I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1188: Zhang Fei cuts Xu You!

After the defeat of Yuan Shao, besides Jiang Siming's soldiers, there was another person who was most proud of, and that was Xu You.

Xu You had Jiang Siming's promise, he was the first to win Yuan Shao.

This made Xu You unable to sleep for a few nights of excitement, and even more happily drinking every day.

After drinking too much that day, Xu You ran to Yecheng city tower to be drunk and crazy, and when he saw the Red Armies enter the city in an orderly manner, he even spoke out.

"You know who I am? I am the prime minister's most respected military division, and so is Xu Ziyuan!"

"His Prime Minister was able to capture Yecheng and the Three Continents. That was all my credit. Without me, you southern barbarians can safely enter this northern city?"

The Crimson Armored army underneath heard it all with anger, and it happened to be Zhang Fei who led the team again, Zhang Fei's violent temper.

Now Jiang Siming is the person he admires most. In Zhang Fei's mind, Jiang Siming's current position is heavier than that of Liu Bei before.

How can you hear such an insult.

Zhang Fei immediately ordered the soldiers to drag Xu You down.

Xu You was dragged down.

"You crazy dog, talk nonsense and slander the prime minister. Believe it or not, I chopped off your dog's head!" Zhang Fei shouted angrily.

Xu You drank a few kilos of horse urine and was not afraid at all. He sneered: "I am a mad dog? Che, if it weren't for my mad dog, you savages, you can safely enter Jizhou! He Jiang Bei, An Neng can pass Guandu. !"

Zhang Fei was furious, took out his zhangba snake spear, pointed at Xu You and said, "You call my lord's public name, I will kill you!"

Xu You didn't believe it at all, but stretched his neck and said, "You cut it, I am the prime minister's most respected military division. This time the attack on Yuan Shao's greatest hero, you cut me? Cut it if you have the courage!"

Zhang Fei became angry and couldn't bear it anymore. He speared past and stabbed Xu You into a cave.

Still puzzled at this, he took a knife and chopped off Xu You's head.

"I'll cut it off for a bad day!" Zhang Fei said grimly.

Guan Yu hurriedly yelled: "Third brother, you made a big mistake!"

Zhang Fei, who knew he had made a big mistake, was stubborn enough, and said horizontally: "Second brother, don't worry, I just go to the prime minister myself."

In Yuan Shao's commanding mansion, Jiang Siming was sitting high, chatting and laughing with his advisers and generals, discussing the next issue of Yuan Shao's governance and management of the three continents.

Zhang Fei suddenly rushed in, with a human head in his hand, and bowed when he came in.

"Master, Zhang Fei made a mistake, you can deal with me!"

Guan Yu hurriedly chased from behind and knelt down.

When Jiang Siming saw the head in Zhang Fei's hand, he knew what was going on, but he still pretended not to know.

"What happened?"

"I cut Xu You this dog thing." Zhang Feiweng said.

When Jiang Siming heard that he was furious, he shot the case: "What did you say?"

Everyone in the hall was frightened and knelt down.

"Why are you killing Xu You?" Jiang Siming looked shocked.

Zhang Fei held his head high and said: "He insulted my Scarlet Army downstairs, and openly ridiculed the lord. I couldn't bear it and made him silence. Not only did he not listen, but he also mocked me for not daring to cut him, so I cut the dog. Mother's."

Jiang Siming was anxious, kicked over the stage, and said: "It's reversed! It's reversed! You still have reason, right!"

Not only Jiang Siming's people were present here, there were also many Yuan Shao's old ministers, and they were all watching how Jiang Siming would treat the surrendered ministers.

Otherwise, why would Jiang Siming act in this play? If they saw Zhang Fei killing Xu You, he didn't say anything.

They will definitely worry about their safety secretly, and if they secretly communicate with Boss Cao or Jiangdong, they will be in trouble.

So Jiang Siming's face was full of anger, and his neck and face were red with anger.

"You know that Xu You is a great hero of our army. If you kill him, you are declaring to the whole world that Jiang Siming is a villain. I can't tolerate surrender. Who else will surrender me in the future!"

When Zhang Fei heard that he was wrong, he lowered his head and said nothing.

Guan Yu quickly explained to Zhang Fei that Xu You was deceiving too much and so on.

Jiang Siming waved his hand and said, "What's the use of this? What I want now is how to deal with Xu Youzhi's death. Who will give me an explanation!"

"I give it! I killed him, the big deal will cost him his life." Zhang Fei said.

Jiang Siming raised his hand to the void and made an unexpected decision.

"Okay, I will fulfill you, this is indeed a good way, where is the Dragon Guard!"

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, several sturdy figures walked into the hall immediately.

"Push out Zhang Fei, rectify the Fa on the spot, beheading to show the public!"

As soon as this remark came out, Jiang Siming's generals all shouted and thought twice.

After all, Zhang Fei is a general, and Jiang Siming's capable subordinate is also a good friend of other soldiers.

This will cut Zhang Fei off, and everyone naturally doesn't want to see it.

Guan Yu knocked Jiang Siming's head again and again, and his head was broken, only begging Jiang Siming to release Zhang Fei.

Seeing so many people begging for himself, Zhang Fei deeply felt that it was so worthwhile to work under Jiang Siming, and he couldn't help but leave tears of the macho.

Guo Jia and Xun Yu also stepped forward to intercede for Zhang Fei, and Jiang Siming seemed to be "stunned" by his subordinates' requests.

Finally, I took a few breaths of fresh air and calmed my mood.

"Capital crimes are forgiven, living crimes are inevitable, you are irritable and kill the heroes. Starting today, you will be demoted from a general to a horseman, and you will go to the stables and feed the horses! In addition, you will go to Xu You's grave every day and give him a guard for a year. During a year, no alcohol is allowed, no more beatings or scolding sergeants, no matter how much you violate, even if the gods come and beg me to kill you!"

Jiang Siming gave a very severe punishment, actually for Zhang Fei's good.

Zhang Fei is too irritable, he likes to drink, and he likes to beat and scold the sergeant.

In the history books, Zhang Fei was assassinated by soldiers betrayed because he was too cruel to his soldiers.

He didn't want this member to go back to the old path in the future, so he wanted to take this opportunity to fix him.

"Thank the lord for not killing." Zhang Fei knew that he had recovered his life, and quickly thanked him.

"Get out!" Jiang Siming waved impatiently, and Zhang Fei hurriedly shrank his head and left.

Guo Jia followed out, and Zhang Fei walked out of the hall, looking disappointed.

From a general to a groom, everyone gains and loses.

"General Zhang, I hope you can learn your lesson this time." Guo Jia said to Zhang Fei with a smile.

Zhang Fei said with a bitter face, and said embarrassingly: "Military strategist, can you tell the lord, let me feed the horse, or let me give Xu You the spirit, but can't you stop me from drinking... ."

For Zhang Fei, a drunkard, banning him is much more uncomfortable than declining him.

Guo Jia smiled and said, "You, you, you are really an elm head, do you know why the lord banned you from drinking and asked you to feed the horse?"

"Please enlighten me." Zhang Fei couldn't figure it out after touching his head.

"In fact, the lord did not blame you for killing Xu You. On the contrary, the lord thanked you for killing Xu You. You did something the lord wanted to do but he couldn't do it."

Guo Jia saw Jiang Siming's purpose from the beginning, and he took the initiative to appease Zhang Fei without having to speak.

Such a subordinate is easy to use~

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