I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1172: I want it in spring, summer, autumn and winter!

This is a combination of Jiang Siming's aura that has precipitated after his experiences in the four worlds of modern times, martial arts, end times and history.

Especially in the recent Three Kingdoms, Jiang Siming, who is used to being a prime minister, has a very obvious aura of superiors. Boys are very afraid, but they are very attractive to girls.

The two boys shouted, uncle hello, and ran to see Xiangxiang.

Fortunately, Jiang Siming told them not to touch, otherwise Xiangxiang would bite people. The two of them were so frightened that they dared to look at Xiangxiang after hiding five meters away.

As for Ah Li and Ah Nu, they couldn't see them at all. It is estimated that they hid in which corner upstairs to sleep.

"Aming, I just heard your dad say that you raised a panda for the panda house. I still don't believe it. I didn't expect it to be true. You are really capable." Aunty smiled.

Jiang Siming said modestly: "Where is it, it's just helping others to be a breeder, how can I be capable."

Seeing Jiang Siming hugging her but ignoring her, Xiao Qianqian still tasted.

"Uncle ignores Cici, does uncle dislike Cici anymore~"

Jiang Siming smiled, squeezed her cheek quickly, and said:

"Why? Of course my uncle likes Cici, why did Cici grow taller and gain weight? Uncle almost can't hold her."

Jiang Siming hugged Cici and made two grimacing faces, which immediately amused Cici.

"Aunt~" Su Mingyu hadn't forgotten Yin Zhirou, and yelled obediently, making Yin Zhirou a blushing face, and Irene and Ishihara next to him were smiling hard.

"Huh, Amin, who are these two?"

"Oh, madam, these are my two foreign friends who came here for the New Year."

Yin Zhirou quickly explained that the aunt did not suspect him, so she ran to talk to Jiang Mu in the kitchen.

"Hey, brother-in-law, why didn't you see them?" Jiang Siming saw that there were no two brother-in-laws.

The second sister smiled and said: "It's not your help. You have set up two companies for your two brother-in-laws. Now both of your brother-in-laws are busy, and they are still working in the company."

When Jiang Siming remembered, it was true. He saw that the conditions of the two brother-in-laws were not very good. One was working in a newspaper and the other was working in a grain and oil station.

Both of them actually have abilities, so Jiang Siming invested money for them to start a company they like.

The two opened a magazine and the other opened the largest grain and oil store in town.

The income of the two brother-in-laws is considerable and the quality of life has improved a lot.

All this was helped by Jiang Siming.

"Your eldest brother-in-law said, when he is finished, please go to the uncle's house to have a good meal. He also bought good wine." The eldest sister said happily.

Now that her husband has a successful career and a harmonious family, can she be unhappy?

Think about it last year, their family was still a small ruined building, and the only means of transportation to go out was bicycles. He, her husband and the children's family had to live very tightly.

But now, the old public company has built a large-scale house at home, and they are all Mercedes-Benz cars when they go out. If they want to do something in the town, when others hear that they are Jiang Siming's sister, they will do it immediately.

The eldest sister and the second sister sometimes wake up with a smile in their dreams, so lucky to have such a good cousin.

Jiang Siming laughed and agreed without hesitation.

Uncle and they stayed here not long before they left. After all, it was the Chinese New Year, and there were a lot of family affairs.

After Jiang Siming sent them away, Zhirou and the others were also a little sleepy, so they all ran upstairs to sleep.

The three of them slept in Jiang Siming’s room temporarily, where to sleep at night...wait for the arrangement...

In Jiang Siming's room, there were all kinds of childhood photos, certificates, diaries, essays, and so on. These became the "treasures" of the three of them. When the sleepiness was gone, they all looked at the photos and diaries there.

Although it is not good to read the diary of a person, it is the diary of his husband. Besides, Jiang Siming only read it after they agreed.

Jiang Siming thought for a moment that there should be nothing in his diary that he can't see people. He wrote the habit of diary from elementary school to senior high school graduation.

It was broken after university, but there were a dozen diaries.

They are tossing in the room, Jiang Siming doesn’t want to read his diary with them, it’s shameful~

After a long time without walking, Jiang Siming went out by himself, taking a walk on the few roads in the town.

The environment in the town is so much better. It used to be muddy roads. There are also ‘bottle bombs’ and ‘dog bombs’ on the road, which makes it easy to step on it if you are not careful.

Now look at it, all roads are clean and spacious, and no puddles will form on them no matter how heavy the rain is.

There are already harvested rice fields on both sides of the road. Think about it when you return home during the Mid-Autumn Festival, the rice fields are still golden.

When we meet again, the rice stalks are already burnt.

Farmers here burn the rice stalks after cutting the rice.

In this way, the ashes of the rice ears will sink into the soil to be used as fertilizer. I don't know if this is the case in other places.

It can be seen that Jiang Siming has not been home for a long time.

Suddenly remembered Zhu Ziqing's "Winter": From then on, there is only winter and summer in my hometown, no spring and autumn.

Jiang Siming didn't understand this when he was reading the text when he was a child, but now he understands.

Wandering outside, it is estimated that I will go home several times a year, usually in summer and winter, but there is no spring and autumn.

Jiang Siming warned himself that he must go home often in the future, no matter what others are like, but he will at least watch the spring, summer, autumn and winter of his hometown every year from now on!

Walking along the way, Jiang Siming's memories followed.

Passing by the big pond, he remembered that there was a year when he was a child, and he went fishing with his friends, but he did not catch the fish, but fell into the pond. Grandpa used a fishing net to catch him...

There is also apricot forest. There are many apricot trees in it. Jiang Siming often went there when he was a child, but he did not pick apricots, but catch long beetles.

Longhorn beetle is an insect. It may be called differently in many places, but it is a pest.

But it's fun. When he was a child, Jiang Siming liked to grab them and let them bite each other, to see who had the strongest teeth.

Thinking about it now, it's boring...

There are many, many places, Jiang Siming's favorite playground when he was a child.

When I was young, I didn’t have digital products or video games, so don’t I just spend my childhood pointing to these wild parks.

As I was thinking about it, someone called him suddenly.

"It's Jiang... Siming?"

Jiang Siming looked back and found that it was a woman, about the same age as him.

The woman looks small and exquisite, but the figure that was supposed to be petite and slim has become a lot bloated.

Jiang Siming's brain stormed, and finally remembered who she was.

Jiang Fang, his elementary school classmate, is also his'fiancee'.

The reason why he is said to be his fiancé is that when Jiang Siming had just graduated from Shanghai and had been working hard for less than two years, his father arranged for him to date him.

At that time, Jiang Fang was still very good-looking, similar to Zhao Liying's type, cute, small, bright and moving, and still the town flower of Nantian Town.


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