I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1199: Advanced social blogging software

"Pick up [Advanced Social Blogging Software] Golden Shards*1 (1/4). The number of shards is not full and cannot be used temporarily."

[Advanced social blogging software]: It surpasses the 20-year product of the current media platform portal platform, with the most advanced social methods and real-time information transmission, its advanced and convenient, and crushes the current top Weibo platforms such as a wave and Facebook.

Seeing this, Jiang Siming suddenly smiled. It seems that he doesn't have to break his promise and get fat.

Think about the flag set against a certain wave before the New Year. It seems that you don't need to wait too long and will be realized soon.

Because he broke with a certain wave, many friends in the entertainment circle stopped Weibo.

Mr. He is the first person on Weibo, and therefore set the Guinness World Record, becoming the male star with the most personal fans.

But even so, Teacher He did not hesitate to support Jiang Siming, and posted a remark and condemnation that he was disappointed with a certain wave, and then stopped updating Weibo.

There are many people, besides their own Huayi stars, there are also a bunch of friends.

Such as Lao Hu, Tong Ya, Wang Ou, Zhou Dong, Lin Sansui and so on.

Jiang Siming must give others an explanation. When his new Weibo software comes out, he must tell them first.

A certain wave, your good days are coming to an end.

Relying on the boss of his own industry, recklessly, consumption deceives fans in the e-sports circle, licking traffic stars, all kinds of business shady.

For platforms like this kind, Jiang Siming is happy to relax them.

Also let them know that you can't mess around when you become the leader.

YY is the best example.

Now almost no one plays in YY, all of them are in the arms of LILI.

Even if YY promptly remedies it later, it is too late to remove the ads and binding software.

The performance of LILI crushes YY to the height of Mount Everest, and the user experience of the two is not at the same level.

LILI can be said to unify the domestic voice software, and now it has begun to focus on foreign markets.

Three synthetic fragments were needed. Jiang Siming hesitated a bit, and finally chose not to use the universal fragment.

After all, the total number of omnipotent fragments is 20 yuan, and there will be many games to be played in the next year.

There are a lot of omnipotent fragments to be used, and Jiang Siming still doesn't consider it just three dollars.

Save the pieces for more needs.

In the future, the following five synthetic fragments will not be considered.

This fragment does not mean that Jiang Siming is safe. On the contrary, he and Great God have once again fallen into the circle of Tinkerbell and Emp.

The scene seemed to be 2 on 2, but Jiang Siming and Great God had no advantage at all.

The Great God, who had just been full of blood and exposed his son, received two more shots, which made him extremely furious, but he was temporarily unable to do so, so he could only retract and re-spray.

The advantages seemed to come to Tinker Bell and the others at once.

Jiang Siming glanced at the location of the Great God and knew that he could not help.

"Awei, go ahead and get poisoned."

"Ah? What do you do then? I will pick you up?" Great God said.

Jiang Siming shook his head: "I have a car myself, I know the location, you go first."

Great God hesitated for a moment, and finally chose to listen to Jiang Siming and drove back from behind the tree.

"Oh? At 4am, are you planning to retreat temporarily and not just shot?" The commentator Cheng Hui was slightly surprised.

It is rare to see 4am counseling time, it seems that the addition of Ding Dong this time to 4am really caused a lot of trouble.

The Great Gods are all gone, and the Myojin is probably also going.

Everyone thought that 4am chose to retreat.

They think so too.

"The Great God is gone, hehe, he seems to be afraid of us." Emp smiled triumphantly.

As a newcomer, it's not surprising that Emp can beat the Great God.

Tinker Bell also showed a smile, and was about to tell Emp to leave here. Suddenly, a gunshot sounded!


Both of them were taken aback. The shot did not hit them, but it seemed to be a demonstration and provocation.

Ding Dong looked from behind the stone, and Jiang Siming hadn't left, and he had already touched a closer place.

And when they didn't see it, Jiang Siming actually shot.

Obviously he didn't want to attack at all, but wanted to fire a shot to signal that he was coming, and wanted to hit two!

"Oh, this is the personality of Myojin. I challenged it. It was a one-on-two game, but I didn't know if Ding Dong and Emp could pick up?"

The words came to a conclusion quickly, and Emp and Tinkerbell returned an empty gun at the same time.

Since Myojin wants to hit two, then come.

It would be too embarrassing if they didn't pick it up. In addition, both of them were young and full-blooded. How could they be counseled, pick it up!

This is the beginning of the one-on-two duel.

Ding Dong and Emp are alone, stubbornly holding the big tree behind Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming knows that Ding Dong is 98k and Emp is SKS.

Then start with SKS.

There is a time limit for raising a gun and holding the breath holder, and the quasi-center will float after the vital capacity is emptied.

And Jiang Siming was two hundred meters away from them. They had to hold their breath if they wanted to accurately hold their helmets, otherwise the camera would move slightly and it would be difficult to hit the preview position.

Therefore, Jiang Siming concluded that both of them were him holding his breath.

He counted silently in his heart, and when the vital capacity of the two of them was about to pass, he would definitely close the gun and restore the vital capacity.

Relaxing a second before this, Jiang Siming peeked out from the right side of the tree!

At this time, Emp wanted to close the gun, and the shooting action was already done.

At the moment before the camera closed, he saw Jiang Siming coming out from behind the tree.

"not good!"

Emp shook his heart!

How did Jiang Siming catch this gap?

There is no time to think about it, the other party's bullets come through!

Emp wanted to dodge, but it was too late, because there was a delay in closing the gun.

At this time, Emp used his second-stage head to catch the bullet firmly.

Fall down!

"Damn! This is a good deal of luck, and I just shot him out."

Emp was very upset, thinking Jiang Siming must be luck.

Who can pinch the time for people to stop the gun, unless it is a god.

After seeing Emp fell to the ground, Tinker Bell felt bad at once.

Immediately shut down the smoke, ran over to pull people.

"Be careful when he rushes over. Be careful." Xiao Dingdong helped Emp while listening to the footsteps with all his strength, for fear that Jiang Siming would touch him.

But the two of them were frightened for ten seconds, and Jiang Siming did not come.

Dingdong was relieved to return to his original position, and Emp quickly pierced himself into a medical box.

"I must fight back this time!"

Emp feels very shameless, he must be unhappy in such a defeat.

Ding Dong said worriedly: "You stay steady."

"I know, rest assured." Emp said casually, and continued to confront Jiang Siming!

This time, Emp did not choose to hold his breath anymore, but kept moving his position slightly to get the lens in sight.

It is another shot to prevent Jiang Siming from coming out at any time.

This time Jiang Siming didn't wait for him to hold his breath any more, but still came out from behind the tree recklessly, and the two met almost at the same time.

Emp quickly locked the collimator, and both sides looked like gunshots shot at the same time!


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