I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1187: Prototype of Luoshen Fu

After the implementation of this plan, Yuan Shao failed to form an army. First, the grain and grass in Wuchao and other places were burned, and then soldiers and horses everywhere were surrounded by the army.

Later, even his Guandu camp was taken.

This battle lasted two days and two nights from day to night!

Yuan Jun was killed and wounded countless, and countless surrendered!

Among them, Yuan Shao's two confidantes, Yan Liangwen Chou, were also beheaded by Zhao Yun and Huang Zhong!

Yuan Shao's 700,000 army, only less than 3,000 remnants escaped.

On the way to escape from Yecheng, Yuan Shao was anxious, and eventually vomited blood and died on the way to escape.

Yuan Shao, the world's number one prince, who lived in the land of three states in the past, the three males of the four generations, with a reputation as thunderous, eventually could not escape the wheel of history and died.

Jiang Siming was also a little embarrassed that he could not see him for the last time.

But the war is like this, cruel and ruthless, if he doesn't kill him, Yuan Shao will kill him in the future.

Fortunately, I didn't know Yuan Shao well, so I didn't feel too sad.

Once Yuan Shao died, Yuan's rule was completely messed up and defeated again.

Jiang Siming, with a victorious division and an army of 500,000, fully attacked all the territory of Yuan Shao.

In less than three days, Yuan Shao's three prefectures and counties all surrendered.

Unable to fight, Yuan Shao's 700,000 army was defeated, let alone their weak guards.

Within three days, all surrendered to 20.

Jiang Siming quickly incorporated the three prefectures and prefectures of Yuan and Shao, combined with Zhou, Jizhou and Qingzhou.

And Jiang Siming personally led people to Yuan Shao's base camp, which is Yecheng.

Yecheng is the home of Yuan Shao and the most prosperous city in the north.

But after entering Yecheng, Jiang Siming and the soldiers were very disappointed, which was far worse than Changan.

Just this Yecheng is not as good as a random county under the rule of the Lord.

"Master, this place is really poor and broken." Dian Wei commented.

Jiang Siming smiled and said: "Not all princes pay attention to urban construction. They only care about the number of soldiers and generals, and they don't care about ordinary people at all. You must know that the people are water, the princes are the boats, and water can carry and overturn the boat."

Dianwei heard the clouds and mists, but Guo Jia and the others gave them a lot of initiation and benefited a lot. They regarded them as golden words and good words in their hearts.

"The order is still the same. After the soldiers enter the city, it is strictly forbidden to disturb the people, so that the economy of Yecheng can recover in the shortest time."

Jiang Siming ordered Zhao Yun and the others to follow suit immediately.

"Help, help..." Suddenly a woman's cry for help and killing came from a nearby courtyard.

Jiang Siming frowned, thinking it was some soldier who refused to obey the order to **** the people.

"What to do?" Jiang Siming looked at Wei Yan.

Wei Yan's calf trembled, and he hurriedly made people rush into the other yard and brought out all the people inside.

"My lord, it is clear that there are wicked people who ran into an official's mansion during the chaos in Yecheng, wanting to make a fortune, and they are also under the name of our Scarlet Army."

Wei Yan breathed a sigh of relief when he spoke. Fortunately, he was not his own, otherwise he would be miserable...

The last time he conquered Yuan Shu, Cao Cao's Qingzhou army robbed the people of the people. He knew that Jiang Siming hated this kind of people the most, so every general gave strict orders to his men.

After listening to Jiang Siming, he glanced at the wicked people begging for mercy in disgust, and said, "Behead all of them and throw them into the mountains to feed the dogs."


As soon as Wei Yan agreed, the butcher knives in the hands of several soldiers had been raised, cleanly, and their heads dropped to the ground.

The owner and his family in the other courtyard who were victimized were trembling, for fear that Jiang Siming would also use them.

Jiang Siming walked over and helped the old man who looked like the owner of the house, and said, "Don't worry, the old man, we will only kill the wicked people and never disturb the good people. Are you okay in your house?"

"It's all right, thank you for saving my life!" The Patriarch immediately knelt down and thanked him.

Wei Yan reminded him: "Don't be called an adult, but the prime minister. My lord is the prime minister."

When the old man heard this, he raised his head in surprise and said, "Are you Prime Minister Jiang?"

Jiang Siming smiled, nodded and replied: "Exactly."

"The former court official came to Cai Ling, and now he is retiring. Caomin Zhenhan, to meet the prime minister!"

Jiang Siming was taken aback and went to Cai Ling, who was a hereditary official with a salary of two thousand shi.

Zhen Han? The name is familiar.

"In the next hereditary father's seat of Cai Ling, Zhen Yi, now a merchant and petty citizen, meets the prime minister."

A middle-aged man next to him immediately stood up.

Zhen Yi is another familiar name.

Jiang Siming remembered, does his family still have a daughter named Zhen Mi, Queen Wen Zhao, Luo Shen Zhen Mi!

Unexpectedly, when I first came to Yecheng, I met a woman's home that made Cao Cao's three fathers and sons dreams.

Zhen Mi was terrible. First, Yuan Shao's younger son wanted to marry and enter the door. Later, after Yuan Shao was defeated by Cao Cao, Cao Cao went into the city and saw Zhen Mi astonished.

Originally wanted to take Zhen Mi as her own woman, but his son Cao Pi first attacked Qiang and snatched it away, but Cao Zhi also liked Zhen Mi very much, but unfortunately did not seize the opportunity.

Later, Cao Zhi wrote a Luoshen Fu to imply his love for Zhen Mi in the name of Luoshen.

Among them, Cao Zhi described Zhen Mi as a fairy in the sky, and the beauty is unimaginable.

Although I have never seen a woman who can make so many men fascinated and obsessed, it is certainly not bad.

Jiang Siming felt a little pity, whether he should have been here a few years earlier, but it was a pity that Yuan Xi made the move first.

Thinking of this, Jiang Siming felt a little lack of interest.

At this time, Zhen Yi began to introduce her family members to Jiang Siming.

He first introduced his two sons, and then pulled out a girl about the size of Yueying, and said to Jiang Siming: "This is a little girl named Zhen Mi, who is twelve years old."

Jiang Siming was taken aback, and then looked at the little girl. She was indeed very beautiful, but she was too small to be even.

But the absolutely perfect beauty, Jiang Siming can be sure that this woman will grow up in the future and will definitely not lose to his Cai Yan and Xiao Qiao.

It's no wonder that there is indeed capital to keep so many men dreaming.

But Zhen Mi is too young, is she sure that she has been tainted by Yuan Xidi?

Jiang Siming asked tentatively: "Do your three children already have a family?"

Jiang Siming, the old rivers and lakes, did not ask Zhen Mi alone, but all of Zhen Yi's children.

Zhen Yi really didn't think about anything else, and answered honestly: "The dogs are all married, and only the little girl is still young and unmarried."

Jiang Siming showed such an expression as expected, so he said, Yuan Xi should not be such a beast if he is so young.

While he was watching Zhen Mi, Zhen Mi was also secretly watching him.

In Zhen Mi's eyes, Jiang Siming is a very strange person. After all, under the rule of Yecheng, no one dared to talk about Jiang Siming. Yuan Shao knew not to copy their home?

Zhen Mi knew very little about Jiang Siming, only that he was the prime minister, and this time he defeated Yuan Shao.

The little girl was very curious when she first saw Jiang Siming, a stranger.


[Author's digression]: Today is the third update~ Alas, there are a lot of things after the sake comes home, and I have to go to relatives and clean up. I am exhausted today, and I have to post couplets later.

If the update is a bit late recently, please forgive Haihan.

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