I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1170: Three thousand jobs

"That's good. My suggestion is not to make it into a scenic spot. No kind of paradise on earth can match the gradual destruction of thousands of tourists." Jiang Siming's tone was relieved.

Sun Zheng said bitterly: "But if we don't make scenic spots, our resources in the southern sky have always been limited to the poverty level. We have no minerals in the southern sky, and the geographical location is not good, so it is difficult for us to have big development."

Sun Zheng is also kind, wanting to promote the economic development of the town.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "No need to worry about this, Secretary Sun. Starting next year, I will transfer all the herbs that my pharmaceutical company needs to grow from Chongming to Nantian, and all future medicinal herb planting will be placed in Nantian Town. When the time comes, the company will recruit people from the town. Let's develop the economy together. What do you think?"

"Okay, that's great!" Sun Zheng was overjoyed and asked carefully: "Mr. Jiang, can you tell me how much labor is needed for the scale of the plantation?"

"If you count planters, collectors, security personnel, and transportation personnel, the minimum scale will be more than 3,000, and there will be more and more in the future," Jiang Siming replied.

In Sun Zheng's eyes, there are all data. There are three thousand people. They only have more than ten thousand people in Nantian Town. With three thousand labor, that is more than three thousand jobs.

The employment rate in their town is more than 30%, not to mention 3000, but it is already a huge number for a small town.

This is all small. If Jiang Siming invents more drugs in the future, he will find more labor.

Although Chongming is close, it is not a long-term solution after all, so he had negotiated with Zhao Xuan, and waited for next year to put the planting field in the south.

First, the climate and soil conditions in Nantian are very suitable for medicinal production;

2. Land lease is cheap, no matter how big the land is, it is also very cheap;

Three can also lead the people in their hometown to get rich, so why not do it.

"By the way, Mr. Jiang, can you tell me about the salary? If it is not convenient, then forget it." Sun Zheng wanted to know more clearly about the treatment of these jobs.

Jiang Siming didn’t need to conceal it. He smiled and replied: “The initial average salary is 6000 per month, without bonuses, and the company provides meals and accommodations for the time being. It also includes five insurances and one housing fund. The year-end bonus is not less than Three months’ salary."

Sun Zheng is more scared than this treatment, even in a big city, this treatment is already good.

6000 yuan a month, not including bonuses, food, and five insurances and one housing fund. Many companies only buy social insurance.

The year-end bonus is not less than three months' salary, which is 18 thousand, which is the level of white-collar workers in big cities!

You know, their average salary in Nantian Town does not exceed 1,000 yuan per person.

Don't feel scary, it's really this number. The highest salary is a cotton factory. The salary is 2000 a month. It does not include food or housing, let alone bonuses, five insurances and one housing fund.

In this way, the employees working in the cotton factory are all arrogant and proud. Before, Jiang Siming's mother also wanted to apply.

But if you don't give gifts and don't let in, my mother didn't make it.

Sun Zheng can imagine that if Jiang Siming's plantation is completed, how many people will squeeze their heads and want to enter.

By then the wage level and consumption level in the town will definitely be greatly improved!

This is more profitable than engaging in scenic spots. The investment in scenic spots is too large, and it takes a long time to recover the cost.

Jiang Siming's trick, their town ZF does not need to do anything, it can greatly improve the quality of life of the people in the town!

"When the time comes, you will have to ask Secretary Sun for more help."

Sun Zheng nodded without hesitation: "You can rest assured, Mr. Jiang, our town ZF must fully support! If you have any difficulties, even if you raise them, we will try to settle them."

"That's good, if nothing else, it's almost time for dinner, I won't keep you." Jiang Siming smiled.

If it was Jiang's father, he would definitely say whether he should come in for dinner when he ordered, and he would definitely decline when he met someone who was stunned or shameless, he would definitely walk in directly.

So Jiang Siming was never polite, and he said something directly.

Sun Zheng left with satisfaction and thanks again and again.

Jiang Siming was able to return to the house to continue cooking the chickens, ducks and geese.

"Son, are we really going to set up a plantation at home next year?" Father Jiang looked angry.

"Well, it's not just a plantation farm, maybe a farm will also be run." Jiang Siming said without hesitation.

"Then you let me go in with your mother to work, such a good treatment." Father Jiang said cutely.

Jiang Siming rolled his eyes and said speechlessly: "Dad, can you figure out your identity, you are the dad of the richest man in Asia, do you need to go to work? Just enjoy your comfortable life. When do you want to go out and play with? Let me say, I will arrange a few bodyguards to accompany you. You can fly and play anywhere in the world, do you understand."

"I'm still young, I want to do more for you." Father Jiang said with a smile.

Jiang Siming laughed and said: "Don't have this idea. If you go to work, others will think that I, the richest man, is an unfilial son. If you are really idle, you will help me manage the planting with your mother. Field, being a manager, okay?"

"This is good! Don't worry, I will help you with your mother. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it." Father Jiang agreed immediately. He loves to manage people and enjoys the pleasure of managing people.

Mother Jiang said, his father has bureaucracy in his bones, but fortunately he didn't become an official.

After handling the poultry, Jiang Siming sent it to the kitchen, which was already busy.

My mother, Zhirou and their three daughters were chatting while they were working. Grandma was in there. Jiang Wanwan was a translator. It was very lively and didn't feel tired.

Fortunately, the kitchen is big enough, otherwise they really can't accommodate so many people.

Jiang Siming let them go, and ran to sit next to his grandfather who was watching TV.

"Grandpa, how is it, how is your body?" Jiang Siming asked knowingly. People who have taken Detoxification Pill are healthy.

Grandpa and grandma have taken it long ago, and the body is much better than before. The old problems in the body are gone. It is quite comfortable to sleep and eat every day.

Grandpa laughed and said, "Grandpa is in good health, and so is your grandma. Amin doesn't need to worry about us, just take care of himself outside."

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "I know don't worry, grandpa, how about taking you abroad for a trip next year?"

"Going abroad? If you don't go or not, what's fun about going abroad? If you want to accompany grandpa, you might as well accompany me to play chess." Grandpa hinted that the chess addiction is coming back again.

Jiang Siming couldn't understand, and said with a smile: "Then walk? Grandson accompany you to kill two rounds. Don't lose face if you lose."

"Haha, you kid still want to play chess and played with me? Your grandfather, I played chess all my life, will I be won by your kid?"

Grandpa obviously didn't believe it, and he was very confident.

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