I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1183: Jiang Siming is not envious anymore

Seeing Qin Yiyi's stupid look, Jiang Siming held her back in his stomach if he wanted to blame again, gently embraced her, and hugged her into his arms.

Qin Yiyi seemed to have found a catharsis and cried out, tears bursting, crying like a child.

Jiang Siming just hugged her and patted her on the shoulder softly, letting her vent her emotions out.

"Brother Jiang...I'm sorry, it's all my fault. I'm too capricious and impulsive...but I really don't want to die. I want to be with you, oooooo..."

Qin Yiyi cried and became a tearful person, still apologizing constantly.

If she had not met Jiang Siming before, she would only feel sorry for her parents, but she was not afraid of death.

Because this is fighting for the virus and dying for the people, she will only feel very honorable.

But now, besides being glorious, she has something more reluctant than life in her heart.

That thing is called love.

How could she, who had just entered passionate love, accept the test of life and death.

Jiang Siming touched her face with his palm, wiped her tears away, smiled and said, "Who said you will die, fool."

"But this disease..."

"I'm here to help you treat this disease."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he began to talk to Qin Yiyi in the disinfection room about the three solutions he had proposed to combat this diphtheria and the direction of researching drugs.

In fact, he was the first to see this disease, and there was no fragment to give him a new disease medicine formula or something.

The reason why he knew it was entirely because of his super high medical level and his proficiency in the medical theories of Chinese medicine.

With such a wealth of medical knowledge, Jiang Siming has a different view of this new virus and a more precise judgment than other doctors.

After Qin Yiyi listened carefully, Mao Sai suddenly started.

"Brother Jiang, go and tell the academicians about these theories! I think it's definitely feasible!" Qin Yiyi said excitedly.

If you do it in Jiang Siming's way, it may really have a different effect.

Because of these complex and profound medical theories that Jiang Siming said, Qin Yiyi opened another door to fight the new virus.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "I just sneaked in to see you. You have to tell everyone about these theories."

Qin Yiyi immediately understood that Jiang Siming wanted to put the credit on her again.

This is not the first time.

"Brother Jiang, I'll show my stuff when you do this..." Qin Yiyi smiled bitterly.

Jiang Siming smiled and touched her head, and said, "With me, you won't show up. I can't act too badly, otherwise I might be caught by the World Organization as a guinea pig. Would you like it?"

Of course Qin Yiyi shook her head. She felt that Jiang Siming made sense.

"Well, Brother Jiang, I must work harder to learn medical skills and try not to shame you!" Qin Yiyi said firmly.

Jiang Siming smiled and kissed her on the mouth.

Qin Yiyi reacted after'enjoying' her boyfriend's love kiss, and hurriedly said, "This is contagious."

Jiang Siming laughed, begging him to keep his physique free from poison.

By the way, when the virus in Qin Yiyi's body was eliminated with real energy, Jiang Siming confessed to her a few words before disappearing in other provinces.

No one knew that Jiang Siming had already been to other provinces and had brought great help to the research and development of new diphtheria.

After Qin Yiyi went out, he explained that he was too nervous to make a diagnosis and that he was not infected. He immediately called a medical team to move Jiang Siming's theory out.

The academicians and experts were amazed after hearing this, and immediately began to study according to Qin Yiyi's words!

In less than half a day, antibodies against the virus have indeed been developed.

After being put into use, it will greatly help the patients to heal, and the cure rate is 80%!

Moreover, this is only a preliminary study. As long as the results are consolidated and adjusted, the cure rate will even reach 100%.

This new virus suddenly became a minor illness.

After all, a 100% cured disease is no different from a cold...

There is a feeling that the original fierce lion has become a little cat.

After the announcement of this result, the whole country celebrates!

And Qin Yiyi naturally became the focal point again, after all, she proposed it, and her research results started with at least 90% of her credit!

Let this genius goddess doctor become famous again.

Qin Yiyi even became the goddess of the whole people, the object of admiration for countless men.

So pretty, so brave, so capable, which man doesn't like it.

It's a pity that no matter how much they like it, there is no drama, the goddess has already belonged.

Many media reporters asked Qin Yiyi about his single status when interviewing Qin Yiyi.

Qin Yiyi has dealt a big blow to men all over the world. She did not hesitate to announce that she has a boyfriend in the media, and she loves her boyfriend very very much, and may get married this year.

Originally, Jiang Siming had said that it would be public this year, so Qin Yiyi said it was fine, and cut off the thoughts of all the men.

As for who her boyfriend is, Qin Yiyi didn't reveal the least bit of information. The reporters didn't let go of any questions, and he refused to say his nationality. He was so strict, hehe.

"Boyfriend Qin Yiyi" even became a public enemy of men, and everyone no longer envied Zhao Youting, Heosawa Liangping, and Yu Xiaoguang.

Even Jiang Siming, they are not envious.

Only envy Qin Yiyi's boyfriend.


Fortunately, the new virus has stabilized, which relieved the whole world.

As the greatest hero Jiang Siming, in reality he is ‘only promise’, but in the dungeon world, he’s ‘strike out with heavy blows’!

The year of keeping a low profile in the copy, while Jiang Siming kept taking time to enter during the Spring Festival, has quietly passed.

Yuan Shao in the land of three continents, and Jiang Siming in the land of the same three states, have gathered heavy troops.

A great battle is about to start!

Jiang Siming, who had been waiting for a year, was finally able to move his muscles and bones.

All other princes paid attention to the battle of Yuan Jiang.

Everyone wants to sit in the mountains and watch tigers fight, and then fish in troubled waters.

Outside Chang'an city.

With more than half a million army troops stationed outside the city, the vast plain was so dark that the border was invisible to the naked eye.

On the high platform, Jiang Siming took the Sword of Heaven handed over by Liu Xie, thanked Your Majesty without pain, and then ignored him.

Liu Xie also understood. After finishing his task, he left in a desperate manner. Before he left, he looked back at the 500,000 army under the high platform, and cried with envy in his heart.

Once upon a time, how many dreams he had, dreaming that one day he could command so many soldiers and horses.

These soldiers and horses are obviously his, but Liu Xie understands that these soldiers are not him at all.

They only loyal to one person, that is, this tall figure in golden armor and star dragon battle robe.

Today is the time when the army goes out to destroy Yuan Shao. This battle will determine the universe!


[Author's digression]: Sake is back to my hometown, and the Chinese New Year is coming soon. Everyone should pay attention to keep warm and wear a mask when going out. The new virus is raging, everyone should be careful.

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