I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1168: Three little ancestors

After discussing with his mother, Jiang Siming was able to walk out safely.

Zhirou, Irene and the three daughters of Ishihara are sitting in the living room, chatting with her grandparents.

"Brother, you're so awesome, you dare to bring this home." Jiang Wanwan walked up to Jiang Siming quietly and gave a thumbs up.

Jiang Siming not only didn't panic, but smiled triumphantly. He squeezed her face and said, "Go, be an interpreter for your sisters-in-laws. They don't understand what grandparents are saying. Ishihara and Irene are not very good at Chinese. , You use English to translate, just exercise your English."

Jiang Wanwan was dissatisfied and said: "You are obviously using me as a coolie, I will not do it."

"Snacks on a hill in the back of the car, don't do it and I will bring it back after the Chinese New Year." Jiang Siming is quite democratic and doesn't force her, well, completely voluntary.

After speaking, Jiang Wanwan sat there obediently...

It's the first time to take three wives home, this feeling, let alone, really cool, hehe.

My mother has no objection, and grandparents are even less objectionable. They expect Jiang Siming to have children more than their mother, and they can enjoy the four generations living together.

Although Dad might have an opinion, he couldn't turn his mind. Up to now, he still couldn't guess the relationship between Irene and Ishihara and Jiang Siming.

He still naively thought that he was really Zhirou's friend, his daughter-in-law's friend, of course he had to be treated well.

The only silly bug in the family... it is none other than Father Jiang.

The home is still the same as it was when I came back from the Mid-Autumn Festival. Although the rural mansion and the rural castle are big, my parents are diligent and often tidy up. The home is still the same as the new one.

Grandpa planted a lot of vegetables in the yard, and grandma also enclosed a plot of land to raise chickens, ducks and geese.

Coupled with the long-term supply of Tianci pig and beef from Jiang Siming.

The family is now basically self-sufficient.

It's not that the Jiang family picks, but the vegetables they grow and the poultry raised by themselves. It's not the most assured to eat.

Jiang Siming felt that the original idea of ​​deliberately expanding the land was really good, otherwise it would not be enough in the future.

They are all settled at home, and the three little guys naturally have to get out of the car.

For the sake of the three little guys, Jiang Siming drove out the RV that hadn't been driven at home for a long time and temporarily settled them in the RV.

I'm afraid that there are outsiders at home that are too messy, so I haven't released it for the time being.

When Jiang Siming walked to the garage, the three little guys were already staring at the door of the car window, wishing to smash the glass and fly out.

Dad followed curiously.

"Son, did you really raise a panda? If you don't raise it, how can you throw it away? The national treasure is terrible and you will go to jail."

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Dad, don't worry, Xiangxiang was raised by the Panda House specially asked me to raise it. It has a certificate, and Xiangxiang has GPS positioning on her body, which can't be lost."

"Then I can rest assured. Open the door quickly. I have closed the doors of the house. They can't get out." Dad is also quite curious. His old man has never been in close contact with pandas.

"Dad, give you a vaccination first. My three pets are afraid of thieves. If they don't let you touch you, don't touch you hard, it will hurt you." Jiang Siming reminded you of friendship.

Then he opened the door of the RV, and the first person who came out was A-Nan, who threw directly into Jiang Siming's arms.

Then there is Ah Li, who raised his head proudly, got out of the car, and looked at his new territory like a queen.

In the end, it was Xiangxiang who was black and white, and it was quite unhappy when he got out of the car, complaining that Jiang Siming kept it for Mao for so long.

Facing Jiang Siming's RV door is a bear's paw.

Jiang Siming walked over, squeezed its ears, and said, "Do you dare to shoot the door if you get fat? If you shoot the door again, I will let Ari and Alan beat you up."

As soon as Xiangxiang heard this, she wiped the door with her very anthropomorphic hand, indicating that this was a misunderstanding, can't I just wipe it?

Although it is a national treasure, in Jiang Siming's house, almost no one regards it as a national treasure.

Especially Ah-囡 and Ah-ri, just hit them if nothing happens...

Fortunately, the fragrant skin is thick and thick, and Ah-囡 and Ah-ri are not really beaten, and they never hurt. After being beaten, they followed these two ‘big sisters’ again.

"Okay, go in, don't scare people, let alone hurt people." Jiang Siming shouted.

Xiangxiang twisted Xiao Pipi and walked into the house, following Ah Li to see the new home.

What Father Jiang saw was dumbfounded, why these animals are so spiritual! Just like people.

I can see that Father Jiang really wants to use Xiaoyueyue’s catchphrase to say: Oh my god~

"This cat is so beautiful, can't you touch it?" Father Jiang reached out tentatively.

Ah Nu immediately exploded and stared at Father Jiang fiercely, as if you dare to reach out, I dare to scratch you.

Father Jiang quickly dispelled the idea and complained to his son: "You raise all white-eyed wolves, and I won't be allowed to touch my father."

Jiang Siming laughed and said, "I told you earlier that the one I raised is not a pet, but three little ancestors. Let's go, Dad."

"This RV is really good-looking, so let me take your mother and grandparents out for a drive?" Jiang's father immediately turned his attention to the car.

He is not interested in pets, only in cars.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Okay, let Sister Li be your driver for a while. You can't drive this car. You need a B2 driver's license."

"That's it, that's OK, by the way, you let the driver come in and sit for a while, and just let the family stay in the car, what's the matter? Why don't you learn the hospitality of our family well?" Father Jiang Seeing Li Chunlan sitting still in the car, she told Jiang Siming whether he was wrong.

Jiang Siming can't laugh or cry, Li Chunlan is a robot, dad~

Forget it, they didn't believe it, let Li Chunlan down.

"Sister Li, let's sit down for a while, and stay at my house without driving tasks."

"Good boss, hello, uncle, I am President Jiang's driver."

Li Chunlan got out of the car and greeted Jiang's father with a smile, and chatted with Jiang's father about the daily routine, and even spoke in two dialects from time to time, and she couldn't tell that she was a robot at all.

This fragment is produced as a cow.

Not to mention that Father Jiang couldn't see it, even the wives in the family had been in contact with Li Chunlan for so long and never noticed it.

Armed with Anan, Jiang Fu and Li Chunlan, Jiang Siming returned to the house.

Ari was still cold, found a suspended ceiling in the room, and slept in a nest on it. He wouldn't be off until dinner time.

Xiangxiang is lying next to her three familiar mistresses, acting cute and acting like a baby.

The facial expressions of grandparents and mother are similar to those of father just now.

They never dreamed that a panda would come to their home in their dreams, and they would still be kept as pets

Jiang Siming saw that A-Nan was still lying on him and couldn't go down, smiled and patted her Pippi, and said, "Don't rely on me, go down and play by yourself."

A-Nan made a small grievance, meowing a few times, and finally went to the ground honestly.

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