I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1165: Boss Cao went to Wancheng?

While the six prime ministers were chatting, a slim girl with blond hair and blue eyes walked into the backyard.

The girl is indeed incompatible with the Han people of this era, not even the Xiongnu and Xianbei tribes.

We must know that in the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was no fleet of ships capable of navigating. No one dared to cross the sea, nor did they have the ability.

It was not until a man named Marco Polo came to China in the Yuan Dynasty that he opened the door to the world. After Zheng He's voyage to the West in the Ming Dynasty, it was the sign that China officially went abroad to the world.

But now at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, a girl with blond hair and blue eyes appeared in China. Everyone had never seen her before, and naturally regarded her as a monster.

This also caused the description of Huang Yueying's strange and ugly appearance in the history books.

At that time, Huang Yueying followed her father to Chang'an, and she secretly ran out of the station to take off her mask and headscarf, which was treated like a monster by everyone.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming passed by and rescued Huang Yueying, and knew that Huang Yueying's father Huang Chengyan was an extremely skilled craftsman invented and he was a descendant of the Mo family.

So I hired him as a professor, and taught his disciples just like Hua Tuo, in order to benefit the people and the country.

So Huang Chengyan stayed in Chang'an and had his own mansion.

However, Huang Yueying never liked to live in her father's residence. She loved staying in Jiang Siming's prime minister's residence.

Because here, no one would treat her as a different kind, and the prime minister and his wife loved her like their sisters.

Jiang Cheng was also very good to her, and taught her a lot of interesting things about invention.

Therefore, Huang Yueying seldom went back to her father's residence, and stayed in the prime minister's house. Her father was busy with research, so she didn't have time to let her go.

She was skinny and strenuously carrying a prop that looked like a rocking chair, and eagerly ran to Cai Yan and the others.

"Sister, look, this is a rocking chair invented by Yueying. People lying on it can rock and fall asleep comfortably."

Huang Yueying proudly introduced her new invention to everyone.

At this moment, Jiang Siming came back from the court. As soon as he entered the backyard, he heard Huang Yueying's voice like a yellow oriole.

"Oh, the rocking chair is ready? The efficiency is pretty fast." Jiang Siming smiled and took off the jade belt of the prime minister's official uniform, and took off the documents from the prime minister's mansion.

This ancient official uniform was too hard to wear, and it was uncomfortable at all. When I became an emperor in the future, I must reform the official uniform.

Diao Chan walked over and gently took the official uniform and belt to Jiang Siming and put it away. Jiang Siming smiled and hooked her chin, Diao Chan threw a coquettish look at Jiang Siming, and took the official uniform and put it away. .

Huang Yueying saw Jiang Siming coming, and was a little bit happier than before.

"Brother Jiang, come and see, Yueying changed the chair into the kind of rocking chair you mentioned after a few days ago, after the advice you gave me, can you see if this is the case?"

Huang Yueying took Jiang Siming's arm and pulled her rocking chair.

Although Jiang Siming, the prime minister, was awed by many people, including when she first rescued Huang Yueying, she was also afraid and nervous.

But after a period of time, Huang Yueying was not afraid of Jiang Siming, because she knew that Jiang Siming was very good to her and she didn't need to be afraid.

Moreover, he regarded Jiang Siming as an older brother, and he didn't even call the prime minister.

Jiang Siming smiled and walked to the rocking chair, looked at it, and nodded approvingly, "It's not bad, this is the rocking chair. Unfortunately, there is no patent certificate here. Otherwise, you can be a rich man if you have this invention."

"Rich man? Rich man? What is patent?" Huang Yueying was curious.

Jiang Siming happily said, "You don't understand what you said, don't ask, let me try the comfort of this rocking chair first."

Huang Yueying pouted her mouth and muttered with a smile: "I really don't understand, there are so many magical inventions in the prime minister's house, why the prime minister never takes it seriously, but is interested in my ordinary rocking chair."

The big Qiao on the side said to her with a smile, "That's because you invented it, and the prime minister would care."

Huang Yueying felt ashamed when she heard it, but she was very appreciative. Thinking about her own age, she seems to be about the age to talk about marriage...

Thinking of this, she peeked at Jiang Siming again, and Huang Yueying's heart rate was much faster.

It wasn't until dinner with the prime minister's family that Huang Yueying returned to her room in a daze. Her room was not far from the prime minister's backyard.

Jiang Siming specially let her stay here. Not only is the place spacious, but there are also many maids serving.

Everyone said that Jiang Siming was closer to Yueying than to his sister.

But Yueying herself was a little unhappy, she was afraid Jiang Siming really only regarded her as her younger sister.

Sitting at the window and looking at the moon in the sky outside, Yueying thoughtfully, Jiang Siming's figure appeared from time to time in his head.

On the table is the latest letter sent from Nanyang, with Zhuge Kongming's autograph written on it, and Yueying's kiss.

But this letter was ignored by Yueying. Yueying and Zhuge Liang had known each other since they were young. Zhuge Liang liked her, but Yueying only regarded him as his brother.

It was okay before, Yueying didn't think about that, but starting today, she has become more sensitive and sensitive to things like that.

After reading the letter, Yueying finally didn't look at it, put it in the drawer, and was gradually forgotten.

Time passed day by day.

The princes everywhere are rushing to expand their territory, or they are desperately expanding and strengthening their own strength.

Jiang Siming is also working hard to strengthen his strength.

Although there was no war, it didn't mean that he didn't care about things everywhere.

Today, Guo Jia sent a secret letter, which still made Jiang Siming very interested.

According to reports from the spies, Boss Cao was attacking Zhang Xiu, and Zhang Xiu had already planned to surrender.

This news was just a war event of no big deal. Zhang Xiu was just a small town lord, and it would be sooner or later that it was included.

But the wonderful thing is just behind. After Zhang Xiu returned, it was written in the history books that Boss Cao fell in love with Zhang Xiu's aunt in Wancheng and asked his aunt to attend the bed.

So Zhang Xiu was angered and forced him to rebel.

Finally, boss Cao lost Dian Wei and his eldest son Cao Ang.

"Wancheng? How far is Wancheng from Chang'an?" Jiang Siming asked Guo Jia.

"It's more than three hundred miles, Lord, do you think?"

"Yes, are you interested in the idea of ​​hitting Cao Mengde?" Jiang Siming thought it was okay anyway, so it's better to go for fun.

Of course Guo Jia disagreed. He had never read history books at all. He didn't know if Zhang Xiu would vote against it.

"Master, more than three hundred miles, if our army travels a long distance, it will take at least three days, I am afraid it will be too late."

"No, you don't need heavy soldiers, you only need a light cavalry of 5,000 people, and you will be there in one day and night."

"But what's the use of this? How can the Five Thousand Qingqi stop an army of hundreds of thousands?" Guo Jia looked confused, how did he feel that the lord's IQ was offline today.

"Don't worry, I watched the sky at night. If Zhang Xiu's rebellion is a fake, he will definitely bite Cao Cao back. When they kill them properly and Cao Cao flees, he will send troops to chase and kill them and make some extra money. That's the decision. Let Zilong go."

Jiang Siming can't wait to see the big show.

[Author's digression]: Today Sake is going to get a copyright contract for listening to books, the next two are more likely to be later, the prophet will say, I am afraid that many friends urge it~

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