I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1390: New member, Acho

South Korea's surrender also means that China has won the China-South Korea confrontation.

In the end, the trophy they were so proud of was also left in China.

With the consent of all Huaxia players, Jiang Siming placed the trophy in the honor exhibition hall of PM Internet Cafe.

The China-South Korea anchor contest is over, but Jiang Siming feels quite a loss.

After all, he is missing a handful of games, otherwise it is estimated that he will be able to pick up a few pieces.

But it's okay. It's also a refreshing thing to make the Korean sticks surrender in shame and leave Huaxia overnight.

After winning the victory, Jiang Siming had a dinner with everyone, and also invited Wang Dashao and PDD them by the way.

It’s only interesting to have a dinner together.

The gathering place is at the restaurant next to the PM Internet Cafe, which happened to have a new batch of sheep and a lot of seafood today.

So everyone set up a roasted whole lamb and seafood feast, and more than 30 people sat together.

This restaurant has an Inner Mongolian flavor. The entire yurt and the table are oversized. It is not a problem to accommodate more than 30 people.

It’s the continuation of the Han dynasty style for eating. I’m afraid that everyone won’t be able to pick it up.

In fact, Jiang Siming quite likes this way of eating outside. It is clean and hygienic. He may be used to it in the Han Dynasty.

No need at home.

On the table is placed home-brewed liquor, which is the liquor from the distillery that Wang Dashao cooperated with.

President Wang now not only satisfies the Russian market, but also sets his sights on the domestic market.

However, Huaxia does not need such a high alcohol level. Major Wang Da lowered the alcohol level. In fact, it tastes very good, and it is very suitable for people who love Chinese liquor.

Jiang Siming sat in the first seat in the middle, on the contrary, Wang Dashao, who was always the focus in the past, could only sit a little bit too far.

He wanted to sit with Jiang Siming, but next to Jiang Siming, he had been taken over by two sisters Dadao and Tuantuan.

It was even more excessive when eating, Jiang Siming was smoking.

Daida was responsible for cutting the mutton for Jiang Siming, and Tuantuan was responsible for preparing Jiang Siming's seafood on his plate.

Jiang Siming only needs to be responsible for eating after smoking.

All the men here cast envious eyes, this is the real man!

"Hey, Jiang Da's richest man, I have an idea, are you interested in doing it?" Wang Dashao sliced ​​lamb by himself, regretting not bringing an internet celebrity girlfriend.

"Talk about it." Jiang Siming took a sip of the white wine, hiss~ enjoyable!

This kind of banquet men should drink some white ones, the red ones are for women, and the yellow ones... Forget it, beer won't be on the table in China.

"I want to make an e-sports online drama, what do you think?" Wang Dashao tricked.

"E-sports online drama?" Jiang Siming was a little curious.

"Yes, you are the chairman of Huayi, and filming is your field. If you combine e-sports and filming, do you think there is something wrong?" Wang Dashao said.

"This sounds quite interesting." Jiang Siming showed interest.

This is also a great opportunity to promote e-sports.

"My idea is to make two first, one for League of Legends and one for PUBG. We invite celebrities from both sides to participate in the performance. As long as the script is well written, I don't think it is a problem."

PDD's eyes widened after hearing it.

"Can I act in it? That play will do."

"I want to go too, can I sign up?"

"Me too, so do I, I have a cameo for free."

Everyone expressed their support, joking, such a good opportunity to show up, I must fight for it.

"We also want to play~" Dadao and Tuan Tuan are enthusiastic, this web drama sounds very interesting.

"Okay, I will find a better, younger screenwriter at Huayi then to discuss this with the director."

Since both chicks said they wanted to go, Jiang Siming agreed.

This is also a good thing for e-sports promotion, and he has no reason to refuse.

After a meal, everyone broke up.

Everyone who came by the car called for a price. Jiang Siming didn't need it at all. He had two female drivers driving for him.

When I got home, everyone else in the house was asleep.

As the saying goes, the food is full of wine and food.

Did the two chicks escape Jiang Siming's claws? Obediently be "captured".

The specific details can only be understood because they are strictly checked.

(Reader: Why didn't you drive recently? Sake: Check it out carefully, otherwise it would have taken off early!)

After a fight, Jiang Siming, who originally wanted to sleep with the two girls, suddenly remembered that he still had a new pet left in the debris.

After getting up quietly and coming outside the house, Jiang Siming released the little reindeer from "One Piece", Chopper.

However, there are actually many differences between the real Chopper and Jiang Siming in "One Piece".

Chopper here does not eat the fruits of everyone, but is still just a reindeer.

And this is the reincarnation of Chopper, a little doe.

When she first came out, the little doe was very afraid of life, timid and weak, and did not settle down until she saw Jiang Siming.

Jiang Siming discovered that this little doe had a strong wood spirit, and then remembered her ability introduction.

So Jiang Siming deliberately separated his palm.

"Can it be cured?"

Without even having to speak, Jiang Siming saw that Jiang Siming was injured, and the doe standing next to him automatically had energy running.

Jiang Siming's wound began to scab and healed quickly, and he could not find a trace of scar.

"There are really two things."

Jiang Siming was amazed, and he didn't need it to move, it would automatically release a wood spirit from his body to heal his wounds.

However, after healed his wound, Jiang Siming also found that the wood spirit aura in the deer body was a little bit less, but it quickly recovered automatically.

This ability is a bit strong, and automatically heals and replenishes it automatically.

Just like the star mother who brings her own madman and goddess tears, she is automatically full of blood and blue, and she can keep milking others.

"Then what your transformation is like, let me see." Jiang Siming asked strangely.

Hearing the words, the obedient little doe began to gather energy. With a sound of deer crowing, the little doe changed its body and grew more than three or four times stronger.

It became a female deer bigger than an elephant, with a pair of sharp antlers. Jiang Siming found a piece of wood and placed it on it and cut it in half without any effort.

This made Jiang Siming exclaimed, and it seems that in the future there will be a nurse soldier who can resist and fight (laughs and cry).

"Okay, let's change back." Jiang Siming said the little doe.

The little doe was very obedient, and immediately changed back to a small appearance.

Jiang Siming touched its head and said, "You are a new member of the family, so I will call you... Xiaoqiao...Bah, bah, just call you Aqiao."

The little doe was very satisfied with this name and happily ran around the manor.

Then it met three ‘indigenous’ in their homes, and A Qiao, who was terrified, plunged into the grass and shivered.

Jiang Siming could not laugh or cry, except that his gender and appearance were different from Chopper, his personality was exactly the same as Chopper.

[Author's digression]: Second more~

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