I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1185: Became an ancient scum

Yuan Shao's army suddenly fell into the siege, and the whole piece of Yuan Jun fell, as if harvesting wheat.

Yuan Shao was shocked and lost any fighting spirit, so he slapped and ran away!

Fortunately, relying on the hard work of the soldiers to break through the siege, they recovered their lives and fled back to Guandu Camp.

But Yuan Shao also suffered heavy losses again, losing more than 50,000 soldiers! Even his youngest son Yuan Xi died as a result.

The grief-stricken Yuan Shao blamed Xu You for this defeat. After all, he did think of this plan.

"My lord, I don't know that Jiang Bei is so cunning. The defeat of this battle must be Jiang Bei's counselor who has seen through the deliberate situation of our military plan!" Xu You hurriedly dumped the pot before the account.

But the angry Yuan Shao didn't listen at all, and immediately ordered the soldiers to drag Xu You out and fight another thirty military battles!

Xu You was originally a villain with some abilities, but he was so lofty and extremely conceited.

When Yuan Shao beat him like this, Xu You held a grudge and suddenly had the idea of ​​surrendering to the enemy, but this idea was quickly dispelled by him temporarily.

The main reason is that he didn't know Jiang Bei and didn't know him well. If it were Cao Cao, he would have gone to Cao Cao's barracks.

After this battle, although Jiang Siming took a big advantage, the lean camel was bigger than the horse. Even if he lost more than 50,000 soldiers, Yuan Shao still had hundreds of thousands of troops in his hands.

It is not so easy to be completely defeated.

Food is still a problem.

Jiang Siming continued to let the messenger go out to send letters for help, with the goal directed at Jingzhou.

"Can the grains in Hanzhong and Xuzhou still not be shipped?" Jiang Siming asked Xun Yu about them every day.

Xun Yu shook his head ashamed, and sighed: "I thought of a lot of ways, but Cao Cao is really difficult to deal with, and he has seen through several tactics, and the food transport team has never made it through."

Jiang Siming was not too surprised, and said, "Cao Cao will clean up him sooner or later. The most urgent task now is to get Jingzhou to bring the grain over. Do you think Liu Biao can guarantee to bring the grain over?"

Xu Shu and Xun Yu didn't say anything, because they couldn't guarantee it, and they didn't understand Liu Biao.

However, Guo Jia smiled and said, "Master, I have a way to ask Jingzhou to deliver food, but I have to make a mistake."

"Oh? What way, say, I'll be fine if I am wronged." Jiang Siming said.

Guo Jia showed a sly smile, cleared his throat, raised his chest and said: "Liu appears to be old and sick. The power of Jingzhou is now in the hands of Cai Wei Kuaiyue, and the two of them listen to Madam Cai's words best, that is, Liu Biao's wife. "

Xun Yu understood for a while, and said with a meaningful smile: "Fengxiao, do you want the lord to ask Mrs. Cai?"

Guo Jia nodded contentedly and said: "When the lord went to Jingzhou, I found that Madam Cai must covet my lord's'beauty', and her heart was secretly moved. As long as my lord slightly used the beautiful man, then Madam Cai would definitely agree to help. thing!"

Xun Yu also began to shake his head with a weird smile, and said: "The lord is full of heroism, Seruo Panan, the beautiful boy is indeed very effective for Mrs. Cai, I agree, praise..."

The two were still immersed in a beautiful fantasy plan, but Jiang Siming slapped the back of their heads.

Jiang Siming was full of black threads, and he was so angry that he gave each of them a palm. What kind of military teacher is this special, who actually wants Lao Tzu to betray his body?

Beautiful men... I really want to beat them both.

Guo Jia and Xun Yu were beaten, and they didn't dare to say anything. They looked at Jiang Siming aggrievedly.

"Anything else besides this method?" Jiang Siming said, who is willing to contribute beauty.

Guo Jia said: "If the lord disagrees, he will only be forced by force to force Liu Biao to commit crimes, but he is afraid that Cao Cao will take advantage of the emptiness and instigate Liu Biao to confront our army. It may be more troublesome then."

"Yes, yes." Xun Yu nodded in agreement.

Jiang Siming is speechless, this? ? ? Did you eat me?

Jiang Siming considered it for a while, and finally looked at Guo Jiadao: "Since you all agreed, the truth has agreed."

Guo Jia was overjoyed when he heard that, and just wanted to flatter Jiang Siming.

"But I can't do the matter of writing a letter to tease my sister, so I will leave it to Feng Xiao and Wen Ruo. You two conspired to draw up a love letter for me and send it to Mrs. Cai. Remember, you must lie to her. Let her promise to borrow food. If she can't do it, she will wash me the barracks toilet for a month, and the meeting will be over!"

Jiang Siming left without looking back, leaving Xun Yu and Guo Jia two people with big eyes and small eyes.

Xu Shu watched the show completely, patted the shoulders of the two of them happily, and said: "It's really hard for you. I can't help you, so I just left, hahahahaha..."

Xun Yu's bitter annoyance: "I would not say anything if I knew it."

Guo Jia rolled his eyes and said, "Don't complain, and discuss with me how to write this love letter to impress Mrs. Cai."

"I have never written about it below."

"I haven't written it before."

The two looked at each other, staying up until dawn...

The next day, the letter was sent to Jingzhou, and the love letter written by Guo Jia and Xun Yu was sent to Jingzhou.

Jiang Siming didn't expect that these two guys wrote quite awkwardly, and used various ancient intimacy words to add to it.

What Guan Guan Jujiu is in the river island, and what Phoenix seeks the phoenix.

What’s even more exaggerated is ‘I want to know each other, my life will never fail, winter thunder shakes summer rain and snow, mountains without mausoleums, heaven and earth and He Nai dare to be with you’

Such words are written in.

Anyway, the two of them are holding the idea of ​​not giving up until they reach the goal, and they exhausted the words of love in the love letter, and they almost wrote Jiang Siming as an idiot.

Jiang Siming didn't know this, because the two dared not show it to Jiang Siming after they had finished writing, so they hurriedly sent them away.

Therefore, Comrade Lao Jiang had no idea.

And this love letter was quickly delivered to Mrs. Cai's hands, and its lethality to Mrs. Cai was unprecedented.

Jiang Siming was able to write such a nasty love letter to her, and Mrs. Cai almost didn't fly after reading it.

Immediately, Cai Huang and Kuai Yue were summoned to **** Jiang Siming with nearly a million stone grains, as well as a lot of baggage and horse equipment.

It can be said that Jiang Siming can easily get so many supplies with a love letter.

It is estimated that if Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were greedy to hit the wall, if they could also use this trick, they would have written a hundred thousand love letters to Mrs. Cai.

Fortunately, they don’t know, otherwise they will have to scold Jiang Siming as a little boy, jealous...

Jiang Siming was also shocked when he received so many supplies. He did not expect that Madam Cai was so generous.

"What did you write in the letter? Why is Madam Cai so generous?"

Jiang Siming asked Guo Jia and Xun Yu curiously, and the two shook their heads and said that it was nothing but normal greetings.

Jiang Siming didn't doubt he had him, so he didn't bother to think about it.

He didn't know that he was ruthlessly pitted by his two military divisions into a scumbag who deceived women's feelings in ancient times...

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