I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1192: Want to cheat bullets?

"The first battle of the new year, the school started!"

The Great God marked the school, the most frequented place for their 4am island map.

The plane was still in the sky, and Jiang Siming was already smiling.

In his eyes, the golden shadows on the plane made people salivate.

The long-lost game, the long-lost Golden Shadow.

It's hard to encounter one or two golden shadows in a day of playing with passersby. It's like now, the golden shadow of an airplane is so spectacular.

The flight was flying from S City to the airport. Jiang Siming wanted to go to the airport, but passing by the school, he found that not only the great gods and them jumped off, but a whole group of three people went down.

Jiang Siming did not hesitate, but decisively gave up his plan to go to the airport and jumped off the plane.

The school sky plus 4am has a total of four teams. One team chooses to go to P City when there are too many people. The other team grabbed a car and transferred at the school.

There are also two teams, one to fly to the school and the other to fly to the school district.

Jiang Siming is a pity, no matter what, it's so cool to have a chaotic battle together.

"Someone, what do you say? Don't you do it?" Duoyu looked at the team flying over with them, a little nervous.

After all, I haven't played the game for so long, and suddenly the first one is about to be so exciting, he can't bear it.

"It's all done."

Jiang Siming had already landed on the roof of the school while he was talking, and the Great Gods and the others had no worries, and just followed.

From Jin Ying’s news, Jiang Siming knew that this team was FPX.

FPX is naturally not the LOL division of League of Legends, but the division of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds.

Now any e-sports club will develop multiple game competition areas at the same time. The FPX PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds Division is aggressive this year. They won the S9 world championship and want to blossom in both places. The goal is PUBG.

"This team is definitely 4AM!"

FPX team voice.

"Sure, you see they all wear championship uniforms."

"Brothers, are you afraid?"

"Fear of being an egg, just do it, believe in yourself, we will be famous in one battle!"

Four young young men with high ambitions, when they came, wanted to take the 4am operation.

The commentator kite smiled on the stage and said: "The four FPX contestants have a great appetite. They will compete with 4AM. I just don’t know if they can withstand the pressure. Especially... this is a complete body with the presence of Myoko. 4AM."

Another commentator Xiao Xiong joked: "I don't think it's a complete body, but an ultimate evolutionary complete body. I think 4v4, these four people, are not enough for Myojin to eat."

This is a bit too partial. For fear that FPX fans will be angry, the commentator Cheng Hui quickly said:

"I think FPX is still very ambitious. The four of them are all first-timers. Although they lack experience in the competition, as the saying goes, newborn calves are not afraid of tigers. It depends on their performance."

The commentators just finished speaking, and both teams landed one after another. Almost no one fell much later than the other, the same level.

Jiang Siming was a bit unlucky. He didn't have a gun on the roof on the right, only a Molotov cocktail.

He just equipped the sensor to know that there is no gun on the right, but there is no way. If he turns to the left halfway, the opponent must land before them.

This is the change of the parachuting mechanism, which weakened Jiang Siming's ability to kill under the premise.

Otherwise, Lao Jiang landed early and started the massacre.

No way, he picked up the Molotov cocktail.

There are two people from FPX on the roof on the left, and they have already got their guns.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Siming immediately threw the Molotov cocktail at them!

The Molotov cocktail rolled seven or eight laps in the air, hitting precisely at the feet of one of the FPX team members, and burst into flames!

This person had all the bullets loaded, and UZI's bullet change speed was very fast.

But this Molotov cocktail disrupted his perfect plan.

Those who were burned by the Molotov cocktail were temporarily unable to shoot, so they could only quickly step out of the flame range and wait for the fire on their bodies to extinguish.

By this time Jiang Siming had jumped into the skylight on the roof and ran to the second floor.

"Chasing him after him, kill him first."

The buddy who was still fighting the fire shouted to another teammate with AKM.

The teammates didn't need to tell him, but they jumped right after Jiang Siming.

After jumping off the second floor, he immediately saw Jiang Siming picking up a gun in the auditorium. An M416 was already in Jiang Siming's hand.

After the player saw that the gun in Jiang Siming's hand was already changing the bullets, he didn't hesitate, and decided to fight him!

Anyway, his teammate is behind, so he doesn't persuade him at all!

After bypassing the wall behind the auditorium, the player quickly leaned out, putting the rifle on his shoulder in advance, aiming at the spot where he had just seen Jiang Siming.

But he leaned out to find out that Jiang Si had changed his position in advance tomorrow morning.

This person subconsciously warns and wants to turn back first.

But Jiang Siming's M416 has already shot!


Just pressing the trigger, a bullet knocked the man without a helmet to the ground.

"Fuck! It's Jiang Siming!"

The player who fell to the ground immediately gave feedback to his teammates.

The teammate who had been following behind to support him suddenly hesitated, not knowing whether to go there.

In the past, they must fight Jiang Siming.

Is he sure he is confident that he can beat Jiang Siming? Although he took time out of the roof to pick up a first-class first-class head, but Jiang Siming had no head and no armor.

In the shadow of the lovely famous tree, Jiang Siming's dominance in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds is unknown to everyone, singled out, can win the gods, it seems that I have never seen it...

If you don't pass, your teammates may be replaced.

The two choices hesitated in his mind, and finally he chose to rush!

What's wrong with Myojin, he is also a human, and he is not hungry. Why should he be afraid of him just after his debut? It makes no sense!

If he kills Jiang Siming solo in his first game, his career must be soaring!

Just like Ryu and Faker...

Having figured this out, the FPX player, Xiao A, has a strong fighting spirit, and for a moment his hands and the machine seem to merge into one.

He said with certainty that his current level of operation and reaction have reached his usual peak level!

"Where is he?" Little A asked his fallen teammates for more information.

"At the entrance of the auditorium! You'd better wait for Attu and the others to come together, so that the odds of winning will be better." Friendly reminded by teammates.

"No need." Little A burst into a powerful aura, leaning back against the wall, and leaning out like lightning, a shuttle aimed at the door!

He wanted to shoot in advance, but Jiang Siming didn't come out at all, and this shuttle was useless.

But Xiao A is not worried, because now he has the initiative, he can hold Jiang Siming.

Sure enough, under his sight, Jiang Siming's figure appeared by the door.

But before he could shoot, Jiang Siming drew back.

Little A fired a few more shots, still empty.

So repeatedly, Jiang Siming has been leaning over to deceive A's bullets.

"Want to lie to me with bullets? He certainly didn't know that my AKM was pretending to be fast expansion. He thought I only had 30 rounds.\"

Little A figured this out and showed a sly smile, waiting for ten bullets left, he stopped shooting.

But Jiang Siming thought he had no bullets, and he rushed out of it.

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