I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1184: Will count

Jiang Siming was wearing a golden armor and holy robe with a star-dragon shirt behind him. He was majestic and majestic. The soldiers looked at him with enthusiastic eyes.

This is their lord, who they believe in!

Jiang Siming drew the sword of the emperor and shouted: Set out!

An army of half a million came out of the camp.

This scene is so spectacular that Jiang Siming can only see it in the Three Kingdoms.

This mighty army is like a giant dragon, from beginning to end, there is no side in sight.

Where the soldiers walked in front, and the last soldiers walked, it took four hours to wait, which shows how huge the number of people is.

In addition to the soldiers who participated in the battle, there were also medical teams, supply teams, siege equipment teams, and so on.

Together, there will be at least 600,000 troops!

This is also most of the capital that Jiang Siming has managed over the past two years. If he loses, he will have nothing.

If you lose the battle, you don't need Yuan Shao to do anything in your own state and land, and other princes will pounce on like a shark smelling blood, and instantly divide his territory cleanly.

Especially boss Cao, this guy made up his mind to take advantage of the fire.

It depends on Yuan Shao and Jiang Siming, who wins and who loses.

The soldiers and horses on Yuan Shao's side were no worse than Jiang Siming's, and 700,000 troops came out.

Yuan Shao is confident that he can win this battle.

But after the real fight, Yuan Shao was shocked to find that his Yuan Jun was beaten to the ground.

With the same number of soldiers and horses, Yuan Shao's elite division was defeated by Jiang Siming's most ordinary Red Armour.

Although it was only a small match, both sides were tentative shots, but Yuan Shao was already defeated.

Jiang Siming’s soldiers are all carefully selected. They eat three meals. They have meat and balanced nutrition. Their physical fitness is above Yuan Shaojun.

Coupled with the scientific modern training method to improve one's all-round ability, coupled with the ability to learn to kill in the army, the shot is not ambiguous.

Just beat Yuan Jun dumb.

It's like an ordinary adult meets a master fighter. You look like the opponent, but once you fight, you can be stupid with a few moves.

After the battle of the thousands of people, Yuan Shao was surprised as a result. He lost more than 700 people, but Jiang Siming only injured a few dozen, and none of them died.

This made Yuan Shao feel a great shame, but he also began to fear the combat effectiveness of Jiang Siming's army.

Simply, Yuan Shao didn't even have any plans for probing, and he focused on letting the soldiers build trenches and high walls.

If you don’t want to play with Jiang Siming, play the big one.

When the time comes, ten thousand arrows will be fired, thousands of weapons, and horses will be rampant. Can your soldiers not die no matter how strong they are?

Yuan Shao's plan is correct, but it is a pity that he is not an opponent of the luxury and advanced level of the wheel equipment.

Jiang Siming established the Academy of Engineering Science this year to specialize in ordnance and weapons.

With Huang Chengyan, a Mohist heir, as the dean, Jiang Siming's military equipment has been upgraded to a new level this year.

In fact, this battle was destined to end from the beginning, but Yuan Shao didn't believe it at all.

In the history books, it was Cao Cao who fought him. Boss Cao had few soldiers and land at the time, so it was naturally not Yuan Shao's opponent who fought so hard.

But Jiang Siming was different. He was able to fight Yuan Shaolai, who was already faint and incompetent.

One month later, there were more than a dozen battles between the two armies of Yuan Jiang and Jiang Siming.

Yuan Shao was knocked out at least a hundred thousand soldiers and horses, but Jiang Siming's side, there were only two thousand dead soldiers, five thousand seriously injured, and seven thousand slightly injured.

Jiang Siming dispatched a medical team headed by Hua Tuo this time. The serious injuries were cured and sent back to recuperation. It was more convenient for minor injuries. He recovered in a few days, and he turned over and continued to fight.

This gap is simpler than when Yuan Shu was hit.

Yuan Shao finally saw the power and fear of Jiang Siming, and gradually retreated.

It's not that he doesn't want to fight, but that he can't.

His counselors almost get their minds through every day, and use various tactics to deal with Jiang Siming.

But Jiang Siming’s counsellors are much higher than them. They can easily crack them and use them. On the contrary, they have suffered a blood loss...

"My lord, from the point of view below, this place is Guandu. The army of the pirates is far away from his state. It takes a long time to transport the grain and grass. We can contact Cao Mengde of Yanzhou and ask him to help attack Jiang Siming. For the transportation of food and grass, as long as the pirate is dragged, when his army is out of food, I can win!" Xu You conspired.

"It's a good plan, but will Cao Cao agree?" Yuan Shao said.

Xu You smiled conceited and said, "I'm sure he will definitely agree, because he would rather the Lord win than see Jiang Bei win, otherwise he has no chance of winning in the future."

This is correct, but Yuan Shao is not happy when he hears it. What do you mean, isn't this saying that he is not as good as Jiang Siming?

But the war was imminent, and he had no time to care about Xu You, and immediately asked Xu You to do it.

Sure enough, Cao Cao agreed and sent a large army to attack Jiang Siming's food delivery team.

Cao Cao didn't fight you hard-faced. It only targeted the food delivery team. Jiang Siming sent troops to cover him and ran away, and Yuan Shao began to attack and harass.

As a result, Jiang Siming's food delivery team could not deliver the food to the Guandu battlefield.

Guo Jia and the others can't help it. After all, Cao Cao is a very good chicken thief. It is impossible for him to make any mistakes in this kind of trivial matter.

For the time being, we can only rely on the existing food.

As long as he can win Yuan Shao before he runs out of food, Cao Cao will immediately retreat.

But the problem is that Yuan Shao is now determined to be a tortoise and build a lot of strong trenches and high walls, just to prevent Jiang Siming from easily breaking through.

As long as one breaks through, Yuan Shao will immediately order the retreat to the other.

This kind of rascal delaying tactics made Jiang Siming's soldiers very disgusting, and there was nowhere to be used.

Seeing that the more food he eats, the less food he eats, Jiang Siming has to choose to send a letter asking for food to Jingzhou, hoping that Jingzhou governor Liu Biao can send food.

But unexpectedly, the messenger was led by Xu You and caught him, found out the letter, and went to Yuan Shao proudly to ask for credit.

Yuan Shao was also overjoyed when he heard it, even if Xu You spoke blatantly in front of him for a long time, he would endure it.

Within a few days, Jiang Siming's barracks were full of soldiers who collapsed to the ground from hunger. Many soldiers began to dig wild vegetables and eat bark to live their lives.

There were even soldiers who killed horses and ate meat, fighting in the barracks for a bite of broth.

The scout immediately went back to report, Yuan Shao was so excited, he immediately ordered and led the army to attack!

But when they arrived at the camp, the soldiers who were hungry and unconscious did not know when they rubbed the ground and stood up.

Those who were hungry in the last second and were unstable in the battle will be fierce.

Jiang Siming's army immediately defeated Yuan Shao again!

Yuan Shaocai found out that he had been fooled, Jiang Siming was clearly scheming!

Those who played him as the scouts were all actors!


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