I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1167: Father plan

"Boss Cao, let you go this time, and see if you dare to think about other people's wives every day."

Jiang Siming didn't intend to really kill Cao Cao here. For the biggest hero of the Three Kingdoms, such a death would be too wasteful.

Even if he is dead, Boss Cao still has many children, and Cao's rule is still there. Therefore, the death of Boss Cao is not what Jiang Siming cares about. He just wants to tease him.

Boss Cao can be said to have suffered a loss this time. Not only did his eldest son die, Xu Zhu was seriously injured, and the soldiers and horses suffered heavy losses of food and grass.

Although Zhao Yun did not find Cao Cao, he accidentally caught Xu Zhu who had escaped and was unconscious. Zhao Yun knew that Xu Zhu was of value, so he was given a simple hemostasis and escorted him back to Chang'an.

The next day, in the meeting room of the Prime Minister's Mansion, Jiang Siming's subordinates heard Zhao Yun's report on the deeds of the boss of Wancheng Cao, and they all leaned forward and backward with a smile.

"Lord, what should I do with Xu Zhu who was captured by General Zhao?" Xun Yu asked.

"Have you done work for Xu Zhu?" Jiang Siming asked.

Of course, it would be best if Xu Zhu could be collected on his own side. Jiang Siming is also a person who cherishes talents.

"I have done it. I have tried to persuade Mr. Guo, but this person is not willing to stay in Chang'an." Hua Xin said.

Jiang Siming is not surprised, people in this era pay attention to meaning characters, especially for a silly person like Xu Zhu.

Even Guan Zhang took a lot of effort to flicker over, and Cao Cao was not here, and those divorce tricks were of no use to him.

"Then there is no need to persuade him. Use him as a commodity and exchange two cities with Cao Cao. It depends on whether he is willing to give it."

Jiang Siming is not uncommon, isn't it just a fierce general? There are a lot of fierce generals under his hand.

None of Zhao Yun, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong, Wang Yue, Dianwei is better than Xu Chu.

Therefore, Jiang Siming was very open to it. It would be a little bit if Xu Zhu traded two cities.

After Cao Cao found out that his love would be in Jiang Siming's hands, he could only grit his teeth and answer with a city substitution.

It's okay for the other generals, but Xu Zhu is his confidant, and he saved him this time. If he doesn't change, it is estimated that his generals will be chilled.

So Boss Cao could only smash his teeth and swallow in his stomach. At the same time, he was also wondering why Xu Zhu was in Chang'an? ? ? ?


After spending a few days in the Three Kingdoms, Jiang Siming was awakened by his wives because the plane had arrived.

The plane arrived at Dali Airport.

Jiang Siming's parents and Jiang Wanwan were already waiting.

Yingzi sat in the car on the private jet, said goodbye to Jiang Siming with a smile, and ran away by herself.

Zhirou, Irene, and Ishihara were left behind, nervously followed by Jiang Siming and got off the plane.

"Parents, I'm back." Jiang Siming walked towards his parents with a smile, with three little tails behind him.

"I just came back, the new year is over." Jiang's father complained.

Jiang's mother is still capable of protecting the calf: "What do you know, my son is the richest man in Asia, can you not be busy? Look at the rich people who are not busy, what's wrong with coming back later, there is no problem when you come back on New Year's Day."

Father Jiang rolled his eyes, obviously unable to refute.

"Mom, I will go home often next year." Jiang Siming said with a smile.

Just as Jiang's mother was about to be happy, she found three women behind Jiang Siming.

She knows Zhirou, but the other two... she doesn't know one of them, one by one is very beautiful.

"Hello Auntie, Hello Uncle." The three women greeted Father Jiang and Mother Jiang at the same time, very well-behaved.

"Hey, hello, hello, son, who is next to Zhirou?" Jiang Mu asked blankly.

Yin Zhirou herself began to explain: "Auntie, they are my good friends, they are all from abroad, and want to come and spend the New Year with us, can you?"

Jiang's mother actually didn't believe it at all, and she knew her son. She felt that these two girls must have a close relationship with her son.

But she didn't reveal it, instead she nodded with an open eyebrow: "Of course! Then this year we will have a lively New Year! Come and let auntie take a look. It's so beautiful, which country is it from? How old, yes... .."

Jiang's mother settled the three women in a few words, and dragged them into a car to chat.

Fortunately, three cars were put on the private jet this time, otherwise there would be no cars to go home.

Along the way, Jiang's mother humbled and asked the three girls, and the treatment was the same as that of his daughter-in-law.

This also relieved both Ishihara Rimi and Irene.

After arriving home, Jiang Mu immediately pulled Jiang Siming aside and ‘tortured’ and asked: "Son, recruit truthfully, what does these two other girls have to do with you?"

Jiang Siming didn't hide it, and honestly explained: "Same as Zhirou."

"Hey, you are really good, three girls in one dip! It's too bothersome!" Jiang Mu said'accusingly'.

But listening to the tone, there is no accusation at all.

"I don't care how much girl you have money for, and I will treat you as a daughter-in-law, but my mother has one condition. If you don't agree, your mother I will not agree with you to mess around like this." Mother Jiang said.

Jiang Siming asked suspiciously: "Mom, what are the conditions?"

"Within next year, at least bring me a grandson or granddaughter. We are the only one in Jiang's family. You have to take the lead."

Jiang Siming is big when he sounds, he will be a father next year? No, he is not ready to be a father yet.

Although Zhao Xiaoxiao is also a daughter, this is different. He never cared about Zhao Xiaoxiao when he was a child.

"If you don't agree, if you don't agree, I will tell your dad!" Jiang's mother said she was going to ‘inform’.

Jiang Siming hurriedly stopped, and said, "I promise you can't do it yet."

Flowers bloomed on Jiang’s mother’s face: "This is what you promised your mother. Before next year’s New Year, if your girlfriends are still not pregnant, then mother will send them all away. New Year at home."

Jiang Siming gave a frustrated cry. Next year he can promise his wives to bring them back for the New Year, including Zhao Xiaoxiao.

If this is driven out by my mother, it would be shameless.

It seems that next year I will really be a father...

Seeing him like this, Jiang's mother smiled and patted him on the shoulder, and said earnestly: "Son, you are not young anymore, you are almost going to be a third person, you should have children, and you should be a father."

When Jiang Siming heard it, he was indeed thirty years old, and people like him had children who were several years old.

He has more than 20 girlfriends, but he has been reluctant to be a father, and it is indeed impossible to justify.

Well, starting from today, if you love your wives, you won’t take protective measures.

Having figured this out, Jiang Siming felt better.

Isn't it just being a father? With so many "little moms" in the family, can't it be possible to bring a child?

If you don’t want to be naughty, just throw it to your mom, dad and grandparents to save trouble~

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