I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1193: Decreased fragmentation rate

Little A was ecstatic and immediately pulled the trigger again.

But... what he never expected was that not only Jiang Siming rushed in, but also two other people!

Three guns were suddenly aimed at his head, Xiao A was completely stupid, and in a panic, he wanted to close his guns and return.

However, the bullets from the other party's three guns had beaten him into a honeycomb, and that level of armor was like paper, and it was already broken.

After the little A fell to the ground, he was very upset and said: "Damn! We are in a 1V1 man battle, what the **** are you two doing?"

It is estimated that if FPX fans hear it, they must think that Little A is possessed by Jin Gong.

Is this the FPX team culture? very scary...

Jiang Siming actually didn't want to be a helper, he still wanted to tease this buddy, it was the great gods who came to support after searching for them.

Fortunately, he defeated the head.

After defeating Little A, he will always come over immediately to make up for the two who fell on the ground. Jiang Siming immediately heard a warning tone here.

【Random Butcher Bounty: 88888】

【2 times butcher bounty: 177776】

Good number! 88888, Fafafafafa.

Jiang Siming was happy, but he didn't expect the first butcher bounty in the new year to give such face.

Although it is only 80,000, there are more than 40 million when it is turned ten times.

What Jiang Siming didn't expect was that neither of these two golden shadows showed any fragments.

"It seems that the appearance rate of debris is really low. Is it because these two people are not famous enough, or because the qualifiers are not enough gold?"

Jiang Siming was thinking.

Before the change, the fragments of the game were just hitting the head.

Now it seems that the explosion rate of the fragments has been reduced, or it is based on the importance of the game.

He never played in the qualifiers last year. He played directly in the World Championship, so he can't make a conclusion for the time being.

Kill two people, there are two people in the school.

What surprised the 4am fans was that Duoyu was knocked down by the remaining two FPXs, and he immediately made up for it.

"My mine, I shouldn't go over there."

Wang Duoyu said annoyed. He thought that FPX was missing two and they had a good chance of winning. He didn't follow the team, but went to the other side to search for something.

Who knows that these two people don't want to kill him directly.

"This is not good news." Great God glanced sharply at Wang Duoyu.

Wang Duoyu shrank his neck and quickly asked Jiang Siming for help with his eyes.

"Awei is right. FPS games are all possible. There is no such thing as a win. You have to take it as a warning." Jiang Siming urged.

"I was wrong, blame me to blame me." Wang Duoyu hurriedly put the pot back and took the initiative to admit his mistake.

Jiang Siming didn't plan to continue to care about, and said: "Get these two people settled first, Awei, forever, you two and one of you will jam the front and back of the school to prevent them from jumping out of the window. I will look for them."

"Don't, or let it be forever, I'll be with you, where these two people must be shady, it's too dangerous."

The Great God is too afraid that Jiang Siming is also GG. If Jiang Siming is lucky enough to be killed by them, then the first game of their 4am opener today can be completely cold.

"No, these two weak chickens just fight." Jiang Siming said with disdain.

Great God and Everlasting both smiled bitterly after listening to them. The professional players are weak in front of Lao Jiang. I hope they two are in Lao Jiang's heart...not weak...

Now that Jiang Siming had spoken, the two also cooperated.

Weishen and Eternal separately ran out of the school and hid behind the car to prevent the two from jumping out of the window to escape.

But Jiang Siming touched the second floor from the auditorium alone.

The two golden shadows were both hidden in the middle room on the second floor, and Jiang Siming could see clearly when one person stuck to the side.

Even if he didn't have Jin Ying, he would dare to go. When was he afraid of two people?

Although he knew the location of the other party, Jiang Siming still had to act, cautiously starting from the first house.

Until the middle room.

The audience held their breath, and the tension came out.

Jiang Siming stuck at the door, deliberately showing a small shoulder.

Unexpectedly, the two of them could really bear it. Seeing Jiang Siming bare shoulders, they didn't shoot, and remained indifferent.

Jiang Siming was not in a hurry, and continued to go inside, this time showing most of his shoulder.

The people inside finally couldn't help it anymore, and the bullets were ‘spattered’ just like they didn’t need money!

Jiang Siming was shot three times in the shoulder in an instant, and a large tube of blood went down. It was shocking to see.

However, Jiang Siming retreated in time to avoid being second.

The two inside naturally refused to let go of this opportunity, and immediately chased them out.

It's a pity that the door is only enough for one person to get in and out, and the two can only choose to get out one after another, for fear that Jiang Siming will run away.

When the first person walked out of the door, Jiang Siming didn't run at all. Instead, he stayed beside the corridor. The muzzle was already set!

At the moment he came out, the bullet flew!

The leading FPX player fell to the ground in an instant, and this person would also play and climb forward immediately to avoid getting stuck with his teammates behind him.

After hearing the gunshots, the teammates had already opened the mirror in advance, leaned out from the door, found Jiang Siming at the gunpoint, and decisively pulled the trigger!

At this moment, Jiang Siming, who was standing still, suddenly took a few steps.

In this narrow corridor, no one would have thought Jiang Siming would move.

But it was such a tiny and seemingly useless move that avoided a shuttle bullet.

This person's expression turned bad in an instant. He wanted to adjust the muzzle, but never thought that Jiang Siming would not give him a chance to move the muzzle.


The last FPX player's helmet was instantly hit by three 5.56 bullets, lying straight on the ground, and turning into a box with his teammates.

Knife licking blood, exquisite anti-kill!

The cheers of the audience have been shouted.

This is Myojin! Familiar Xiuer!

The opening game was so high-powered at the beginning, so exciting!

And these two golden shadow boxes finally appeared in a fragment, white.

Flew into Jiang Siming's body.

"Pick up [Glider Proficiency] white fragments*1 (1/1). The fragments are full and can be used directly."

Paraglider proficient?

The paraglider just happened to be out, which gave a fragment of this kind, Jiang Siming clicked it unceremoniously.

There are a lot of advanced skills in using gliders in his head, and he can now guarantee that he can drive the paraglider as slippery as his car skills.

And with this skill, Jiang Siming discovered that he knew all the paraglider positions on the map.

There is one on the side of the road not far from the school.

Jiang Siming intends to open it later and try the water...

I'm afraid of being **** down (cover my face).

Four golden shadows, only one fragment, Jiang Siming was a little bit disappointed, but he was not discouraged.

The competition has just begun, and there have been more competitions this year. This is the qualifier.

Comrade Lao Jiang said that he did not panic at all~

ps: "On the first day of the Lunar New Year, sake is a New Year greeting to everyone. I wish you all the best and a happy family reunion!"

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