Moreover, the treatment of each unit is different. The most common Red Armored Army has three meals a day, not to mention meat, and a monthly salary of twelve lines of silver.

Twelve silver patterns, in this era, can feed and drink for a family of three for half a year. Other princes’ soldiers are at most two and two, and some only have one or two copper coins.

The Xuanjia Army is even more terrifying, with thirty-two silver patterns a month, and every Xuanjia Army’s family will give out a field. Some bachelors who don’t find their wives and the military affairs office help introduce their blind date.

Yulongwei is the most intimidating, with a monthly salary of fifty taels. The family distributes acres of land, and a set of Bieyuan is given away for free in Chang'an. The children enjoy royal-level private school education.

Jiang Siming completely moved modern routines into it, and screamed these soldiers who had never seen this kind of treatment.

Everyone desperately wanted to go to the next level, Chi Jia wanted to become Xuan Jia, Xuan Jia wanted to become Dragon Guard, everyone was struggling.

If you don't work hard, you will fall. Dragon Guard may fall to Xuan Jia, Xuan Jia falls to Crimson Armor, Crimson Armor may even fall out and become a farm soldier.

It's too shameful to lose a segment like this, no one wants to lose a segment, so I dedicate myself to training for fear of being compared.

The combat effectiveness of the army has naturally risen.

Among the people, Jiang Siming also strongly encouraged the development of commerce and agriculture together, and even built Chang'an into the first city that never sleeps.

Even at night, the shopping streets are brightly lit, business is booming, and protected by the Xuanjia army on patrols to ensure that no one makes trouble.

Occasionally, there were a few cases of fighting and stealing. Under the eyes of the Xuan Jia army, I will pull you out in minutes to settle the prison.

Moreover, Jiang Siming encourages childbirth, and the government rewards money for births, and can also provide free schools for children to go to school.

During this time, thousands of private schools have been built in the land of the three states. Although it is still a drop in the bucket, as time permits, there will be more and more private schools in the future.

Even children from poor families can afford to study.

During this time, Hua Tuo established a medical school in Chang'an to recruit apprentices, and the effect was very good.

The whole place under Jiang Siming's rule is prosperous.

Prime Minister Jiang’s longevity tablet is enshrined in thousands of households, and the people all sing Jiang Siming’s merits.

Now in Jiang Siming's ruling underground, anyone who dares to say that Jiang Siming is not will definitely be cursed and even beaten by a bunch of people.

There have been many examples, saying that there was a bachelor in Yangzhou who was self-righteous, who accidentally drank high in a restaurant, and said two things about Jiang Siming.

Then he was beaten up by other drinkers in the restaurant, and the owner of the restaurant threw him out like a chicken, never letting him in.

In addition to talking about Jiang Siming's achievements, the common people are also very concerned about Jiang Siming's personal life.

I heard that Prime Minister Jiang married two more beautiful wives during this time, one is the daughter of Dr. Dong Cheng and the other is the daughter of Fu Zhan.

It was heard that the two daughters were ashamed of the moon, but they were willing to marry the prime minister.

The prime minister now has six beautiful wives by his side, all of them are beautiful and beautiful, which make the world's men envy them.

Prime Minister's Mansion, backyard.

"Sister Dong, this tune you sang is really beautiful, and it's amazing with the dance of Sister Diaochan."

"Sister Cai Yan, don't want to make fun of Xuan'er. Xuan'er only knows a little about fur. Sister Diao Chan is good-looking."

"Sister Fushou is not convinced, sister Fushou, come to martial arts, shock and frighten them."

"Sister Da Qiao, you also make fun of others~"


The six prime ministers' wives were in the backyard, harmoniously and laughing constantly.

Even if three wives and four concubines were normal in ancient times, they would never see their wives and concubines so harmoniously. This is a spectacle.

"By the way, Sister Cai Yan, is your husband coming back for dinner today? I cooked top-quality lotus porridge."

"Maybe, if there is nothing wrong today, the husband will come back after going to court."

"Huh, where is Yueying, the little girl?"

"Oh, Yueying is thinking about getting a new rocking chair in the room. She is amazing. Her husband called her an inventor."

"Oh, Xiao Yueying looks like a strange person. Fortunately, her husband met and brought her back, otherwise the people would think that she was an alien and expelled."

"My husband said, Yueying is not a different person, but her body is of foreign blood. Yueying also said that her mother is a foreigner, so she was born with blond and blue eyes."

"Husband said that many people in foreign countries are blond and blue-eyed. They are everywhere. This is normal."

"Yeah, if my husband knows a lot, I think Yueying must be a great beauty when she grows up."


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