I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1171: Ultimate dream

Grandpa's thoughts are very good, but after being easily won three times by Jiang Siming, his expression has changed.

Jiang Siming had acquired the [Chess Proficiency] skill, but he never used this skill after he got it, just to go home and "bully" his grandfather, hehe.

After another game was set, Grandpa Jiang stared at the chessboard, his eyes were about to be attached, and he had to think about each next move for a long time, for fear of being routine again.

In the end, it was Jiang Siming who deliberately secretly released the water to let the old man narrowly win the game, and then his smiling face was restored.

After the chess is played, it's time for dinner.

The family sat together. The table was full of delicious dishes. Jiang Siming knew it was the familiar taste of mother and grandma's craftsmanship.

Without shouting, he already moved his chopsticks.

Although he is good at cooking and the cooking skills of Xinyi and Zhirou at home are also very good, the cooking skills of his mother and grandma are still ranked first in his heart.

After all, this is the taste of childhood, from snack to big.

Seeing Jiang Siming's feasting, Jiang's mother and grandma were very happy, and they also greeted Zhirou and the others to move their chopsticks.

It feels so good as a family, harmony.

This is why, no matter how far and tired, the Chinese people will go home during the Spring Festival. This kind of atmosphere is not something that people in Western countries can experience.

Smelling the scent, A-囡 and Ari didn't know where they came from. They knew it was time to order their food.

"Mom, did you leave food for these two little guys?" Jiang Siming asked casually with the fragrant duck head in his mouth.

"Leave it here. There are two big pots, really, shouldn't your pets eat cat food and dog food? Why do they like to eat food made by people."

Mother Jiang smiled and brought out two large basins from the kitchen, which contained chicken and duck meat. They placed them on the chairs in front of Ah Nu and Ah Li, and the two little guys jumped up and started.

"They don't like dog food and cat food. They can eat whatever I eat in Shanghai, which is also very good." Jiang Siming said.

As he was talking, Xiangxiang ran in with a pitiful look, watching the two big sisters, Ari and A-nan, have a lot of food, it doesn't have it~

Jiang Siming was happy, pointing to it and saying, "Except it."

The whole family is happy.

Soon, Xiangxiang hugged a pile of bamboo, fruits and vegetables in the yard and ate happily.

After a meal, the family ate happily.

After eating, Zhirou, Irene and Ishihara took the task of cleaning up the kitchen utensils by their own courage.

But Jiang's mother and grandma refused to say anything, saying that it was the first day that they were allowed to work like this. Isn't it a abuse? So they drove them to the living room.

Then twisted Jiang Wanwan into the kitchen to clean up.

Of course Jiang Siming doesn't have to clean up. Jiang Wanwan often complained about unfairness when he was a child, so I need it because my brother doesn't need to wash dishes and chopsticks.

Jiang Siming told her proudly that her brother had already done all the work before she was born, so it was her turn.

So Jiang Wanwan doesn't bother to complain now, and she also knows that girls have to do housework.

After Grandpa Jiang had finished eating, he went out to fight chess with people under the big tree at the entrance of the village. Father Jiang went out to buy some small dishes for the evening.

In the living room, there are three chicks sitting on the sofa.

Holding a full belly, eating too much.

Uncle roasted goose, white lotus root chicken soup, crispy sliced ​​duck... Almost half of these dishes entered Jiang Siming's stomach.

Jiang's mother and grandma kept trying to make Jiang Siming save some for Zhirou and the others, but this guy still can eat it.

Now that I eat too much, my digestive system can't keep up.

Jiang Siming walked up to them, and seeing his mother and grandma didn't see it, he lay swaggeringly among the three women, hugging left and right.

He often does this in Shanghai, and he is quite skilled.

It's just that Zhirou and the others are not as open as they are in Shanghai, this is in the house of uncle and aunt.

"Get up quickly, it wouldn't be good if you were seen by grandma and mother." Ishihara urged with a blushing face.

"That's it, if you are found out, it's up to you what to do." Irene said that she wanted to fight Jiang Siming's'devil's claw', but she couldn't do it at all.

Jiang Siming said carelessly: "Don't worry, you can't find it, and even if you find it, it's okay. My mother already knows, I think grandma must know it too."


The three women were shocked, and the three pairs of eyes stared at each other, as if they were all asking, who is wearing help?

They thought about it, and they didn't seem to show any flaws.

Jiang Siming was happy seeing their expressions, and said: "It's not that you show the flaws, but that my mother and my grandma know me too well, and they know you girls very well."

"Then what to do..." Irene was a little dejected, and said: "I knew I should go to Sister Ying's house for the New Year."

As soon as he finished speaking, he was beaten by Jiang Siming.

"What are you talking about? What's wrong with being discovered? Anyway, I will make it public sooner or later. Then I will have to marry all of you in the door. Now let the family know what is wrong." Jiang Siming pouted.

If his dream was to make a lot of money, to worry about food and clothing, and to become a rich man.

Now he has only one dream, that is, one day in the future, he can announce to the world that he has more than 20 wives!

It is crazy to think about it.

The three girls couldn't say that Jiang Siming had to let him go.

The mother who was busy in the kitchen accidentally glanced at it, and just saw the scene of Jiang Siming holding three little girls in the living room.

Not only did Jiang's mother not be angry, she was happy.

"What's the matter, what are you laughing?" Grandma was puzzled.

Afraid that Jiang Wanwan would hear her, Jiang's mother made a look at her grandma. Grandma turned her head to look at it, and she was also happy.

"My grandson is capable. These three girls, I like them very much. They are so good-looking. If you have children in the future, they will definitely look good."

Jiang's mother got enthusiasm when she heard this, and she began to talk to her grandma in a low voice about how Jiang Siming gave birth to several children...

For fear that Jiang Wanwan would hear it, the two tried their best to speak in a low voice.

Jiang Wanwan was very speechless. What's shameful? Brother has more than three girlfriends.

She knows the most, cut!

Not long after eating lunch, the uncle's house came over, and Jiang Siming had long since emerged from the arms of the third daughter and returned to his normal appearance.

The uncle and the aunt came with their family members.

Jiang Siming's two sisters, and their children, came to the door together.


As soon as Su Mingyu saw Jiang Siming, she broke free of her mother's hand, ran towards Jiang Siming Sa Yazi, and plunged into the arms of her uncle.

To Su Mingyu, uncle is the closest person besides his parents.

I often kept talking, counting my fingers and asking when my mother and uncle would come back every day.

In contrast, the two nephews are more agreeable, and they are not close to Jiang Siming.

The main boys seem to be a little bit afraid of Jiang Siming's aura. This is a kind of aura that is hard to tell, even Jiang Siming's [Renming temperament] cannot be changed.

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