I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1186: Xu Youlai

With the support of Jingzhou's grain and grass, Jiang Siming no longer had any scruples and dealt with Yuan Shao at ease.

Otherwise, there is no food, if he did not clean up Yuan Shao before the food is out, he would have to retreat.

Jiang Siming didn't want to retreat and wait another year and a half to fight again. He must strangle Yuan Shao directly and unify the three kingdoms as the emperor earlier.

After Cao Cao learned that Jingzhou had grain to send to Jiang Siming, he decisively gave up making minor moves, and Yuan Shao's plan was completely abolished.

Yuan Shao, who had lost his army and had nothing to do, attacked his heart with blood and blood. In addition, his favorite young son was still dead, and he became angry with Xu You again.

Xu You's **** was still not well, and he was accused of thirty.

In addition, Guo Tu, a military adviser with whom he had always been the enemy, broke the news that Xu You was greedy for money next to Yuan Shao, and that he had greeted a lot of military pay in Yecheng.

Yuan Shao became more angry when he heard it, and threatened to clean up Xu You when he returned from the battle.

Xu You was angry and frightened, so he was so cruel that he would give up!

That night, Jiang Siming was resting in the handsome camp, and a small figure was washing Jiang Siming's feet.

This person is amazingly Huang Yueying. This girl took advantage of Jiang Siming's army to set off, and secretly pretended to be Jiang Siming's guard, and got into the barracks to Guandu.

After Jiang Siming found out that it was too late, he sent someone to send her back, fearing that the road would be unsafe, so he had to let her stay with him temporarily.

"Brother Prime Minister, look, it's still good to keep me by my side, someone will wash your feet and quilt."

Huang Yueying rubbed her hands to wash Jiang Siming's feet, and said with a smile.

Jiang Siming closed his eyes to rest, enjoying the treatment of the blond little loli washing her feet.

"I ran out privately, and I was ashamed to ask for credit, knowing that your sisters are worried about you in Chang'an." Jiang Siming scolded.

The corner of Huang Yueying's mouth murmured weakly, and said, "Yueying knows that she was wrong, so she won't dare to do it next time, but this time Yueying wants to see what the war is like with Brother Prime Minister~"

"What's so good about fighting."

"Of course it looks good, the prime minister's brother looks so handsome in armor!" Huang Yueying said with a smile.

Jiang Siming was happy, and said, "Do you know what a handsome boy is."

Huang Yueying immediately refused to accept it, stood up and said: "Yueying is not young anymore, Yueying knows what is handsome, don't underestimate Yueying~"

Jiang Siming said cheerfully: "Okay, know you are smart and you will grow up, okay, get a towel and wipe me clean and go to bed as soon as it is getting late."

Huang Yueying said happily and went to get the towel happily. Her ‘bedroom’ was arranged in Shuaiying, right next to Jiang Siming, and the two beds were separated by a curtain.

The main reason is that Jiang Siming is afraid that Yueying is inconvenient. The barracks are filled with men. You can't let Yueying go to the dormitory.

Every night she goes to bed, Yueying can hear Jiang Siming's slight breathing, and every time she hears her face is red.

After all, she had never slept so close to a man, although they hadn't slept in a bed, they were close enough.

As soon as Yueying brought the towel, a guard ran in to report the letter.

"Reported to the lord, a person was arrested outside, claiming to be Yuan Shaojun Xu You, who came to the enemy, this person is now out of the account."

Jiang Siming was taken aback, Xu You? Surrender?

Suddenly, Jiang Siming remembered that Xu You, the fellow Xu You, also betrayed Yuan Shao in the battle between Cao Cao and Yuan Shao in the Guandu battle.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shao betrayed here again, it seems that he has a certain number in the dark.

Xu You's submission to the enemy must have brought extraordinary information. Jiang Siming blinked his eyes and the acting began.

"It turned out to be Xu You and Xu Ziyuan. I have heard of the name for a long time! Please quickly please! No no, I will go by myself!"

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, he stood up directly from the ground and walked out barefoot.

"Brother Prime Minister, he didn't wear shoes." Huang Yueying chased after him, but Jiang Siming ignored it, and walked out with bare feet.

Xu You, who was worrying outside the account, was surprised when he heard it, but from Jiang Siming's words, he could hear that Jiang Siming admired him very much.

This calmed Xu You's heart for the most part. He came only to see what Jiang Siming's attitude towards him was and how much benefit he could get.

That's why Jiang Siming knew Xu You's dispositions, so he acted in this play and had to get his favorable information.

Xu You saw Jiang Siming rushing towards him with bare feet, and he was immediately moved, and at the same time felt extremely honored and proud.

I can let Prime Minister Jiang greet him barefoot. What kind of existence is that Prime Minister Jiang? Today's Prime Minister has beaten his lord Yuan Shao, who was originally recognized as the No. 1 prince in the world, to the existence of flowing water.

There are so many counselors under Jiang Siming, but he still values ​​him so much. Doesn't this mean that his position in Jiang Siming's heart is higher than that of Guo Jiaxunyu?

Thinking of this, Xu You felt very proud, but on the surface he had to be flattered.

"Xu You, I heard about Xu Ziyuan's name a long time ago, and Yuan Shao's first counselor is well-known today!"

When Jiang Siming said this, Xu You was even happier. He said hurriedly that there was nothing to do. At the same time, he pretended to be ‘moved’ and said, "Does the prime minister think I am a member of the enemy army?"

"Hahaha, you underestimate the truth. The two armies are fighting and each is the master. How can I blame you?" Jiang Siming said generously.

Xu You was even more moved, and hurriedly gave Jiang Siming a bow before crying: "The prime minister, save me!"

"Don't worry, don't worry, Ziyuan came to my account and talked to me slowly, just speak up if you need help from the truth."

As Jiang Siming said, he handed Xu You into the camp.

In Shuaiying, Yueying hurriedly wanted to hide the map, after all, how could Xu You be Yuan Shao's person watching such confidential matters.

Yueying is still very careful.

But Jiang Siming waved his hand and said, "I and Xu You hit it off right away. I believe that he is a human. You don't need to hide maps or anything, just put it here!"

Yueying obediently did not move, and obediently withdrew temporarily.

Xu You was deeply moved and felt that his choice of turning to the enemy was indeed the right choice.

The two began to communicate. After Xu You clarified the matter with Jiang Siming, Jiang Siming patted his chest and promised that Xu You would be with him.

And he promised him the position of a military division, Xu You was very happy, and immediately took out a map of Yuan Shao's distribution of soldiers, horses, food and grass from his arms.

On the map, it clearly marked the location of all Yuan Shao's soldiers, horses, food and grass, and the number of armaments in each place.

Even Yuan Shao's Guandu camp location is clearly marked.

Jiang Siming laughed loudly and praised You. He also said that after this victory, he Xu You was the first contributor.

Xu You got Jiang Siming's promise, happy Pi Dian Pi Dian left, and for the time being, he returned to Yuan Shao to stabilize Yuan Shao, fearing that his plan might change when he found out.

After Jiang Siming got the map, he immediately held a meeting overnight and worked with the military divisions to devise a plan of extinction, food shortage, encirclement, surprise attack and further containment.

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