I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1391: Nancy is coming

Jiang Siming didn't care, and after instructing the three "big brothers" not to bully Aqiao, they let them communicate.

Pets have a way of communicating with pets, so they can’t bully A Qiao if they are ordered, forgive them for not having this guts.

It is estimated that A Qiao will soon become another servant girl of A-Nan and Ari...

The next day, when the wives got up, they found that there was an extra small reindeer in the manor!

This reindeer is very beautiful and full of cuteness. It has become the new favorite of the women in the family.

The filming of the web drama was soon arranged by Jiang Siming, and it was done after a phone call.

Huayi immediately arranged several high-quality directors and screenwriters to start this matter.

Then began to study script actors and so on, anyway, Jiang Siming didn't care at all.

It's estimated that you can just check it out on the day of shooting.

He still pays attention to the company's affairs. As long as there is no competition or nothing else, Jiang Siming is still happy to go to work.

At present, the stock market is still in depression, and his more than 500 billion yuan still failed to come out.

Hundreds of billions thought of a trick to use all the money to buy real estate stocks and transform them into real estate resources.

Jiang Siming clapped his hands and praised this fantastic idea, which is a good trick.

Real estate is a hard currency. Since the money is not available, it can be converted into real estate.

Too many real estate tycoons have gone bankrupt recently, it is not too simple to exchange real estate stocks.

Hundred Billion first found a circle in Shanghai, Lujiazui, Xujiahui, the banks of the Huangpu River, the Oriental Pearl Tower, and so on.

As long as there is real estate hanging on it, 100 billion will be swept down.

Have you seen the purchase from the wholesale department? Hundreds of billions are now in this rhythm.

She bought more than 30 properties in Shanghai alone.

Including commercial buildings, office buildings, and four-star and above hotels.

It even includes well-known architectural signs such as Aurora Tower, Jinmao Tower and Peace Hotel.

At this time, the stock price is sluggish, and the housing price is stretched.

These 30-odd real estates were at least 150 billion yuan in the past.

However, because of the global stock market crisis triggered by the collapse of the US stock market, now these more than 30 real estate properties cost less than 90 billion.

After buying over 100 billion, Shanghai began to focus on other places, Beijing, Guangzhou, and later on to other countries.

South Korea, Switzerland, Japan, Britain, Russia, Belarus, Serbia, etc.

More than 500 billion was squandered by 100 billion.

This may be the woman who spends the most money in the world (cover her face). In less than a week, she would have spent more than 500 billion.

Purchased more than 300 properties!

Each of these real estates is a major project, and the well-known local real estate signs can be found on any car map.

Jiang Siming certainly cannot compare with those real estate tycoons in terms of the quantity of real estate, but when it comes to the quality of real estate, he said that no one would dare to say second.

This move of 100 billion shocked all the rich, and they even thought that Jiang Siming would enter the real estate industry strongly.

It made the real estate developers panic, for fear that Jiang Siming would come to grab business with them.

But Hundreds of billions just bought these real estates, and did nothing else, let alone enter the real estate industry.

Although Jiang Siming's money in the stock market was squandered, he also became a big landlord.

There are more than 20 high-rise buildings in Shanghai Huangpujiang alone.

To tell the truth, instead of being frozen in the stock market and unable to get out, the value of these more than 50 billion yuan is gradually depreciating.

Might as well replace it all with ground.

The practice of 100 billion won strong support and praise from Jiang Siming.

I heard that the people in Guangzhou live by collecting rent. Are you better than them?

It takes only a few days to resist a big bag of keys to collect rent...

Of course, after real estate is bought, it also means that there is no more money in the stock market.

His goal of being the world's richest man will be a little later, but Jiang Siming thinks it will be sooner or later.

It's just a matter of time.

For more than a week, Jiang Siming still wandered between his home and his company.

Go to work during the day, and give advice to the wives to practice cultivation after returning home in the afternoon.

His wood system has been practiced by wives of wood attributes.

Daida, Ishihara, Yoona, Qi Muqing, and Qi Muxin are all wood attributes.

Now there is a lack of metal and soil properties.

If you can get it all together, then all members of the family can cultivate immortals.

As long as the strength of wives improves, their chances of getting pregnant will continue to increase.

Jiang Siming doesn't want to have a baby this year, at least this year he will be pregnant.

It also allows him to experience the expectation and yearning of becoming a father.

It is already April, and the Ching Ming Festival is approaching.

Jiang Siming wanted to go back on the Ching Ming Festival, but his parents called and said that he didn't need to return.

With my dad and grandpa with me, just leave the ancestor worship to them.

As for the women in the family, there is no need to go home. Girls rarely go to worship their ancestors.

Tomb-sweeping for ancestor worship is usually done by men in the family, unless there are very few men in a family will go to women.

So this year’s Ching Ming Festival, the home is still lively, and the legal three-day holiday, these three days can rest at home without going to work.

Originally Jiang Siming also said whether to take his wives out to play during the holiday, who knows that each of them would go out.

In their words, there are a lot of ghosts on the Ching Ming Festival, so don’t go out to play, be afraid~

Jiang Siming felt very speechless at their brains, they were all cultivators, and it was too embarrassing to say that they believed in ghosts and gods.

Since he had psychic summoning skills, he knew that there were no ghosts in the world, and the ghosts he summoned were all called out from movies and TV shows.

There is no such thing in reality.

Don't go out if you don't. It's also good to stay at home.

It is estimated that they would not dare to sleep alone at night, and they would be able to sleep together (smile).

Seeing that Ching Ming Festival was approaching, Jiang Siming received a call from him on the 1st.

On the 1st, he told him that the Swedish royal family would visit China at the end of the month and asked him if he would have time to go to the capital.

After hearing this, Jiang Siming was still wondering, why did the royal family want him to visit China?

But soon, on the 1st, he told him that it was a Swedish princess who wanted to see him.

Jiang Siming woke up and almost forgot the Swedish princess.

On the 1st, what the overall situation is to emphasize the image of the country, and so on, is embarrassed to say that Jiang Siming does not agree.

So he agreed to go to the capital at the end of the month, which made the elderly happy to hang up.

"Hey, Nancy, I didn't expect to remember herself." Jiang Siming shook his head with a smile.

Carl Nancy, Jiang Siming still remembers her name.

This was when he met when he went to the UK to compete. It has been more than half a year or almost a year, but he didn't expect that the opponent would be the first to think of himself when he came to China.

He still remembered that this seemingly cold and elegant princess was actually a little talker and loved to chat with himself.

[Author's digression]: Third more~

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