I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1204: First prophecy!

The two ‘butterfly swimming’ on the dung water made people want to laugh and relieve their anger.

This really complied with the idiom and made it up.

After everyone was safe, Rita and Yu Shuang in Jiang Siming's arms reacted, and they were still in Jiang Siming's arms.

Hurrying out blushing, they found that Jiang Siming didn't care about it, and both of them were slightly relieved.

"Who is so vicious? Do we have enemies with them?" The Great God asked at this time.

Everyone is also puzzled, these two people obviously went to Jiang Siming and Rita.

Jiang Siming smiled and said, "Who else can it be, the fan at the fan meeting today."

Everyone looked at the figure of the woman after listening. The face was no longer visible. There was **** on the mask. How to look at it.

But from this figure, they immediately remembered that it was the female fan who would be stunned just now in a fan meeting.

Unexpectedly this popularity, but came up with such a shameful trick!

Everyone was indignant and felt that they deserved it!

Jiang Siming doesn't think they deserve it, on the contrary, he thinks it's not enough.

It just so happened that there was a greening tree next to where the two fell.

When Jiang Siming thought, a section of the tree with the thick thighs of an adult suddenly broke and smashed down!



The location where the branch hit was just the leg bones of the two.

Don't look at it as a branch, a branch with a thick thigh, dropped from a height, is no different from a big rock.

He only heard two crisp sounds of fractures, and then heard the tragic cry of these two people.

Both Great God and Rita were stunned, this...this is a coincidence.

Could it be that people are watching? The retribution came so fast!

Sure enough, we still have to be a good person, not to do bad things.

It happened that the traffic police was nearby and rushed to hear the news.

Jiang Siming explained what happened. The traffic police called the police and washed them with water for a long time before taking them to the hospital.

In winter, take cold water and add a bucket of chilly feces to bring out the pain of fracture.

This kind of taste, tusk, only these two people can experience it.

Jiang Siming and the others were fine, and they were fine after recording a confession.

Originally, the woman hadn't broken the law by throwing dung, but then the woman's brother had to beat someone with a steel pipe, which was an offence.

It is estimated that this time I have to go in for at least a month.

Although the punishment was miserable enough, Jiang Siming called Tian Zu later and asked them to "focus" on it.

That's it, get it done~

After the police took away the people, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and they were still a little scared.

I didn't expect some people to be so narrow-minded and so vicious.

After this, Rita and Yu Shuang didn't even want to go shopping. Jiang Siming invited them, and the two happily agreed to go to dinner.

After a meal, I went to KTV to sing again.

In KTV, Jiang Siming was sang a few songs by Rita and Yu Shuang. The two girls turned into fascinating faces in seconds, and their faces blushed with excitement.

Play until a little late at night.

Rita and Yu Shuang's relationship with Jiang Siming is much closer.

The two women happily exchanged WeChat and phone calls with Jiang Siming, and then drove away.

"Let's go, go back to the hotel, it's so late, there will be a game the day after tomorrow." Weishen said.

Jiang Siming did not agree, who would stay with them in the hotel, of course he went home to live.

Randomly found a reason, after Jiang Siming said goodbye to them, he found a place where there was no one and planned to fly back.

Just about to leave, suddenly something seemed to happen in his head.

Jiang Siming thought that his wife had an accident, so he hurriedly checked the son and mother induction pill, but there was no response.

It wasn't that there was something wrong with the induction pill, it was like [Little Prophecy] there was something to tell him.

Jiang Siming hesitated and chose to use it once.

I haven't used it anyway, just try it.

Knowing that the little prophecy had side effects, Jiang Siming first contained a fairy bean in his mouth, which was called being prepared.

After preparing, Jiang Siming used this secret technique!

A picture gradually appeared in Jiang Siming's mind. In the picture, it was a familiar face that Jiang Siming had never seen before.

A tall, dark-skinned face, still bald, took a little girl and happily boarded a helicopter.

The helicopter took off and flew far away.

But the screen flashed again, and the helicopter crashed suddenly and was about to hit the mountain.

In despair, the dark-skinned bald man still wanted to try to lift his daughter and throw her out of the plane.

But he couldn't do it no matter how hard he tried, and the plane was about to hit the ground.

The man had to hold his crying daughter, and said with wet tears: "srybaby, iloveyou."

Immediately afterwards, the helicopter crashed into the cliff, and there was a shocking explosion.

The picture disappeared, Jiang Siming's body was weak, and his body was empty, so that he was so sleepy that he almost lost the strength to stand up.

Jiang Siming quickly swallowed the fairy bean in his mouth and quickly recovered completely, no different from normal.

Jiang Siming, who had recovered, was stunned for a few seconds, but he didn't expect Little Prophecy to tell him the news.

The picture in his mind just now was the message of the fall of a basketball superstar.

The basketball superstar is also related to him because he used to play for his NBA team.

This team is the Lakers, and he is the retired NBA legend, Kobe.

Jiang Siming remembered that the time of the picture was around four o'clock in the morning today, and it is now a little over one, which means that he only has three hours to choose whether to prevent this tragedy from happening.

Regarding this choice, Jiang Siming did not hesitate to use the small shift technique to disappear in place.

If the **** of basketball is undoubtedly Jordan, then the basketball fan with the most is definitely Kobe.

Especially in China, Kobe's fans are everywhere.

This man was able to shoot for ten seconds alone at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Most of his fans are born in the 1980s.

As for why so many people like Kobe, it may be because of his gorgeous NBA results.

A generation of superstars, two jerseys, more than 30,000 points, four daughters, five rings, sixty curtain calls.

Seven finals, eighty-one points, 96th generation, perfect, 100% hard work, worth ten million.

Thanks a lot, hundreds of millions of fans.

This passage sums up Kobe's life and is very brilliant.

And Kobe also likes Huaxia very much. He once said publicly that Huaxia is his second home.

In the year of the Wenchuan earthquake, Kobe donated 5 million US dollars by himself. It was still 2008.

Peter Pan, Black Mamba, these are the nicknames given to him by fans of Huaxia.

Like him is not a year or two, but a whole youth of many boys.

Jiang Siming also likes to watch Kobe play. His skills and black Mamba spirit have accompanied him when he was in high school.

After picking up the Lakers' equity last year, he actually had some regrets, but Kobe has retired, otherwise he would like to go over and play with him.

Now this man, to be killed by death, even if God wants someone to play with him, he will not allow it.

[Author's digression]: This is only to commemorate my department. In Sake's heart, he will never leave. He is a basketball idol in Sake high school and Sake's memories of watching NBA games day and night, although he has left in reality. , But Sake hopes that he can live happily in his book.

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