I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1181: Announce the plan!

"By the way, husband, before we came back from Yunnan, what was the agreement that mom told you?" Yin Zhirou suddenly remembered this.

The corner of Jiang Siming's mouth raised, and it was time to announce this, so let's make it public.


Jiang Siming cleared his throat, suffocating his wives' appetites.

"You hurry up~ Virtue~" Zhao Xuan pushed him amusedly.

Jiang Siming said sternly: "I decided that it would be best to have a child this year."

The girls hadn't come to understand yet, they all looked puzzled, there is a child? Isn’t Xiaoxiao that?

"You mean...let us be pregnant???" Hundred Billion reacted first.

Jiang Siming nodded with a smile, and said, "Yes, so from this year on, all of our lives will no longer need to be protected."

This time, everyone made a big red face.

Xiaoxiao is not shy at all, but clapped her hands excitedly: "I want younger brothers and sisters!"

Zhao Xuan gave her an angry glance, and then said to Jiang Siming: "You really want to be a father? Didn't you say you were not ready before?"

"That was before, and now I feel that I should be able to hold the position of father, mainly at my age, and it is time for me to start, otherwise we will retire and enjoy the fortune in the future. Who will take care of such a big industry."

Jiang Siming said with a smile: "Anyway, I am ready to be a father, are you ready to be a mother?"

The girls are even more shy, but if you want to have a love crystallization with your husband, why not do it.

"But have you ever thought about how to make it public after pregnancy? You can't let your child be an illegitimate child, right?" Sheng Xue asked.

Jiang Siming also had a plan long ago and replied: "Before any of you become pregnant, I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer, so don't worry about this problem, I will deal with it."

To be open means to announce to the world that you want to marry so many wives at the same time.

This was actually a great test for Jiang Siming, not only had to resist the rumors, but also had to let all his wife's families accept this reality.

Except for the parents of Hundred Billion and Zhao Xuan who may agree, the families of other wives will certainly not agree.

Although he knew that even if they didn't agree, his wives would marry him without regrets, but he didn't want this marriage to be a blessing.

Besides, in China, polygamy is not allowed.

Jiang Siming had thought about it, if he couldn't find a better way to deal with it after his wives became pregnant.

Then he can only use the tactics of guaranteeing the bottom and move his home to Xiangjiang. Although the system of taking concubines has been abolished in Xiangjiang, you will not say anything if you want to be a concubine.

After all, I was used to it before.

Of course, this is the least effective way, but Jiang Siming no longer wants to wait.

He already desperately wanted to give his wives the status and status, and he didn't want to be sneaky anymore.

If it doesn't work, I bought an island and built a castle. I won't be able to get out of it in the future.

In short, Jiang Siming must realize his crazy plan! Just this year!

When the girls heard Jiang Siming say this, they no longer struggled with this point.

After all, regardless of whether Jiang Siming's plan will succeed or not, they will stand firmly beside this man.

What they are thinking about now is...who can be the first to be pregnant with Jiang Siming's baby (shy)...

"Emm... I'll accompany you to sleep tonight." Zhao Xuan was the first to boldly take the initiative to'please Ying'.

But she didn't expect that when she spoke, other girlfriends all stood up and said they wanted too.

They used to push around, but now it’s different. For the first baby, they can’t push anymore.

For a moment, the family was like a concubine in an ancient palace, vying to be reproduced by the emperor. This scene made Jiang Siming too excited.

It seems that after my plan is finalized, a happy life will follow, and I have made a profit!


It's already the seventh day, and the atmosphere of Shanghai New Year is getting weaker and weaker. Many companies have already started to work normally.

The employees under Jiang Siming's hands were not idle either, and those who came back were busy moving to new residences and new offices.

Although Jiang Siming said that he could wait until the Lantern Festival is over before returning to work.

But with such a good new working environment, they can't wait until the Lantern Festival.

In fact, many of Jiang Siming's employees are very "distressed" during the Chinese New Year this year. They have been at home for so long, and they are almost sick.

Young people from other people's homes have to go back to work after a few days in their hometown. They are fine, and they stayed there for almost a month.

Even some parents wonder if they are laid off or not working, or which company would give employees such a holiday.

Some employees’ parents even drove them to work directly, thinking that it is not pleasing to their eyes that they lie at home every day...

So since the fifth day of the fifth year, some employees of Jiang's Group returned to Shanghai one after another, moved their own things early and went to the new headquarters building.

As soon as they moved in, they seemed to have discovered paradise, and they were so excited to take pictures and post to Moments around the company, which attracted the envy of their friends.

Just kidding, Jiang Siming's headquarters building is definitely the world's top company building. Jiang Siming personally designed it. How could it be worse?

Some colleagues even specifically looked to them and asked if the company still lacked people, and they wanted to change jobs...

There are even short video sites such as Douyin and Station B.

And after posting it was really popular, at least the number of likes and views was in the hundreds of thousands.

The relocation ceremony is after the Lantern Festival, so the official work is also after the Lantern Festival. Unfortunately, these employees have to wait for a week to work.

The company’s business is still a week away, but the pharmaceutical factory is already very busy.

Every day the cancer-clearing drugs produced by pharmaceutical factories have to be shipped to all parts of the country.

During the New Year, all industries may have holidays, but the hospital does not have holidays. Because of illness, I don’t tell you to take a break during the New Year.

Colds are unavoidable, let alone cancer.

So Qin Yiyi went to the pharmaceutical factory to stare at it on the third grade. Fortunately, her home is in Shanghai like Zhao Xuan, so it doesn't have to be so troublesome.

Jiang Siming has been running to the pharmaceutical factory these days, trying to share the pressure for Qin Yiyi.

The day of the tenth day is getting closer and the domestic PGS qualifiers are about to come.

The major PUBG Clubs have begun to prepare for battle, training every day.

This year's major clubs, there have been many dazzling new stars. Among them, Ding Dong's strength has increased to a higher level. A+'s IFTY team has introduced a powerful newcomer, LongSkr, which was later changed to Dragon.

This player is said to be very strong, not weaker than Tinker Bell.

There are also four members of the VG team, and even often beat OMG and the 17 team in training games.

There are also a few ruthless people from the QM team. In short, this domestic qualifier has a lot more highlights. Fans are looking forward to the early start.


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