I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1198: Seventeen shots in two seconds?

This is also the reason Jiang Siming reminded them. He is not afraid. He just doesn't want to watch his teammate accidentally be killed. Then the audience will probably criticize again.

Last year, there were a lot of rumors, saying that it was Jiang Siming to win the championship at 4am. Without Jiang Siming, 4am would be a shit.

What else can Jiang Siming win the game with three dogs alone?

Although these remarks were made by the fans of other teams, Chalemon, it was hard to hear them in the ears of the great gods.

They are constantly strengthening themselves and want to gain more recognition from more people.

"We will be careful, let's split up." Great God nodded seriously.

The three of them began to touch the other side from the mountain.

Separate operations are not to highlight personal skills, but to be more concealed and try to prevent them from being discovered by RNG people.

After all, once they are discovered, they have to face the collective firepower of four people. With two super-level players, their chances of survival are very low.

The three of them lurked inward from a corner.

Jiang Siming didn't forget to look at the Great God forever.

Originally, he was able to avoid everyone's sight perfectly by the role of Jin Ying, but he found that the place where Eternal and the Great God passed was about to be seen by the people of RNG.

After hesitating, Jiang Siming chose to expose himself.

Originally, he planned to reach the safest and safest position and fight again, but now, he can only choose to expose his whereabouts, catch one of the RNG points, and M24 fires a shot!

This shot successfully defeated RNG's handsome.

But it also exposed Jiang Siming to the dilemma of almost no shelter.

In front of Jiang Siming, there was only a small tree that could fit half of his body.

"Oh, Myojin is in a hurry. It stands to reason that he shouldn't have shot so quickly. There is no shelter beside him." The commentary kite was not only worried.

Sure enough, when the handsome fell, the other three members of RNG reacted like lightning, all locked Jiang Siming who was shooting.

But forever and the great gods who were about to be discovered survived a thrilling disaster, no one cares about them.

"It's him! Fight! Good opportunity!" Xiao Dingdong looked at the knockdown message in the upper right corner, and then looked at Jiang Siming's position, feeling excited!

This was an excellent opportunity. He didn't hesitate to raise the 98k in his hand. The lens had just opened, and it hadn't fully expanded yet, just a shot!


This is the result of Tinkerbell's hard training during this period of time. Flash is also a kind of Flash.

It's just that the instant sniper is more difficult than the sniper. The sniper still needs a little time to open the lens. You need to open the lens to find the feel, find the location, and then shoot.

The instant sniper only needs to rely on the position of the muzzle and its own control of the direction, without the need to open the mirror to complete the kill.

But being able to learn to sniper is already rare.

This shot hit Jiang Siming's chest accurately, and hit a blood hole with the size of a bullet.

It's a pity that I missed the head, but I was proud enough.

"A shot of the body! He is a third/level A, and there are 62 drops of blood." Dingdong calculated the damage and blood volume extremely accurately.

Since last year, Xiao Dingdong, who has been repeatedly abused by Jiang Siming, is unwilling to do so, and has been working hard. The live broadcast time is a minimum of ten hours a day, excluding his daily training game time.

It can be said that he devoted almost all of his time to this game, just to become stronger.

With such talent and such hard work, it is difficult to think about the skills well.

Emp also chose to make up the gun at the first time. As a newcomer, he can kill Jiang Siming on the first stage. It is a fairy start!

Even if it wasn't a solo kill, with the help of teammates, that would be proud enough.

Emp understands this naturally, so the shooting speed is not slower than Tinkerbell.

The moment his SKS was 98k in Jiang Siming's middle, the bullet was already out of the chamber.

However, the knockdown that had secured the victory did not appear. Jiang Siming twisted his body as hard as he could, avoiding the poisonous attack like a snake.

"I have heard that your body is weird. I have seen it today, but if you don't have a cover, I don't believe that you can hide twenty shots in my full chamber!" Emp sneered.

At the same time, the action of pulling the trigger was not reduced. Today he must lock Jiang Siming here.

But the more anxious, the easier it is to make mistakes.

Coupled with the reloading of Tinkerbell's 98k bullets, Emp is afraid that he will steal the head and shoot faster!

This speed is almost as fast as 17 shots in two seconds...

The bullet hits fast, but it is also seriously out of the normal level and accuracy of Emp.

The bullet deviated and was easily avoided by Jiang Siming.

When the bullets in one of the magazines ran out, Emp failed to make a shot.

The commentary was fun.

The audience ridiculed vigorously.

"66666, is this the legendary genius boy?"

"RNG's new powerful player, um, awesome!"

"I think Emp wants to get rid of the air around Myojin and let him suffocate to death."

"This Nima laughed at me so much, better than my little nephew!"

"I look forward to the mood of RNG's coach."


Emp's bullets also interfered with Tinkerbell, causing him to get a second shot.

"Oh, Emp, don't fight, I'm scared by you here." Dingdong vomited.

Emp's face is so purple, but he doesn't dare to say anything. After all, he is indeed too horse.

As soon as the bullet stopped, Great God and Everlasting had already touched it, knocking down RNG's grandson!

Suddenly the situation changed from four big three to two on three.

Tinker Bell and Emp's expressions became serious.

"Clean up those two first! Then solve Myojin."

Tinkerbell made a decision.

Emp naturally listened to the old players, and the two gave up their fight with Jiang Siming and quickly went to Xiao Sun to help.

The two sides fought two and fought a fierce battle!

When Jiang Siming rushed over, he fell to the ground forever, the blood of the great god.

The combination of Emp and Ding Dong is indeed very strong. Jiang Siming almost suffered a big loss just now.

After the two defeated Everlasting, they made up for it mercilessly. Then they didn't choose to get rid of the face of God Tuwei, but chose to immediately get on the motorcycle and transfer their positions!

He didn't go too far, just changed positions, so that Weishen and Jiang Siming were completely isolated, and no one could support anyone.

This wave of operations and decisions is a perfect pull.

If you don't want to fight, don't hesitate, you will lose.

Of course, the two of them also chose to sell their teammates, regardless of whether the two teammates fell to the ground.

You can still deal with other teams, but against 4am, the two of them have to be tougher.

Facts proved that they were right. Jiang Siming arrived as soon as they left.

The hearts of the two thumped and thumped. Fortunately, they ran fast. Otherwise, Jiang Siming would make a sneak attack. His success rate was absolutely 100%.

Jiang Siming didn't catch them, so he could only choose to replace Shuaishuai and Xiaosun first.

The handsome head belonged to him. After falling to the ground, a fragment appeared and flew into his body.

Two chapters have been reviewed. During the Chinese New Year there are few reviewers, so it is estimated that the review will take a bit later. Don't worry, the sake will try to urge it~

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