I’m Picking Up Pieces in PUBG

Chapter 1392: Participate every day!

Jiang Siming thought that the few days left before the Qingming Festival should be able to stay at home for a few days.

But who knows that Jiang Lan told him that Wang Han had sent him a private message on Gulu Weibo, and wanted to ask him if he had time to participate in "Everyday Upward".

Jiang Siming's Gulu Weibo has always been managed by Jiang Lan.

Hearing Jiang Lan's report, Jiang Siming was a little embarrassed.

He seemed to have promised Wang Han a long time ago to participate in "Tian Tian Shang", but he was so busy that he forgot about it.

He had forgotten this matter, but Wang Han kept remembering it.

"Are you going?" Jiang Lan opened her red lips slightly and asked Chong Jiang Siming carefully.

Although she is already the heroine, Jiang Lan still has a little fear of Jiang Siming.

It may be that Jiang Siming was too harsh on her before, but Jiang Siming actually regrets it.

I used to think that Jiang Lan was the kind of woman who admired vanity, but now, at home, she spends the same amount of money as Xinyi, and she doesn't see how much she loves to compare.

Later, Jiang Siming learned that Jiang Lan just likes fashion. This is her hobby.

Only when he, a straight man, understood.

This girl can't change it.

"Do you think I should go?" Jiang Siming simply threw the choice to her and let her make the decision for herself.

Jiang Lan was surprised at first, then considered the meeting, nodded and said: "I think I still have to go, because..."

"Then go." Jiang Siming decided directly before listening.

Jiang Lan was very smart, understood Jiang Siming's meaning, and pursed her lips happily.

"Then I will reply to Mango TV."

When Jiang Lan was about to leave, Jiang Siming pulled her into the boss chair where she was sitting.

Jiang Lan exclaimed and then blushed and heartbeat.

"In...in the company."

"What's the matter, Xiaoqing and Xiaoxin are watching outside, and no one will come in." Jiang Siming smiled.

"Yes...but I'm on a period..." Jiang Lan said embarrassedly.

"So bad luck." Jiang Siming was a little disappointed.

Jiang Lan didn't want to see Jiang Siming disappointed, so she bit her red lips...

After an hour, Jiang Lan left Jiang Siming's office with his numb cheeks...

The mango station was also very surprised when he learned that Jiang Siming had agreed to the invitation.

The original recording plan was changed overnight, and a schedule was cut for Jiang Siming.

Two days later, Jiang Siming arrived in Changsha.

There was Liang Tian with her. She went home to take a look and went to Mango TV to report, hehe.

The person who picked up the plane this time was not Hejiu, but Wang Han.

Hejiu is still filming "Longing", so he is not in Changsha.

Wang Han called Brother Tiantian.

When Jiang Siming watched "Everyday Upward", he seemed to be in college, and he hadn't watched it again for six or seven years.

He remembered watching "Everyday Upward" before, and familiar Tiantian brothers, Tianyuan, Qian Feng, Oudi, Xiaowu, Koji, Haoming.

These people combined with Wang Han's strong hosting skills to pull this show into a super-class variety show comparable to "Quick Book".

It's a pity that I heard that many people have left the stage of Tiantianqiang because of various things, and the show was forced to change its version to pursue the young people's market.

I invited a few small fresh meats, Wang Bo and Gao He, and a big Chaowei to form a new Tiantian brothers combination.

In fact, Jiang Siming regretted agreeing after he knew it. To be honest, he had no good impressions of the three new hosts.

Two traffic stars, a singer who became popular by plagiarism, none of these three people made Jiang Siming admire.

He is also more willing to prefer pure variety show hosts like Odie, and even the Japanese Koji is a hundred times better than them.

Don't say that Jiang Siming looks at people with colored eyes. This is indeed the case.

When a traffic star is a host, first of all, the professionalism is very much to be studied. They just stand on this stage in order to gain popularity.

Whether it's hosting skills, language ability, reaction ability, on-the-spot response, etc., just bringing in a second-rate host can kill them in seconds.

You can talk about copying Wei, you can be called Guo Xiaosi in the music world, plagiarizing songs as many as dozens.

This has been verified, and even his famous song "Happy Brush" is a plagiarized Japanese song "K2G Runs To You".

The key is that you just copied it, and you still refuse to admit it like Guo Xiaosi, which is very annoying.

Although Jiang Siming also belongs to copying, he didn't have these songs in this world, so he took them out.

It's like traveling back to ancient times, if you bring modern technology to ancient times, it is impossible for anyone to say you copied it.

Besides, Jiang Siming just brought the songs that he didn't have, he didn't charge any fees, and he didn't use the songs to make money.

So far, he has only released one album, and the cost of the album is the cost price and the shooting price of the MV.

There is no profit at all.

But Dachawei is deliberately plagiarizing other people's works, embezzling it for his own use, and using it as a tool for business performances and money collection.

This comparison can be said to be obvious.

But Jiang Lan had already agreed, and the mango station over there had already made adjustments and preparations for him. It was obviously too rude to regret now.

Jiang Siming had to bite the bullet and agreed.

"President Jiang, you are finally willing to come to my show, looking forward to the stars and the moon."

When they met, Wang Han smiled like a spring breeze.

He and Jiang Siming are old acquaintances. Although the relationship between the two hasn't been good for a long time, Jiang Siming has always liked Wang Han, the gold medal host.

"Brother Han, please call me Aming. Teacher He always calls me that." Jiang Siming responded with a smile.

"Haha, okay, that brother will be bigger, Amin, let me introduce to you, this is the host of our daily show."

Wang Han introduced several people behind him to Jiang Siming. He didn't know anyone except Qian Feng and Jiang Siming.

"Hello, President Jiang, I'm your fan!" Qian Feng took the lead in speaking, his tone of voice very sincere and polite.

And the other three people seemed embarrassed, just simply saying hello and they didn't say anything.

Perhaps in the eyes of the three of them, Jiang Siming gave them too strong a sense of crisis, and they were naturally a little repulsive, who had always been arrogant.

In addition, they don't know much about forbearance, Jiang Siming is still standing next to this beautiful woman, and the man's jealousy is fully expressed by them.

So anyone can tell their attitude at a glance.

Upon seeing this, Wang Han gave them a wink, and then immediately changed the subject.

"Aming, you haven't eaten anything when you first arrived in Changsha, let's go and have dinner together."

Jiang Siming didn't look at them at all, he agreed, and everyone left the airport together.

After dinner, he was happy. Jiang Siming was chatting with Wang Han all the time, occasionally saying a few words with Qian Feng. As for the other three, they automatically became air.


[Author's digression]: First more~

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