I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1389: New pet Chopper!


One shot!

Understand the dragon four who is still crazy.

No one helped him this time, and couldn't wait for him to lose his blood. Jiang Siming shot the traitor again!

The remaining two did not need Jiang Siming to do anything, and the other teammates also killed them.

Clean up the portal!

Although this wave of operations will provoke a lot of criticism, it will make South Korea gloat.

But such people must be cleaned up! Never used to it!

After Long Si was overthrown by Jiang Siming, the corners of his mouth rose in disdain and stubbornly.

In his opinion, this is just a game of competition.

Even if he was exposed, it wouldn't hurt.

He can completely say that he was dizzy and jealous of Jiang Siming all the time, that's why he suffered the killer in the game.

Anyway, no one can prove that he has a buying relationship with the South Korean team. As long as he is dead, the South Korean team will definitely not reveal this matter.

After all, they also want face, so Long Si feels that he is invincible.

And he can still get huge bribes from the South Korean team. A game has earned him money he couldn't make in a few years. Why not do such a good thing.

But what Long Si really ignores is actually not Jiang Siming's anger, but the anger of the Chinese audience.

Long Si's behavior was a traitor and traitor in the War of Resistance Against Japan!

Putting a black gun on the battlefield, yelling at one's own person, is far more hateful than the enemy.

For thousands of years, Huaxia has always treated the traitors and traitors consistently.

Long Si seemed to think it was just playing a fake game, but in fact, it has provoked the anger of all Huaxia players, and the anger is terrible!

It's just that he doesn't know it yet.

The IFTY club even immediately issued an announcement on Gulu Weibo to terminate the contract with Long Si and kick him out of the club.

Other e-sports clubs also posted Weibo, denounced the behavior of Long Si, and said they would never hire this person.

All this, before the end of the game, Long Si still didn't know anything.

The treacherous disturbance temporarily ceased, and Jiang Siming continued to watch the game.

Without Long Si and their three internal responses, the Korean team's ending is doomed.

When Jiang Siming started the high-energy moment, they fell down like dominoes, one by one.

Jiang Siming’s Thomson was shot directly from more than 300 bullets.

The killing was dark and dark. In this battle, in the end, the Huaxia team was left with only three people and successfully killed all the Korean sticks.

Although it was a narrow victory, the Huaxia Division won again.

It also made all the Chinese audiences breathe a sigh of relief. The level of suspense in this game was much higher than the previous one.

Although Jiang Siming only killed five in the end, it was mainly because the people he defeated were always helped up and then replaced by other teammates.

He was also very helpless, otherwise he would kill at least 15 enemies.

Going out to look at the injuries, Jiang Siming's total number of injuries is more than the whole team, and you know how wronged Lao Jiang is. It's not his head, hum.

However, for the last five heads, two fragments were given to him, which was a little consolation prize.

"Pick up [Tai Shang Fan Jing Jue] orange fragments*1 (1/11), the number of fragments is not full, it is temporarily unavailable."

[Tai Shang Fan Jing Jue]: Wood attribute cultivation method, one of the ancient secret methods, is the strongest cultivation method of wood attribute, and women practice the best.

"Pick up [Dimensional God Pet·Chopper the Reindeer] Pink Fragment*1 (1/10). The number of fragments is not full and cannot be used temporarily.

[Dimensional favorite: Reindeer Chopper]: She comes from the reincarnation of the boat doctor in the straw hat group in "One Piece". In front of her is the reindeer after taking the fruits of everyone. She can use the blue wave ball for eight-stage modification.

The character loves to cry and is timid and timid, and likes to hear human compliments.

Ability: Can act as a nurse doctor, cure diseases, or act as a warrior or antler warrior.

These two fragments surprised Jiang Siming.

Forget the orange one, go home and let the wood attribute wife start practicing.

But this pink fragment really made Jiang Siming unexpected.

There are already cats, foxes, and pandas in the house, and now there is another reindeer.

Emm... what other pets will appear in the future...

The zoo is almost open at home.

After taking down these two pieces, Xiaoxian also flew back to Jiang Siming at this time and reported everything.

Jiang Siming got up after listening, and sneered at Long Si, who was still chatting and laughing with the two people next to him.

"Stop it all, I'll announce one thing." Jiang Siming stopped the Huaxia team members who wanted to leave.

Everyone stopped and looked at Jiang Siming.

"I decided to cancel the qualifications of Dragon Four, anchor Ergou and Linyuan."

When this was said, everyone raised their hands in opposition.

These three are the rapes just now.

"I don't agree! Why disqualify us? Is this match your word?" Long Si was the first to object.

The other two prostitute anchors also stood up and protested.

"Do you still have a reason to be rape?" The little lion sneered.

Long Siyi retorted with righteous words: "Do you have any evidence? Why do you say that we are rapes?"

"Then why do you three kill Myojin?"

"We are just looking at him simply because we want to resolve personal grievances, how can we be regarded as a traitor."

The three of them insisted that they were only personal grudges with Jiang Siming and had nothing to do with others.

For a time, everyone wanted to refute but didn't know what to say.

Jiang Siming watched their performance quietly, and then said lightly: "Originally, I just wanted to solve it internally. If you insist on it, that's okay. I can only put it online."

After Jiang Siming finished speaking, the phone opened all the evidence recorded by Xiaoxian.

When they heard Long Si, they were dumbfounded, their faces pale.

What they want to say at this time is of no avail.

In the end, they could only be driven out by everyone's disgust.

Jiang Siming didn't pity them either, he really uploaded this piece of evidence to the Internet, and by the way also posted a wave on the Korean Internet.

Let them also see what their own e-sports spirit is. They can do things like buying undercover agents.

This time, South Korea once again lost a big face and became a laughing stock.

Unexpectedly, they made an unexpected decision when they learned about it and gave up and went home? ? ?

Jiang Siming didn't understand this operation. He stopped fighting. It seemed that he had no face to stay in China and left early.

Anyway, the first two are actually doomed to win or lose, there is no hope, simply surrender and go home.

The China-South Korea anchor contest ended early in this way.

Also declared the victory of China.

Long Si, Ergou, and Lin Yuan are also facing the Chinese fans’ ‘after the fall’.

As soon as the three of them walked out of the competition area, they were besieged by Chinese fans.

Some pointed their noses and yelled at them, and some even threw bottles at them, as if a stinky mouse crossed the street and everyone shouted.

Long Si, who walked out of the competition area, immediately received the notice from the club, desperate instantly.

The other two anchors also face the ban of major live broadcast platforms.

The most important part was that South Korea only gave them a deposit at the beginning, and did not pay them in full.

After the incident was revealed, they were also shameless and would not give any money left.

This can be regarded as a real loss of wealth and wealth.

Regarding their situation, it can only be said that they are bound to themselves.

Just two words: deserve it!


[Author's digression]: First more~~

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