I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1180: Return to Shanghai!

"Dad, the floor of this living room is too dirty. I took my classmates upstairs. Please clean it up."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking with a smile, he took Li Yingzi's hand and went upstairs. Li Yingzi blushed and was led away with her head down like a little wife.

Father Jiang has a black line on his face, what is this called...

Is he Lao Tzu or I am Lao Tzu, and it's not because of you that the floor is dirty, so many people come to pay a New Year greeting.

"You don't care?"

Father Jiang looked at the mother Jiang who was eating melon seeds and watching his son go upstairs with a smile.

Jiang's mother asked back: "What do you care?"

"This kid is holding other girls, what if Xiao Rou sees anger?" Jiang's father said with justification.

Jiang’s mother didn’t take it seriously, and said, “Don’t worry about it, hurry up and cook, and add more personal appetite today. My son promised me to bring me a grandson and granddaughter back next year. Crooked obstructing big plans, I will never end with you."

"Oh, then I'm going to cook."

When Father Jiang heard that his grandchildren would be holding him next year, he immediately stopped speaking, and went to work.

Granddaughter and grandson can hold it. As for whether the son will catch fire in the harem, that is his business.

Jiang Siming took Yingzi upstairs and entered Jiang Siming's room. Sure enough, the three girls were still curious about Jiang Siming's little childhood.

Their men, any story at any point in time, they all want to know~

As soon as she saw Yingzi coming, the three women put down the things in their hands and ran to embrace Yingzi excitedly.

"Sister Ying, why don't you stay here to celebrate the New Year, it's lively."

"Yes, Sister Ying, you can stay here during the day and go back to sleep at night."

"Sister Ying, we all miss you."


The enthusiasm of the three women made Yingzi laugh and cry, she really wanted to stay here, so she agreed.

Although she was close, Yingzi was still bored at home. If her parents hadn't told her to go to her relatives to pay a New Year's greeting, she would have come early in the morning.

"When are you going to return to Shanghai? I remember that you seem to have a game on the tenth day?" Yingzi asked.

"Well, you have to go back on the seventh day." Jiang Siming said.

Although he is a hand-off shopkeeper, he can't stay away from the company. As the dignified richest man, being able to stay at home for more than a week during the Chinese New Year is luxurious enough.

For example, when the richest man Wang called him this morning, his secretary was still talking about today's itinerary.

It can be seen that rich people really do a lot.

"Then I will go with you."

"That must be dropped, and stay overnight tonight, right?"

"Think beautiful~"

The arrival of Yingzi made the home even more lively. Jiang Siming thought for a while. Next year, he will take over all his wives. My parents can't bear it...hehe.

The four women chatted at home and even started to gather the five blessings.

The Alipay Wufu event has been in place for many years, and this event is held every Spring Festival.

However, the people who gathered in the first year made the most profit. I heard that there were only more than 200,000 people who gathered at the time, and the bonus was 200 million.

Many people get hundreds of dollars on average, and those with better luck can even have thousands.

It's a pity that Jiang Siming also belonged to the unlucky group at that time.

But starting from the second year, it became less difficult to gather together. There were too many people to gather, and several hundred million was not enough to grab.

Every year, the money allocated to everyone is only a few dollars. In the words of President Ma: Even if you collect five blessings, I lose if you can allocate five dollars.

Even so, everyone is still happy.

Jiang Siming is no longer interested in collecting five blessings now, but the mobile phone was still used by them... said it was a blessing...

The New Year just passed by at home day by day. Jiang Siming ate and drank at home every day, and went to his relatives’ house during the day for a New Year’s meal.

In the afternoon, I wear pajamas at home, play cards with my family and bask in the sun in the yard, just like the old man.

Talk on the phone with the wives who have not come at night.

The days passed very freely, and time passed quickly.

It's the seventh day of the seventh lunar month, and it's time for Jiang Siming to return to Shanghai.

My mother and grandma were very reluctant, not only reluctant to bear Jiang Siming, but also to the four girls.

After getting along these days, they are extremely satisfied with these four girls, and they all treat them as daughters-in-law.

"Mom, grandma, don't worry, I will definitely go home often this year. I will take our family to go abroad for the summer vacation. I bought a racecourse and a villa in Paris, and I will show you the horse racing at that time."

Jiang Siming comforted them both.

In fact, he also wants to stay at home for a few more days, but Qin Yiyi has been busy with the pharmaceutical company since the third grade, and he can't keep a girl so tired all the time.

When I go back, I have to start arranging people to start planting in Nantian.

On the tenth, you have to play the qualifiers, so Jiang Siming is really not available.

"Mom don't want to go abroad. You have money now. Don't worry about making money all the time. Remember the promise you told your mom. If there is no more activity before the Chinese New Year next year, I don't want to worry about you."

"Knowing mom, don't worry, your son, I will'work hard' this year, okay?"

Jiang Siming finished speaking with a smile, and took the big RV at the door, and brought along a bunch of local specialties prepared by his parents.

What kind of bacon, honey, dates, native eggs, grains and oils, etc., anyway, the parents want to stuff Jiang Siming all the things in the house.

Jiang Siming didn't refuse, so he accepted it all. He couldn't bring so many things before it was put away. It was too troublesome to go through the security check and take the train.

But now it's very convenient. You can install everything in your RV and airplane, and there are many people in your family. You can eat it all!

In this way, Jiang Siming flew back to Shanghai from his hometown in Yunnan with his four daughters and three cute pets.

Now it is the peak time for the return journey, and there are more people in Shanghai.

When Jiang Siming got off the plane, he took the RV all the way back to his large manor, which had been away for ten days.

The wives have basically come back early. They have been home a few days ago and have been at home for several days.

When Jiang Siming and the others came back, they were warmly embraced and kissed by their wives.

I haven't seen my husband for so long, so I missed it~ 嘤嘤嘤~

Jiang Siming had to take out the things in the RV while coaxing his wives. After taking it, he knew that every wife came back with a lot of things from his hometown.

"Well, we don't need to buy groceries for a week now."

Jiang Siming said with a smile, a large refrigerator was so full that there was nothing at all.

His large refrigerator is more than 1,000 liters of customized three-door large refrigerator.

Generally, double-door refrigerators in households only have more than 100 liters, but they are still small in Jiang Siming's house.

Does Jiang Siming plan to find a refrigerator manufacturer to customize a larger one, otherwise it is not enough.

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