I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1182: Qin Yiyi is sick

Before the game on the tenth day.

Jiang Siming got bad news.

When Qin Yiyi went to a foreign hospital to see a patient with diphtheria, he was accidentally infected.

Diphtheria is a serious acute infectious disease, severe cases can cause myocarditis and nerve palsy and death.

Moreover, the diphtheria bacteria in this patient's body have evolved, and the previous methods of dealing with diphtheria bacteria are useless.

Qin Yiyi was invited to treat him as a genius doctor.

This girl was also afraid that Jiang Siming would not agree and stole it.

When Jiang Siming knew, she was already in a hospital in another province...

And her arrival did not have much solution to this disease.

Many expert doctors are still at a loss for the time being, the only way they can do is to isolate them and find another way.

Even so, there are still increasing numbers of infected patients.

Several doctors and nurses were infected.

The situation is getting worse.

Qin Yiyi didn't worry much, but he didn't expect that he had contracted it.

She also began to waver, and when she found that she was coughing, she knew that she seemed to have suffered too...

\"It must be the female patient who accidentally touched her vomit when she touched her yesterday!\"

Qin Yiyi remembered that the patient he had visited by himself today accidentally vomited on her body. Although it had been disinfected in time, he did not expect the virus to be so difficult.

After knowing that he was sick, Qin Yiyi immediately shut himself into the disinfection room and called outside to inform the outside that he had also contracted the new diphtheria bacteria, so don't approach her.

Knowing from outside that Qin Yiyi was also infected, it had already turned the sky over.

Major news began to report that a generation of Tianjiao, the youngest talented female doctor of China Medical, was also helpless.

While everyone was feeling sorry, Jiang Siming had disappeared in Shanghai.

"He must be angry when you call him, I haven't told him until now..."

Qin Yiyi was sitting in the disinfection room, his eyes blank, hesitating holding his mobile phone.

It's been a day now, and she hasn't talked to Jiang Siming on the phone.

It's not that she didn't want to, but that Jiang Siming was angry and worried, and she didn't tell the sisters in the family.

Only her parents knew.

Qin Yiyi regrets a bit now, and he should have told him in advance.

"I knew what I should have said...oh...I don't know what to say if I call it now..."

Qin Yiyi thought, but still summoned the courage to dial Jiang Siming's cell phone.

"I'm sorry, Brother Jiang... I went without telling you beforehand. It's all my fault, so don't be angry with me, OK?"

Qin Yiyi blushed as he talked on the chair, but did not notice that the door of the disinfection room opened.

She didn't hear any reply from Jiang Siming. She thought Jiang Siming was really angry, but she was at a loss and pursed her lips, leaving nothing but a sob.

"Do you dare to be so arbitrary in the future?"

Suddenly Jiang Siming's voice appeared on the phone, and so on, it seemed to be not only on the phone, but also in the office.

Qin Yiyi raised his eyes subconsciously, opened his small mouth in surprise with a shocked expression on his face.

I saw Jiang Siming wearing a windbreaker, and a tall and straight figure appeared in front of her.

Qin Yiyi's expression first changed from surprise to surprise, but finally became panic and regret.

She got up hurriedly, took the mask on the table hurriedly, and quickly moved away from Jiang Siming and leaned against the wall.

"You go quickly, I am sick, you go quickly." Qin Yiyi said hurriedly.

Jiang Siming put the phone away, looked at her angry and distressed, and walked over.

"Brother Jiang, please, don't come close to me, go away!" Qin Yiyi cried anxiously.

She was afraid that she would infect Jiang Siming, so she would rather die immediately.

As if afraid that Jiang Siming would not leave, Qin Yiyi picked up a pair of disinfection scissors in the disinfection room and pointed it at his neck.

"Brother Jiang, if you don't leave, I will die for you to see."

Qin Yiyi learned the plot in the TV series to threaten his beloved with death.

According to the plot of the TV drama, it shouldn't be that after you use this trick, the other party quickly dispels the idea of ​​approaching, and then leaves with grief.

But in Qin Yiyi's place... but it seems to have taken the wrong script...

Jiang Siming not only didn't leave, but came over faster.

When Qin Yiyi saw this, he thought that he was not acting realistic enough, and quickly wanted to talk about the scissors and get closer to his neck, even if he draws some blood out.

But she was shocked to find that her hands didn't listen at all, no matter how hard she tried, her hands would not move at all.

Being confused, Qin Yiyi watched Jiang Siming walk in front of her, then lightly took away the scissors from her hand, and then squeezed her face.

"I'm so patient, I dare to threaten your boyfriend."

Jiang Siming talked about love between lovers like a okay person.

Qin Yiyi's eyes are hollow and his brain is blank. This is not her script. The director must have got it wrong...

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